Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

119: As an ordinary person, facing the red clothes (1 / 1)\r

Quickly entering the master bedroom, Su Chen opened the wardrobe door.

There is a mutilated female corpse in the closet.

The internal organs of the female corpse were hollowed out and hung in it like clothes.

And Su Chen's target is the bracelet on the woman's wrist.

Black bracelet with three black pearls on it.

This is the only defensive equipment in the house.

Wearing this bracelet can block Li Gui's three attacks.

Each time an attack is blocked, a black pearl shatters.

After the three black pearls are broken, the bracelet is useless.

That is to say, Su Chen beheaded the last red, and only had three chances of being injured.

The bracelet shattered, and the fourth red-clothed attack, Su Chen was sure to die.

Wear a black pearl bracelet.

Then wrap the chopper with the last piece of black plastic bag.

Black plastic bags can block the sight of ghosts.

After the bone cutter is wrapped, the ghost will ignore the existence of the bone cutter. "Seven Zero Three"

In this way, Su Chen can start safer.

Everything was ready, Su Chen squatted at the door of the second bedroom.

There was still noise in the second bedroom, and he needed to wait a little longer.

The most critical moment has come.

Although he had completed this task in his previous life, the intensity of the task still made Su Chen's palms sweat.

Simply, before the sound ended, he picked up the blood vessels on the ground and wrapped them in the palm of his hand.

Completely fixed the bone cutter and his palm to death.

The bone cutting knife and the black pearl bracelet are Su Chen's only confidence in killing ordinary red clothes.

The sound disappeared completely at this moment.

There was a numbing gnawing sound.

This was the sound made by the last red-clothed corpse devouring the rest of the Specter.

The murderous intent in his eyes soared, so strong that his eyes radiated a strange red glow.

Twisting open the door, Su Chen completely entered the second bedroom.

At first glance, he saw broken limbs all over the ground.

In the middle of the corpse, crouched a figure covered in red bandages.

Like a mummy, you can't even tell if it's male or female.

Many of the bandages had come off, revealing the charred corpse inside.

The bandaged ghost also saw Su Chen.

But it is not as fast as Su Chen.

The moment it looked up, Su Chen had already moved.

A fierce charge, waving the bone-chopping knife, condensed the strength of the whole body to chop directly on the neck of the bandaged red clothes.

A huge crack appeared.

Under the special effect of the bone cutting knife, its head did not fall directly.

But it was also cut in half.

Only a small half of the flesh was left, causing the head to tilt, and even the flesh of the belt hanging on the shoulders.

A shrill cry broke out.

As the saying goes, a dog that can bark doesn't bite, and a dog that doesn't bark bites.

Su Chen slashed its neck without saying a word, which can be said to be extremely strong to kill ghosts.

Pull out the bone cutter and prepare to attack for the second time.

The blood-colored bandage wrapped around Su Chen's ankle.

The black pearl bracelet in his hand shattered a black pearl.

The blood-colored bandage that had just wrapped around the ankle instantly turned to ashes.

The black pearl bracelet has resisted an attack by a bandage ghost.

Without its resistance, Su Chen would have died at this time.

This is the horror of ordinary people facing ordinary red clothes.

There is no resistance at all, and you will die if you touch it.

"There are two more chances." Su Chen's mind rolled, and his body had already started the next attack.

The target of the attack is still the neck of the bandaged ghost.

This knife went down, and the last layer of flesh on its neck connecting its head was broken, and there was a large piece of flesh and blood.

His head fell to the ground, and Su Chen kicked him out of the second bed.

At the same time a third attack appeared.

This time his target was a bandaged ghost's leg.

The Bandage Ghost's second attack appears.

A terrifying intestine emerged from the sprayed blood.

The intestines rolled towards Su Chen's neck.

Su Chen didn't care, relying on the special effect of the black pearl bracelet, and directly cut off one of its legs.

The second pearl of the black pearl bracelet shattered.

It has been used twice, and it has saved Su Chen twice in this short period of time.

The bandaged ghost who lost a leg was unstable and fell heavily to the ground.

The rolling intestines turned to ashes, the red bandage that left the body lost its alignment, and passed in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't choose to continue attacking the bandage ghost, but quickly closed the door to the second bedroom.

Now is the best time to kill the bandage ghost.

Its head is outside.

The body is in the second bedroom.

The body has no line of sight, coupled with the loss of a leg and the inability to maintain balance, the threat is much smaller.

But still faster.

Because the head has already started to hit the second bedroom door frantically.

Once the door is broken, the bandaged ghost who regains his sight, Su Chen will surely die.

When the bandage ghost had no sight, Su Chen's first thing was to chop up the leg he just chopped off.

Chop it into puree, lest it be picked up by the bandage ghost again.

Then he circled around the crawling bandage ghosts and fought.

Must be careful and careful, try not to waste the last black pearl bracelet to resist the attack of the ghost...  

Because Su Chen finally had to face its head.

"If you want to kill me, you're still a long way off."

Su Chen seemed to have the ability to predict, and he avoided the attack of the bandage ghost's body in advance.

It's like rehearsing it hundreds of times.

In the last life, I wanted to kill the bandage ghost.

I don't know how many times I died in the second bed.

It can be said that every time it attacked, Su Chen tried to use the memory of death.

He seems to have gradually merged with the previous life.

Just like the most sophisticated robot, dealing with the body of the bandaged ghost in the room.

There should be no mistakes in this process.

There is no chance of any fault tolerance.

Once you make a mistake, you have to start over.

The sound of the head hitting the door became more urgent.

The terrifying wailing and screaming of Su Chen's eardrums were bleeding.

But he still didn't care.

Cut off the Bandaged Ghost's other leg and mince it into minced meat.

Cut off the left and right hands of the bandage ghost, and chop it into minced meat.

At this time, the bandage ghost is just like a human being.

Then, its body was bloody, its intestines splattered all over the place, and it was still wriggling.

It was not until Su Chen completely chopped his body into puree that he relaxed.

This just wipes out the body of the bandaged ghost.

It can still recover without killing its head.

The horror of ordinary red clothes is beyond any imagination of ordinary people.

Even if it has been seriously injured.

Even relying on the experience of dying countless times in the previous life and dealing with it.

The pressure is still astonishingly large by 0.1.

There is not much physical strength left, and the palm of the knife is shaking.

but no time to rest

The ghost head is still outside, and there are so many ghost corpses outside.

At this time, it stopped knocking on the door, and it should be aware that its body has disappeared.

Therefore, there is a high probability that it will swallow the rest of the Specter and re-brew the body.

Time can't be delayed, no matter how tired you are now.

Opening the door of the second bedroom, the ghost head was indeed eating the bodies of the rest of the ghosts.

Blood vessels appeared under the broken neck.

These blood vessels hold up the human head like tentacles, forming a terrifying human-headed octopus.

But with such a terrifying scene, Su Chen's expression did not change.

I have seen this scene countless times in my memory.

Countless times, he was killed by this human-headed octopus when he was closest to success. .

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