Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 85 The Clever Girl’S Journey

Chapter 85 The clever girl’s journey

The reason why Ban Mozi asked Ban Yue to wear women's clothes was not because he had any other ideas, but because...

Ban Yue is a girl.

Although she is good at forging armor, loves pinching people, and has a higher talent for engraving than him, she is still a girl.

She has always been dressed as a girl since she was a child. Although she is beautiful, optimistic, and cheerful, she has been very indifferent to men and women since she was a child. She is particularly devoted to studying things and learning. She has been studying armor refining at Caiyunxian Academy.

One time, she accidentally injured her left hand while refining armor. Instead of using Immortal Law to restore her physical body, she made an extremely delicate limb to replace her left hand.

From now on.

Her hands-on skills such as armor forging and engraving have improved by leaps and bounds, and she can quickly and efficiently complete the work that Ban Mozi needed to polish for a long time. Her right hand continues to retain more exquisite craftsmanship and soul, so that her classmates like to call her...

Clever girl.

He is very popular in Xian Academy, but because of this, few men pursue him.

Until one day, a classmate man who also loved armor refining expressed his love to her for the first time.

That was the first time in her life that she was pursued by a man.

There was no fluctuation in her heart, and she even disliked the other party's poor armor refining skills.

Her rejection was understated, clean and crisp.

Until someone reminded Ban Mozi that the young man who was casually rejected by Ban Yue was a descendant of the Zhu Shen family.

Ban Mozi understood what this meant and ran away with Ban Yue overnight.

In the turbulent years that followed, Ban Yue kept showing off in dirty men's clothes and completely regarded himself as a boy.

However, Ban Mozi discovered that Ban Yue, who was wearing men's clothing, was always holding his breath.

Forging armor and carving talismans have lost their former agility and become as rigid as him.

She is too young to understand this society.

I don’t understand why a top student from the Fairy Academy has to go on the run just because he rejected a man’s pursuit.


Ban Yue let out a surprised sigh when her grandfather asked her to wear women's clothes. She quickly regained her composure, wiped the dust off her face, and continued to squeeze Lu Ya.

"I will not wear women's clothing again until the Zhu family is dead."

The girl's thoughts are so simple and direct.

"Let go of the hatred, that's not for you."

Ban Mozi sighed softly, his stagnant voice full of helplessness.

"Your world is the starry sky and the complex texture of heavenly laws. Don't be blinded by the hatred in front of you."

"But we can never go back."

"Why go back?"

Ban Mozi suddenly asked.

"I will not misjudge the person. City Master Lu will definitely not be a person like Zhu Shen's Perfect Being. You can wear whatever you want in Qingluan City and reject whoever you want. City Master Lu will buy a hairpin for Sect Leader Liu." We still have to bargain for a long time. This place is different from Caiyun City. Look at this place and the smiles on people’s faces... Considering the influence of the Zhu Shen family in the Immortal Court continent, I think from now on, this place can only be ours. The only home.”

Staring at the Lu Ya doll in her hand, Ban Yue was in a daze, silent.

Ban Mozi put his hands behind his back and continued:

"We don't live to kill our enemies, we live to protect the ones we hold dear, and that's what you were gifted for."

"City Lord Lu has the ability to protect the people of the city, but he is not invincible yet. He may also be in danger, and he needs your help."

Live to protect the ones you cherish...

His heartstrings were suddenly plucked, and Ban Yue realized how many sacrifices his grandfather had made for him over the years.

"Does a person as powerful as City Lord Lu also need help?"

"In this world, no one can live alone."

"I'll be there, Grandpa."

Cracked Heart Shield.

Just as Muyu Feifei was urging Lu Ya to get on the road quickly, a pretty girl appeared on the deck.

Lu Ya turned around and looked.

The girl's appearance is very delicate, with a neutral and pure look like a cute boy. Her clear eyes are like a lake in the night, reflecting the faint starlight.

She has medium-short black hair and a small braid on the side of her head, as if to prove that she is a real girl, but Lu Ya has never seen this kind of braid, like half of the rabbit ears hanging down.

Wearing a slim-fitting sky blue shirt and black trousers, his thighs looked thick and strong probably from squatting for a long time.

In addition, the girl's figure can be said to be very beautiful.

The whole body gives people a feeling of being as clear as still water when it is quiet. Once it moves, it is full of infinite ingenuity and agility.

Seeing Lu Ya coming, Ban Yue hurriedly crossed her hands in front of her lower abdomen.

I haven't stood in front of a man in women's clothing for a long time, and I feel a little nervous.

Lu Ya subconsciously looked at the left half of her body again, hmm...

The girl quickly retracted her hand.

Lu Ya suddenly asked.

"Girl, who are you?"

The girl was startled.


Lu Ya certainly knows that she is Ban Yue, not only for her iconic half-body crotch, but also for her extremely clean eyes that look straight into the Galaxy, which is rare.

It's just that today I saw her wearing clean women's clothes, full of girlish atmosphere, and almost didn't recognize her, so I deliberately teased her.

"You're kidding, isn't the store busy?"

Ban Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandpa asked me to come over and help you."

Lu Ya slapped her leg.

"I almost forgot. You must be good. Come over and give it a try."

Lu Ya's one is not bad, underestimated by a thousand miles.

Ban Yue came to the bridge and sat on the inspection stone chair.


Ninety-seven percent!

Lu Ya was stunned.

How pure does one have to be, and how much love does it have for mechas to reach such a state?

Even if Lu Ya is at full level, she still can't do this. After all, her mind is too complicated.

Yes, we have a ship girl!

"Close your eyes."

Lu Ya said softly.


"Have you felt the breath of the fairy wind?"

" comfortable."

After giving Ban Yue a simple hypnosis, Lu Ya suddenly asked:

"Xiaoyue, let me ask you, your grandfather asked you to help me, did he ask for payment?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"It's fine if you don't."

Muyu Feifei on the side was a little panicked and said hurriedly:

"What about us?"

"Let me tell you, little uncle, if you don't take care of children but only girls, you will definitely want to do something bad."

Lu Ya was speechless and deliberately scared:

"This copy is very dangerous, aren't you afraid?"

The two girls were a little panicked, but quickly calmed down.

"Idiot, do you think we just know you? There will be no danger if we follow you. If you stay at home, another monster may come."


Lu Ya was speechless for a moment.

It's okay to bring two girls with you, as reserves, if something goes wrong in the middle of the class. After all, the class is a girl. She's angry, distracted, on her period... anything can happen.

"I can take you with me, but don't cause trouble for me."

"No mischief!"

At this moment.

Ban Yue stood up from the stone chair, took out a doll with rich lines, and handed it to Lu Ya.

"This is the Elder Ning you want..."


Lu Ya was speechless.

Could you please tell me everything?

What do you mean I want Elder Ning?

Am I that kind of person?

Muyu Feifei nodded meaningfully, thinking that the little uncle must have had this special habit because he had never drank milk when he was a child.

Their dolls include a big tiger and a little lolita. Isn’t it delicious?

Lu Ya quickly put away Ning Zhongzi’s doll and asked angrily:

"Where's the sect master's?"

Ban Yue said:

"I made several versions of the sect leader's doll, but I always felt that something was missing. It was difficult to capture her soul."

Lu Ya sighed and said meaningfully:

"I feel the same way... Maybe this time I can go to the Beast Nest Forest and find something about the loss of the sect master."

Speaking of the Forest of Beast Nest, Lu Ya suddenly frowned.

It seems things have changed!

"Gotta hurry."

(end of this chapter)

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