Chapter 65 The tide is about to rise

The rolling spiritual pressure is like a roaring wind and a scorching sun.

The air in the entire White Lotus Sect was scorched, twisted, and majestic, as if it was on the verge of being ignited at any time.

Zhang Lianxin's long hair is spread out, and the pink lotus between her eyebrows is like lava fire. Her cultivation level has risen from three-star Immortal Venerable to seven-star...

And there’s no sign of wanting to stop!

The huge red lotus golden body turned from radiant light into raging flames.

Lu Ya and Ning Zhongzi were at the feet of this golden body, enduring the most violent and anxious impact.

Lu Ya has seen fast upgrades, but never such fast upgrades.

Accumulate anger to upgrade explosive energy?


This could be a Saiyan.

"When the sect master was practicing at Dongfuxian Academy, he often heard about Senior Zhang's deeds. He never thought that I would see it with my own eyes."

Under the rolling spiritual pressure, Ning Zhongzi's temple hair was flying, showing a bright and beautiful snow-covered forehead. She was dressed in a green robe, with her chest rising and falling, and her posture swaying.

She thought she would be nervous, worried, and scared.

But no.

With Lu Ya by her side, she felt calmer than ever before.

A hundred feet away.

The roof of the principal's pavilion.

Chen Daozai and his party stepped on the vermilion glazed tiles, looked at the huge flames on the stone flat, and Lu Ya who was extremely calm under the flames, and finally understood the source of Zhang Lianxin's anger.

For the past thousand years, Zhang Lianxin has been the number one in White Lotus Sect.

Chen Daozai lost his gambling skills to Lu Ya, and Fan Tui was directly intimidated and bribed by Lu Ya. The humiliation of these two incidents was all borne on Zhang Lianxin.

In the Eastern Water Immortal District, when did the White Lotus Sect suffer such humiliation?

This was also the first time that Chen Daozai and others saw such an explosive Zhang Lianxin, and they were all secretly glad that they had not provoked her in these years.

Fan Sui stood with his hands behind his hands, his muscles blown by the strong wind, revealing his toned outline.

"If these two people really fight, no matter whether they win or lose, the sect will suffer, right? Senior brother, can you activate the mountain protection formation and quickly put out the fire for senior sister?"

Chen Daozai shook his head, holding the dice tightly in his palms, feeling his scalp numb.

"The mountain-protecting formation is severely consumed, and there may be more important tasks coming next. Senior sister, this matter is beyond your control. We can only watch and immediately notify all disciples to take shelter in the Cave Mansion."


At the same time, Zhang Lianxin's cultivation level was still skyrocketing.

Eight Star Immortal Venerable!

Nine Star Immortal Venerable!

In the red lotus golden body erupting with flames. Zhang Lianxin, who had been promoted to the nine-star Immortal Venerable, finally stopped her progress in upgrading.

Lu Ya looked up at the woman, thinking that even if Liu Xuanye opened the upgrade, it would be difficult to upgrade at such a speed.

"In terms of upgrade speed, I, Lu Ya, would like to call you the strongest!"

Zhang Lianxin looked down at Lu Ya at the feet of the golden body. Her eyes were as calm as water and as cold as ice, just like the phoenix behind Nirvana.

"Until now, you still have no regrets?"

Lu Ya smiled, her temple hair rustling in her ears.

"Confession is useful, why do you need to upgrade?"

Zhang Lianxin didn't waste any more words and stretched out her right hand in the billowing flames.

"God's Wrath Fire Lotus!"

As soon as the words were spoken, thunder and lightning flashed in the palm of his hand, and flames burst out from all directions.

The rolling spiritual pressure began to swirl and rush, and in an instant it condensed into a lotus-shaped hurricane of flames.

This spiritual pressure...

Lu Ya shook her head, thinking that this woman no longer wanted to kill her, she was just venting her anger.

Raise your hand.

A towering hand shadow slowly condensed on the head of the red lotus golden body.

There is no reiatsu.

The light and shadow are dim.


The big hand reached down, gently grabbed the back of the red lotus golden body, and then... pressed down hard.

A ripple in space vibrated silently.

Zhang Lianxin's eyes froze, but it was too late.

Her body was suddenly pressed down by a shocking force, like a punishment from heaven. She was not given any chance to resist, and the red lotus golden body was directly pressed to the ground.

The flaming lotus of God's wrath extinguished itself.

The red lotus golden body was broken instantly.

Zhang Lianxin, who was left with only a thin body, was held down by Lu Ya's empty hands, and she lay down in the grass in shame.

In front of her was Lu Ya's easy-going face.

"Your enemy is not me. Take a rest first."

Zhang Lian was extremely angry and stared at Lu Ya, speechless for a long time.

From three-star Immortal Venerable, to nine-star Immortal Venerable, and then to falling into the mortal world, this instant change made Zhang Lian shocked, ashamed, and confused...

The overwhelming anger seemed to be purified instantly.

The tougher, impulsive, and furious people tend to collapse emotionally because they cannot accept it after being beaten by real power.

Zhang Lianxin was stunned for a while, and finally burst into tears.

I cried and fell asleep under Lu Ya's hypnotic spell.

She slept peacefully.

She had never felt truly at peace in thousands of years.

Just like a baby falling asleep in its mother's arms after drinking milk.

With tears on his face, he slept peacefully...

Chen Daozai and Fan Sui were stunned.

What is the concept of the nine-star Immortal Venerable that is pressed down by Xianjie with one hand?

Li Wuxie lost unjustly!

What's even more shocking is that the senior sister, who was extremely violent one second ago, was extremely calm again in the next moment, sleeping like a baby.

Is this really senior sister?

The two never imagined that things would end this way.

After being stunned for a long time, the two led several elders and hurriedly walked to Lu Ya and bowed respectfully one by one.

"White Lotus Sect Chen Daozai has met Lord Lu."

"White Lotus Sect Fan Sui has met Lord Lu."

“White Lotus Sect golden rose…”

Starting from Chen Daozai, everyone's self-introduction has been uniformly White Lotus Sect plus their name, without the title of sect leader or elder.

Even Zhang Lian's heart was broken, and her status was useless.

Chen Daozai immediately called a female elder, Jin Guizi, to help Zhang Lianxin to rest in Lianxin Palace, and then invited Lu Ya and Ning Zhongzi as guests.

Principal's Pavilion, lobby.

The finest lotus heart tea is served.

Everyone looked respectful and worried, and no one dared to mention the destruction of the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion or the collection of books by Lu Ya.

After all, if Lu Ya didn't hide it, these classics would also be destroyed.

Lu Ya sat down and took a sip of the lotus heart tea. She felt so bitter that she wanted to drop the cup.

On the side, Ning Zhongzi was very happy. She heard that White Lotus Sect’s Lotus Heart Tea has the effect of reducing breasts and slimming down. Today’s First Grade, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but it really feels like that, as if drinking a few more cups will help her figure become better. As thin and elegant as Zhang Lianxin.

Seeing how respectful these people were, Lu Ya was very satisfied.

He asked Ning Zhongzi to roughly explain the ins and outs of the matter to everyone.

When a certain stern old man heard this, he jumped up from his chair.

"Are you saying that the traitor Yun Zongzi of our sect is the clone of the previous leader Yun Zhonghe? Do you have any basis for this?"

"My guess."

Lu Ya responded casually, not bothering to argue.

The elder was stunned for a long time, then sat down weakly.

"Since City Lord Lu has spoken, it must be the case."

Lu Ya nodded slightly and struck while the iron was hot:

"Yun Zhonghe has abandoned the White Lotus Sect, and even ran the formation regardless of the safety of the sect, so it should be clear which side you will stand in the future, right?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Their eyes looked at each other for a long time, but they couldn't figure out why.

Only Chen Daozai always looked calm.

"We will advance and retreat together with City Lord Lu."

"That's very good."

Lu Ya nodded, thinking that this gambling dog was quite aware and might be a qualified tool man.

Even so, Chen Daozai was still uneasy, and his intuition felt that the matter was far from over, or even started.

"In addition to saving people, City Lord Lu came to our sect for other reasons."


"What's the matter?"

Lu Ya can't say that she stole the book, so she said meaningfully:

"The main reason I came here this time is to provide guidance on your sect's defense against the beast tide."

Including Ning Zhongzi, everyone present was stunned.

"Tide of beasts?"

"Why did the beast tide come to my White Lotus Sect?"

The old man argued with an incredulous look on his face, feeling quite dissatisfied.

"My sect's mountain-protecting formation couldn't even break through Li Wuxie back then. Is this a false reputation? Today, even if we consume less than half of our spiritual power, it's easy to stop the beast tide."

The words have not yet finished.

A hole opened in the space inside the mountain-protecting formation.

a long distance away.

A tall, slender man in black robe stepped into Qingluan City.

(end of this chapter)

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