Chapter 42: Do You Want to Dance Too?

Seven immortal ships came roaring in, covering the sky.

They resembled seven floating whales, patrolling and wandering above Qingluan City, casting moving shadows.

The flags, sides, and even the bottoms of the seven massive ships were engraved with the emblem of the Immortal Court: Black Sword Auspicious Cloud.

Within the Black Sword Auspicious Cloud were engraved high-level defensive prohibitions. They did not emit any spiritual pressure, but they exuded an aura of invincibility, commanding respect and submission from all who beheld it.

Qingluan City was shrouded in shadows on the streets.

The citizens and tourists all stood and looked up.




Everyone understood that the arrival of the seven Immortal Court ships meant that this was the inspection team of the Immortal Court.

And there was no prior notice or spiritual pressure warning, which meant that this was a surprise inspection!

Surprise inspections usually did not bode well. This was common knowledge in the Immortal World.

Wasn't Qingluan City protected by the White Lotus Sect?

Why did the Immortal Court suddenly come for an inspection?

Ning Zhongzi quickly walked out of the Yuelai Inn.

Only then did she realize that the so-called guest mentioned by Chen Daozai was actually the inspection team of the Immortal Court. No wonder he said that Qingluan City might not be able to withstand the beast tide...

But how did Chen Daozai know?

Didn't Heishi say that the surprise inspection would happen a year later? Why did it happen now?

Why did even minor characters like Zhang Pingzhi appear?

Arriving at the edge of the square cliff.

Ning Zhongzi lowered her head and bowed, respectfully welcoming the inspection.

But her heart was in turmoil, unable to find peace.

Before long.

Xu Yinglong, the chief inspector of the East Floating Immortal Court, descended from the immortal ship with the accompaniment of two high-ranking officials, Zhang Pingzhi, and several guards. He stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

He directly sent a team to surround Kun's body.

With his hands behind his back, he looked around.

Wherever his gaze fell, the Immortal Citizens all bowed their heads, afraid to meet his eyes.

In front of him.

Ning Zhongzi remained calm and only respectfully said, "Ning Zhongzi of the Bamboo Spring Sect, greetings to the esteemed officials."

A hint of displeasure appeared in Xu Yinglong's narrow and disdainful eyes.

He was somewhat dissatisfied with Ning Zhongzi's respectful address and even more displeased with the small welcoming team. But his purpose today was not about this, so there was no need to complicate matters. He coldly said, "Why is it only you?"

Ning Zhongzi calmly explained, "The Sect Master is afraid of causing harm to the esteemed officials, so she is in seclusion in the palace. If the officials wish to see her, you can bring this bamboo slip, and I will go and inform the Sect Master to come."

Xu Yinglong took the green bamboo slip and played with it, wearing a skeptical expression.

But he didn't want to see Liu Xuanye. He knew he was lustful but didn't dare to gamble his life on a mere bamboo slip.

"No need, have your city lord and the resident city envoy come to see me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiuhu Xian walked over with a wolf fairy and an old goat fairy.

She had changed into an Immortal Court official's uniform, looking quite heroic.

At the same time, she was accompanied by two guards from Qingluan City...

This made her position become delicate.

Was she representing the Immortal Court? Or the Bamboo Spring Sect?

Jiuhu Xian's Immortal Court rank was one level lower than Xu Yinglong's, but she had no intention of giving him face. At the same time, as an Immortal Court official and a secret monitor of the Bamboo Spring Sect, she had no reason to contradict Xu Yinglong.

She casually asked, "Are you looking for me?"

Xu Yinglong stood with his hands behind his back, not even looking at Jiuhu Xian.

"So, you're the resident city envoy. No wonder someone surnamed Lu is so arrogant, even daring to eat the Immortal Court's falcon."

Jiuhu Xian couldn't be bothered to explain anything and asked directly, "What are you here for?"

Xu Yinglong smiled coldly, walked with his hands behind his back, and said,

"For over a thousand years, Xukun has killed countless people in the Dongfu District. Now that he happens to die in the Bamboo Spring Sect, does it automatically become the property of the Bamboo Spring Sect? Do you still recognize the existence of the Immortal Court?"

His voice suddenly became heavier, exuding a strong sense of official authority.

However, Ning Zhongzi remained unmoved.

She thought to herself, the Dongfu Immortal Court clearly promotes the delicacy of Xukun, encouraging Scattered Immortals to hunt it. Isn't it a matter of who kills who?

"I originally wanted to investigate Lord Lucheng's reckless killing of the Immortal Court's hunting falcon. Considering that it was his first offense and he has made contributions by establishing the city and gathering refugees, I will let him off this time."

Xu Yinglong appeared to be a well-fed middle-aged man, with a background that reached the heavens. However, his speech was still smooth and oily, typical of someone in the official circle.

"I came here this time to bring Xukun back to the Dongfu Immortal Court. We will make a decision and take action after the judgment. If it is confirmed that Bamboo Spring Sect hunted and killed it, the Immortal Court will not mistreat you."

Ning Zhongzi's expression turned ugly.

The words sounded grand, but it was certain that Xukun would end up in someone's private pocket. Even if Bamboo Spring Sect argued their case, at most they would receive a reward letter and a celestial flag, and be rewarded with five hundred celestial crystals.

The self-owned industry of Qingluan City had not yet developed, and without Xukun's meat, it was basically a death sentence for the city.

Ren Heishi also liked to take advantage, but he at least knew how to sustainably develop. Xu Yinglong was planning to make a quick profit and leave, regardless of whether Bamboo Spring Sect lived or died.

Jiu Hu Xian was very familiar with Xu Yinglong. In the past, he was a bully who relied on his background to oppress Immortal Citizens, seize treasures, and take other people's wives and daughters. He was a complete evildoer.

Now that he was older, he had transformed into the Chief Inspection Officer, with official authority and an image, and had started to take a more refined approach.

However, Jiu Hu Xian still had her own mission, and she had no position to oppose the Immortal Court.

She came here just to see how Lu Ya would handle this matter.

Ning Zhongzi remained silent for a long time, then suddenly looked up and asked coldly, "Excuse me, does Xu Inspector have a personally signed receipt from the Silver Moon Perfected Being?"


Jiu Hu Xian was slightly startled. She didn't expect that with Lu Ya behind her, this woman would dare to be so arrogant.

Although according to the laws of the Immortal Court, the inspection team should provide a receipt when inspecting private property.

But she had never seen it before. Wasn't it easy to get a document?

However, this time, Xu Yinglong did not alarm his uncle, nor did he contact the Silver Moon Perfected Being.

Xu Yinglong was momentarily caught off guard and stood still.

Zhang Pingzhi immediately stepped forward, threateningly saying, "Ning Zhongzi, are you doubting Xu Inspector?"

At the same time, the spiritual pressure of two Nine-Star Immortal Sects instantly enveloped the entire city!

The onlookers in the city turned pale with shock.

This was an unscrupulous and unrestrained intimidation!

However, Ning Zhongzi remained calm and composed, speaking in a very calm tone.

"I dare not doubt. Xu Inspector can take Xukun away, but I must see the Immortal Court's receipt before I can explain to the Lord of the City. Otherwise, even if you kill me, I won't let you take Xukun's body."

Xu Yinglong's fat trembled slightly as he suppressed his raging anger. In reality, he hoped that Bamboo Spring Sect would resist. As long as Lu Ya dared to resist, he would dare to arrest him and throw him into the Immortal Prison!

He sneered, "Your sect leader has a strange constitution. How many people has he harmed? Your Lord Lucheng is even more lawless, killing the Immortal Court's hunting falcon without authorization. If I were to investigate a little, your sect would have already disbanded. It's thanks to my mercy that you're still alive. Now you dare to speak to me like this? Do you think the Immortal Court is your family's property?"

At the same time, the spiritual pressure of two Nine-Star Immortal Sects rolled over Qingluan City like a dragon, purifying everyone's body and soul!

Xu Yinglong stood with his hands behind his back, his figure towering like a mountain, and shouted with a resounding voice, "Bring out your city lord!"

His voice carried a strong sense of official authority and roared through the entire city.

The entire city fell silent.

Ning Zhongzi remained calm and silent.

Jiu Hu Xian's round face stiffened.

Roll over? A shadow loomed in her heart, feeling that she had seen this scene before.

Suddenly, the face of a refined and amiable horror appeared before her!


Unfortunately, it was too late.

Space began to distort.

A calm voice floated from an unknown direction, "Do you also want to dance?"

(End of this chapter)

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