Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

125: Ito's Obsession [Four Changes] (1 / 1)\r

"Do you want to do it?" Su Chen stared at Ito in the Pit of Flesh.

He cut off more than 90% of the flesh and blood of his body.

Feed the rotting blackheart with his own flesh and blood.

But this flower that was about to bloom made Su Chen extremely uneasy.

"Don't worry." Su Chen planned to take a look with Hei Tian's eyes.

Black Sky Eye can see hidden information.

He had to know what was going on with this weird flower in order to make a judgment.

I saw the third eye on Su Chen's forehead slightly opened.

The real world in front of you becomes the data world.

The figure under the tree root was indeed Ito.

The flesh and blood are also Ito's own flesh and blood.

The hidden information of the flower in the pit of flesh and blood is also revealed.

[Flower of Evil: It was originally a rotten black heart that can bear red hearts, but due to the incorrect feeding method of the breeder, unknown changes have occurred. No one knows what terrible things will brew after it blooms? 】

"Not good." Su Chen's face changed greatly.

28 He knew that little girls were not so easy to fool.

The correct way to plant a rotten black heart is to create greater sins and then make a person.

However, Ito bears all the pain alone and cultivates a rotten black heart in a way of self-salvation.

This way of planting was wrong and not the result the little girl wanted.

She liked the smell of sin, not the smell of redemption.

Not to mention, there is no redemption in this world.

It's not that easy to undo what has happened.

it's good now.

Ito planted the most evil flower in the wrong way in what he thought was the right way.

When this flower blooms, it is definitely not a red heart.

But some unknown great terror.

"Stop him."

"This flower cannot bloom."

Su Chen roared.

Red Bell, Duck Egg, and Sun Shanshan acted immediately.

The sea of ​​blood, the curse of tattoos, and the black ice directly covered the entire pit of flesh and blood.

Ito also let out a hysterical growl at this time.

This is his strongest obsession.

His only obsession is to plant red hearts that can change Yicheng's life and make Yicheng normal.

So, he does not allow any existence to stop him.

This is his obsession, the obsession he has always insisted on, and it is also his self-salvation under the guilt.

"Ito, once the heart is broken, it will never be saved."

"The seed that little girl gave you is a trap."

"If not a trap, you're planting it the wrong way."

"It's not going to make hearts, it's just brewing something even scarier."

Su Chen was extremely convinced that even if Ito planted rotten black hearts correctly, it would be impossible to produce red hearts that would change Icheng.

Even Su Chen suspected that the little girl knew about Ito's choice from the very beginning and how Ito would plant a rotten black heart.

Ito's every move was expected by the little girl.

Just like Icheng's every move, Ito knows everything.

"Do not!"


"No one can stop me, no one can."

The mad Ito couldn't listen to Su Chen's words at all.

He has worked hard for countless years, and he is about to succeed, how can Su Chen stop him.

Even if what Su Chen said was true, he would never be reconciled if he didn't see the flower of evil blooming with his own eyes.

The flesh of the Pit of Flesh churned like boiling water.

Strips of terrifying flesh condensed into disgusting tentacles stretched out from the pit.

"Fuck, this guy Ito is really about to become a half-fierce." Su Chen's pupils shrank.

He actually blocked the three top red clothes of Hong Ling, Duck Dan, and Sun Shanshan.

He suffered for countless years.

Cut off pieces of his own flesh and blood, creating this pit of flesh and blood.

This pit is his redemption and all his obsessions.

The pit has formed a mythical creature belonging to Ito.

It is an incomplete mini ghost, but it is already a domain, Su Chen will not admit it wrong.

Perhaps the moment when the flower of evil blooms and bears fruit.

Ito will become the real half-murder.

If the fruit that bears is really the red heart that the little girl said.

Once the red heart changes Icheng, Ito's obsession disappears, completes self-redemption, and can even become a real murderer.

"damn it."

"His obsession is too deep."

Su Chen frowned, looking up at the Flower of Evil.

In any case, cut off the flower first.

Because it feels too ominous to Su Chen.

If it still blooms, terrible things may happen.

After thinking about it, Su Chen squeezed the three-pointed two-edged spear in his hand, and mustered all his strength to roar: "The falsehood is destroyed."

Terrifying air waves howled.

However, when the air wave approached the flower of extreme evil, flower roots rose from the pit of flesh and blood.

The flower roots are twisted together, blocking the wave of false and shattered air.

Then more flower roots rose up, tangled together, and slammed towards Su Chen.

"Damn, what the hell is this."

Su Chen entered the shadow space and blocked Huagen's attack.

When he reappears from shadow space.

The flower roots that had just risen from the ground wrapped around Ito's bones layer by layer, lifting Ito up.

Then the flesh and blood of the pit of flesh followed the flower root, climbing 707 to attach Ito's skeleton.

Ito's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With countless flesh and blood clinging to it, it became a monster.

It was a huge flesh-and-blood ghost.

Dozens of twisted flower roots are rooted behind the huge flesh ghost.

Like a giant toy being manipulated.

"Damn, what the hell is this guy Ito planting?"

Su Chen's face changed greatly.

The pit of flesh and blood was originally Ito's flesh and blood.

Now, under the control of the Flower of Evil, all flesh and blood have returned to Ito.

He already had the prototype of a ghost.

At this point, it has become a real half-murder.

If it was a half-murder, Su Chen could barely fight.

But this half-murder is a half-murder controlled by the Flower of Evil.

That flower is the scariest.

So Su Chen turned around and ran up.

"Red Bell, Duck Egg, we're leaving No. 1 Middle School."

"Sun Shanshan, if you want, you'd better follow me out of No. 1 Middle School."

"This place can't stay."

He has no intention of staying in the first middle school and working hard with Ito now.

Su Chen's only purpose now is to get out of here, far away from here.

When that evil flower fully blooms, the horror of No. 1 Middle School is by no means something Su Chen can resist. .

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