Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 91 The Body Of Gods And Demons

Chapter 91 The Body of Gods and Demons

The majestic body stands like a statue of a god, the jet-black hair covers the sky like night, the wide-open golden eyes illuminate the sky, and the breath out of his nostrils is like clouds...

The majestic feeling of being a higher race was intertwined with the sadness from the ancient abyss, which made everyone breathless.

This is not a god, but it shows the contempt of holding the sky and looking down on all living beings.

Not a god, but better than a god.

This is not the netherworld, but it reveals the vastness and sadness of ancient times.

Not the netherworld, but better than the netherworld.

This is an ancient ape.

Whether in the game or transmigrated to the Immortal World, this is the first time Lu Ya has seen a creature like the ancient ape.

Lu Ya seemed to see three primitive giants wearing terrifying silly smiles.

That horrible feeling even gave him goosebumps.

Muyu Feifei was already trembling and huddled next to Lu Ya's legs, no longer daring to clamor to eat spiritual beasts.

The Earth Snake Fairy was so frightened that he looked around for holes to drill. Unfortunately, this was the nuclear room of the ship, and it was too airtight to drill.

Ban Yue's aura was the most solemn.

Her five senses were connected to the snake armor, and she was directly exposed to the sight of the three giant apes. She felt that she was no different from an ant, and she was terrified. Her bamboo scales made a trembling sound.

Lu Ya looked at the three ancient apes for a long time, and for some reason she felt like laughing.

"Xiaoyue, it's your turn to fight."


Ban Yue thought she heard something wrong.

Lu Ya showed a leader-like face.

"Yes, the organization has decided, it's you."

"I'm sorry...I was too far behind."

"Believe in yourself and you will have a chance if you work hard."

Ban Yue was stunned. After all, Lu Ya was super strong in her heart. With Lu Ya's recognition, she might really have a chance.


"False...but this is an order."


Ban Yue had no choice but to brace herself up and prepare to fight three Divine Level opponents who were completely unequal to her strength.

Lu Ya’s favorite moment has finally arrived.

Roads of green light covered the body, and the snake armor suddenly stood up. The scales all over the body split one by one, and bone armor protruded from the snake's body.

The bone armor is rearranged and combined.

At the same time, Ban Yue was forced to shout out the deformed chants designed by Lu Ya in a mechanical tone.

"Make feet and legs!"

"Make the torso and arms!"

"I'll form the head!"

She felt these words were so shameful that she couldn't say them out.

But in Lu Ya's design draft, these few sentences are circled with stars and are the most important part of the transformation. Saying them out will double the combat power.

The enemy in front of her is too powerful, she must shout the slogan!


Lu Ya closed her eyes.

That's the taste.

Lu Ya felt like she was back in her childhood, so she silently added some spiritual pressure to the ship's core, pretending that her lines had an amplifying effect.

In the blink of an eye, snake armor turns into human armor.

The huge humanoid armor was pulled up from the ground, standing next to the three ancient apes, with a height of ten feet.

The armor is all black and green, exuding a halo refracted by the bamboo glaze. It is simple, gorgeous, and full of the texture of Yanjia.

Although she is a ship girl, Lu Ya is not designed as a girl with a deck gun hanging on her body, but in a fully armored mode.

The style also leans toward the ancient style of a female general, without too many mecha edges and corners, and her whole body is covered with armor-like green bamboo armor.

The facial features are also androgynous, and she is a handsome female general with a valiant and heroic appearance. She is suitable for both men and women, and is suitable for all ages.

Lu Ya’s idea is that if this style becomes popular, he should be able to make a lot of money selling figures in the future, so the audience is very important.

After looking at the battle armor model in the Ling Breath projection, not only was Lu Ya's design perfectly presented, but Ban Yue's own insights were also added to it, a sense of mechanics and transparency that transcended gender.

It’s a hit, this figure is bound to be a hit!

Lu Ya feels like she is going to make a fortune.

at the same time.

Ban Yue, who was looking forward to death, stood up and took a look, and found that the three-headed ape, which he thought was extremely tall and majestic, was actually about the same height as the armor.

Could it be the aura of a strong man?

Because it is strong, it feels high.

do not care!

At least in terms of size, he can fight.

Ban Yue gritted her teeth, with firm eyes, and slowly pulled out the giant sword from behind, with a lingering light on her feet, her figure flashed and rushed towards the three ancient apes.

Ship nuclear room.

Lu Ya and the others sat on fixed chairs, which not only kept their bodies stable during the battle, but also bumped up and down with the movements of the armor.

This feeling is very exciting, as if he rushed towards the ancient ape with a giant sword in his hand.

The three ancient apes were also taken aback for a moment, they had never seen this scene before, and they immediately possessed their bodies with spiritual pressure, gathering agitated spiritual sharpness on the front of their fists.

Combat begins with hand-to-hand combat.

The three ancient apes had their bare hands, only possessed by Immortal Venerable-level spiritual pressure, and wrestled with the battle armor.

But the battle armor controlled by Ban Yue moved quickly, and with the giant sword in his hand, the three ancient apes he killed were extremely embarrassing.

After a few rounds, Ban Yue found that he was one against three, or three gods and demons, and somehow he had the upper hand.

"My lord, why do these ancient apes only use Immortal Venerable spiritual power to fight me?"

Lu Ya smiled leisurely, he had already seen the trick.

"Because they... only have Immortal Venerable cultivation."


Ban Yue is a bit incredible.

"Only Immortal Venerable is so strong?"

"Immortal Venerable is not weak anymore, don't worry, they will use Immortal Law soon."

"Spiritual beasts can also cast Immortal Law?"


As Lu Ya expected.

The three ancient apes no longer fought close to each other, but shifted their shapes and positions, forming an angle of several tens of feet away, enclosing the battle armor in the middle.

Then suddenly he made a trick, and he was actually casting Immortal Law right away.

Three-headed ancient apes cast spells with each other?

Ban Yue was dumbfounded.

And looking at the hands of the three ancient apes, they are extremely skilled and quick, even more skilled than a pure fairy like her.

In an instant, black hairs fell from the crown of the huge cypress tree, pouring down towards the battle armor like a waterfall.

Ban Yue immediately waved his sword to meet him, but he continued to cut, and his reasoning was still chaotic. In a blink of an eye, his whole body was wrapped around his bones by black hair.

Fortunately, the black-haired man was not too strong, so Ban Yue immediately charged up and ran wildly, trying to break out of the encirclement of the three ancient apes.

At the same time, a giant fan suddenly appeared and fanned itself out.

The strong wind swept in from all directions, twisting the black hair curls all over the sky into thicker braids, and quickly wrapped around the mecha, achieving complete binding.


Ban Yue let out a heavy sigh, and was choked by her hair, which was as thick as a giant braid. The face of the main body in the heart shield chamber was swollen and red.

At this moment, the ancient ape directly in front took the opportunity to pull out a huge fairy sword out of thin air, and while the armor was restrained, he struck with the sword.

The three-headed ancient apes cooperated so seamlessly that they seemed to have higher IQs than immortals.

Lu Ya suddenly drank heavily.

"Now, gun!"

Ban Yue suddenly woke up, quickly raised the Lingwan turret on his left shoulder, and fired a shot at the giant sword-wielding ape.


The huge spiritual pill kept spinning, carrying the spiritual pressure of heaven and earth, and hit the ancient ape's head with a cannon.

Just blow the ancient ape's head off?

Ban Yue was dumbfounded.

This ordinary Spirit Communication compressed spirit pill has some spin properties. How can it have such a great effect?

Lu Ya shouted again:

"Spirit shot!"

Ban Yue moved in response, turning the muzzle of the spiritual fire cannon on his right shoulder, and a blazing spiritual pressure shot out.

The giant fan beside him was burned to the core!


The muzzle of the gun continued to rotate and swept across, burning the hanging hair like a waterfall into a fire all over the sky.

Under Lu Ya's command, the battle turned from a stalemate and crisis to a stormy victory in an instant.

Facing the bodies of three gods and demons, what was thought to be a one-sided battle turned out to be the other side.

This unreasonable battle scene left Muyu Feifei and Tu Xianzi stunned for a moment.

Ban Yue never expected that the battle would be so simple!

Until she heard Lu Ya's cold and biting voice——

"Kill the three more people under the tree."


"They're not human."

(end of this chapter)

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