Chapter 57 The goddess is dirty again

Ning Zhongzi left as soon as he said so.

Accompanied by two beast fairies, cows and horses, we took the Black Lotus express boat painted with green luan patterns and flew directly to White Lotus Sect at the fastest speed, arriving in about half a day.

The two immortals Niu Ma and Fan Tui spent ten days together in Dongfu City, and established a posthumous friendship with Fan Tui. Ning Zhongzi might take the two of them there and use this relationship to connect with the sect.

In addition, she also brought a thousand catties of Kun meat as a meeting gift, hoping to get the opportunity to consult the elixir classics.

In order to prevent being regarded as a bad Scattered Immortal on the road, she planted the flag of Qingluan City on the ship high, majestic and spectacular - after all, Qingluan City has delicious Xukun, and Li Wuxie's daughter is there, Nowadays, it is very famous in Dongfu District.

Ning Zhongzi stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, holding Lu Ya's protective bamboo piece tightly in front of his chest. His chest was rising and falling in the strong wind, just like the green rhyme of bamboo waves.

With Lu Ya's protective bamboo piece, she felt a sense of security that was invulnerable to all evil. Even if Lu Ya reminded her to pay special attention to safety, she didn't care.

The reason why she is eager for Liu Xuanye to have a baby is that besides being pregnant, which is good for Liu Xuanye's body and mind, there is another important reason: men will pamper their daughters.

This can be seen from what happened to Li Wuxie - even though he fell from Immortal Emperor to Immortal Venerable when it came to giving birth to a daughter, even though his daughter was half-human and half-snake and was despised by the Immortal Court, he still sneaked over to see her every night. daughter.

If Liu Xuanye can give birth to a daughter for Lu Ya, Lu Ya will definitely change her current health regimen for her daughter, work hard, and create a better future for her daughter.

This is a good thing for Bamboo Spring Sect and Qingluan City.

As for her goal, in addition to preparing for pregnancy, she also needs to control it through medication so that Liu Xuanye can have as many daughters as possible!

Of course, she needs to practice higher pharmacological knowledge to do this.

This was the reason why she insisted on going to White Lotus Sect.

Little Bamboo Spring Mountain.

After Lu Ya drank a pot of Shenqi wine, her complexion was obviously much better, so she immediately went down the mountain, preparing to go to the city for some fun, leaving Liu Xuanye to ponder the sword skills alone.

In the past three days, he had seen clearly that Liu Xuanye's body had already reached its limit!

Perhaps giving birth to a child is not to regain humanity, but to give up the responsibilities of being a human being and a wife before going crazy. If Lu Ya leaves a child, she will no longer have any guilt... she will become a demon completely!

Lu Ya was already prepared for this... and even had a little expectation.

As for Ning Zhongzi, with his bamboo body protection, there will not be any safety issues.

As soon as Lu Ya walked away, the Wine Fox Fairy sneaked up the mountain.

Looking at Liu Xuanye, who already had a hint of femininity between her brows, the Jiuhu Fairy felt complicated. Back then, she was attracted by Liu Xuanye's pure and flawless divinity, but as a result, the goddess was infected with the Sword Intent of the Abyss, causing her menstrual cramps. to date.

Now, the goddess is filthy again, contaminated with men's filth...

Lu Ya is so hateful!

Suddenly, her consciousness swept away, and she was suddenly surprised and asked directly.

"You're not pregnant yet?"


Liu Xuanye continued throwing stones without paying much attention.

these three days.

While Jiuhu Fairy found the Nine-Tailed Jade Pendant, she also received a message from the mysterious person who asked her to investigate Liu Xuanye.

She had not heard from this man in over a thousand years.

This time, in addition to asking her to investigate Lu Ya at the same time, the mysterious man also asked her to pay attention to a situation - based on the abnormal heavy rain in the Eastern Water Immortal District, it is inferred that something big will happen in the Dongfu District in the near future.

She thought about it and found that there could only be two major events in Dongfu District in the near future.

Or the beast tide is coming.

Or Liu Xuanye is pregnant.

The tide of beasts has yet to come.

When I went up the mountain, I saw that Liu Xuanye was not pregnant either.

What else could possibly happen?

She is curious.

She just didn't expect that Lu Ya was actually an embroidered pillow, which looked useless.

He leaned close to Liu Xuanye's ear, getting as close as possible while ensuring safety, shaking the wine gourd in his hand, and said meaningfully in a drunken and seductive tone:

"Why do you need a man if you can't get pregnant?"

Liu Xuanye couldn't keep up with the Jiuhu Fairy's thinking, and was still throwing stones by the lake blankly.

Nowadays, she can imitate fish with stones, but it is not as natural and round as Lu Ya, which requires a long time of practice.

The Jiuhu Fairy frowned and noticed the unusual fluctuations of spiritual energy in the lake.

"Is this the same power as Li Wuxie?"

Liu Xuanye nodded.


The Jiuhu Fairy was no longer calm now.

She actually heard about Resonance Sword Technique early on, her human mother knew it.

But the Beast Immortal cannot practice the Resonance Sword Technique.

There is only a slight theoretical possibility of becoming a demi-beast, and it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, so that only a few demi-beasts on the vast Immortal Court continent have learned the power of resonance.

Even humans need to be at the Saint Level to learn it, and not every Saint can practice it.

This is an extremely high-level power!

As a result, Liu Xuanye Xianzong can also learn it?

Even if Liu Xuanye's talent is sky-breaking and Lu Ya is there to guide him, it is impossible for him to learn it in just a few days at the level of a one-star immortal sect.

Could it be that……

Can weekend breaks really help people improve quickly?

Can a half-animal fairy also learn the power of resonance?

Thinking of this, Jiuhu Fairy's lower abdomen became hot and his whole body trembled.

What are you thinking about?

When I open the Nine-Tails that connects heaven and earth, do I still care about the power of resonance?

Sensing the mood swings of the Jiuhu Fairy, Liu Xuanye asked calmly:

"Are you here to compete with me?"

"No, I'm going to take a shower!"

Saying this, she hurriedly wrapped up her clothes to cover the snowy mountains on her chest, and walked quickly towards Hot Springs Valley

Lu Ya wandered around Qingluan City for a long time.

He found that the city was getting more and more prosperous, but he was getting poorer and poorer!

It’s okay that I was trapped by money in my previous life. Even though I am invincible in this life, I am still trapped by money.

He was so angry that he once wanted to make a copy...

That is impossible!

After wandering around the city, no one gave him credit, and Ning Zhongzi also left. The dignified boss finally fell into fishing with Muyu Feifei in the river.

"Come fish——"

Most of the fish in the river on the east line were killed by Liu Xuanye's stone shock three days ago. In the past few days, they have been intensively raided by Muyu Feifei to exchange for candied haws. As a result, there are fewer and fewer fish, and the rest are some high-level immortal crucian carp that are very difficult to catch.

Muyu Feifei was immersed in catching fish. After fishing for a long time, he failed to catch several fish. He was getting angry when he suddenly saw nine fairy crucian carps flying out of the water around him.

"Wow Xiaoyu, look!"

"Fish Transcending Tribulation!"

Before he finished speaking——

Nine plump fairy crucian carps lined up in the air and were automatically strung on a green sword.

"Yu'er Transcending Tribulation failed, I'm going to try it out!"

Lu Ya held a green sword in her hand, strode away from the river embankment, and walked towards Qingluan City without looking back.

Muyu Feifei bared his teeth and was so angry that he wanted to bite someone, so he quickly chased after him.

"Uncle Junior, do you still want to show your face?"

"Sect master, isn't she sweet? She has to come out to snatch children's things!"

Lu Ya didn't look back.

"It's not a question of whether the sect master is fragrant or not, she is that kind of..."

Muyu Feifei understood it instantly.

"You didn't pay, right?"

"The same goes for us!"

"You return the fish to us, and I'll tell you a way to make money."

"any solution?"

"After Master left, Master's assistant, Sister Tu Xian, was in charge of the accounting room. Sister Tu Xian was very obedient. You are the city lord. If you go to her to ask for it, can she still refuse to give you the money?"

"Sister Rabbit Fairy?"

The three of them talked all the way, and as soon as they entered the city, they bumped into a graceful girl.

"Look - this is Sister Rabbit Fairy!"


"Lord City Lord, I finally found you!"

Lu Ya took a look and realized that this little rabbit fairy was the brave girl who was the first to look up and watch the battle under her own encouragement when the Kunpeng brothers attacked Bamboo Spring Sect.

He was only a thousand years old. At that time, he was only a seven-star Immortal Lord. In the blink of an eye, he was already a nine-star Immortal Lord.

At that time, the beast fairies were dressed very slovenly, but now they wear Qingluan City uniforms, which are modified from Bamboo Spring Sect Tsing Yi and have a hydrangea pattern embroidered on the chest, and they look slim and graceful.

Her facial features are soft and cute, and she looks like a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Her figure has not fully grown yet, but she is also somewhat slim.

Her temperament may seem weak, but her soft and cute rabbit eyes reveal meticulous seriousness and strength.

Looks very capable.

(end of this chapter)

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