Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

127: Take a Good Look at Your Son's Atrium (1/1)\r

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?"

Sun Shanshan looked at Su Chen urgently.

Because after the office building collapsed, Ito, who turned into a flesh and blood ghost, has already climbed out.

It no longer has the appearance of the former principal, and even the appearance of a person does not exist.

Instead, he turned into a bloated, huge, and terrifying flesh-and-blood ghost.

Its size is even larger than the collapsed office building.

Su Chen thought for a moment and said, "Buy me time."

"Drag the flesh-and-blood ghost as much as possible, and don't let it climb up completely."

Ito, who turned into a giant flesh ghost, is not the most threatening.

The greatest threat is the evil flower that controls Ito.

Only by completely destroying the Flower of Evil can we completely preserve the No. 1 Middle School.

"Hong Ling, release the rotten heart of Yicheng in the depths of blood."

Before the rotten heart was split in half by Su Chen.

Then it was swept away by the blood of Hong Ling, in order to prevent the rotten heart from recovering.

Once the Rotten Heart is restored, it will target Su Chen.

And the rotten heart is also an exclusive task for Su Chen.

I have to say, Su Chen's luck is very good.

He did not kill Yicheng on the spot, nor did he destroy Yicheng's rotten heart on the spot.

And imprisoned in the depths of blood.

Now this rotten heart has actually become the most powerful weapon against Ito.

"Since you care so much about your son."

"Then go into your son's heart and take a good look at how distorted the heart's feelings are and how terrifying 710 is."

The rotten heart was released by the red bell.

This heart hides the atrium of Yicheng.

In addition to being possessive towards Sun Shanshan, Yicheng's heart is also full of his secrets.

Then let Ito go and see for himself what is in his son's heart.

At this time, Duck Dan came with Li Qian, Mundo and the gatekeeper Lao Wang.

A full six top red.

Even if Ito is a half murderer, he has the power to fight.

And Su Chen has an ambition.

Before I promised Sun Shanshan to try it myself, in addition to being greedy for Sun Shanshan's body, part of it had something to do with Hong Ling.

Hong Ling's blood bite can devour ghosts stronger than it, fully gaining the opponent's power, thus reaching its realm.

The real murderer, Su Chen, can't be killed no matter what.

But the half-murder, especially the weak half-murder like Ito, has a great probability of killing it.

Once you kill it, Red Bell devours it, and you can forcibly become a semi-murderer.

With Hong Ling, who became a half-murderous person, plus Duck Egg with a big-looking appearance, and Su Chen, there is hope to kill a real killer in the future, making Hongling a real killer.

This is why Su Chen chose to stay and give it a try.

"That flesh-and-blood ghost has no bones. Its real weakness is a skeleton frame in the deepest part of the flesh."

"Find a way to take out that hole-in-the-wall shelf."

Su Chen quickly determined how to target the flesh-and-blood ghost.

Dig out the bone rack and imprison it in Yicheng's atrium.

Then concentrate on dealing with the ghosts brewed by the evil flower.

Now that the combat policy has been determined, a fight is inevitable.

This is a fight between six top reds and one half-murderous.

Su Chen couldn't get involved for the time being.

What he needs to do is when Hong Ling pulls out the bone frame from the flesh and blood ghost, and then guides Yicheng's atrium to imprison Ito.

Ito, who has cut countless flesh and blood over time, has now become a monster.

Any damage done by Red Bell and Duck Egg to Flesh Ghost is ineffective.

Because the flesh and blood on the outside is the flesh and blood that Ito gave up.

Its real body is a set of bones in the deepest part of its flesh.

Yicheng's atrium has recovered.

Just like the shells, they chased Su Chen one by one.

"Ito, open your eyes and see, whose heart is the heart behind me?"

"You want to atone for your son, so do you understand your son's heart?"

"Do you know what your son really wants?"

"Do you know what's in your son's heart?"

"Open your eyes and see, it's a rotten, foul-smelling heart that has no cure."

"Even if you really grow red hearts, can you make Yicheng normal?"

"And the price you paid for planting this red heart should be the same as the black heart at that time. You need to pay everything."

"Yicheng lost his mother since he was a child, so his personality became distorted."

"Even if he returns to normal and loses his father, what will he become in the end, do you know?"

While running, Su Chen stimulated Ito with words.

Fortunately, he found a notebook written by Ito in the principal's office (ciab) at that time.

The content of the essay is a secret between Ito and Ijo.

Rather, it is the history of Yicheng's growth.

"Since you are all for your son."

"The guilt of your son is the only obsession you have left."

"Then, don't you want to see what secrets you don't know hold in your son's heart?"

Su Chen's verbal stimulation is useful.

The Flesh Ghost's movements were much slower.

It is still attacking at this time because the Flower of Evil is controlling it.

The wailing spread out from the flesh ghost's chest.

Its chest collapsed and a skeleton shape appeared.

"Good chance, shoot and dig out Ito's skeleton." Su Chen roared.

Red Bells, Duck Eggs, Mondo and other top red clothes are full of firepower.

They are also waiting for this opportunity.

The powerful force directly tore open the Flesh Demon's chest, trying to pull Ito's bones out.

But a large amount of flesh and blood was tightly attached to Ito's bones.

There are also hundreds of flower roots like nerve circuits rooted in various parts of Ito's bones.

The six top red clothes teamed up, but they couldn't pull out Ito's bones.

"Cover me." Su Chen roared, holding the three-pointed two-blade spear and charged directly at the flesh-and-blood ghost.

This is the battle between the half fierce and the top red clothes.

Whenever there is a slight accident, he will surely die.

The cooling stone was already in his hand, ready to reset the usage count of the Forgotten Skull.

Yicheng's heart was behind Su Chen, closely following him.

Fortunately, Hong Ling and the others are strong, and Ito is now focusing on the rotten heart behind Su Chen.

That's why Su Chen was so close to the flesh and blood ghost.

At the moment when he was close to the flesh and blood ghost, Su Chen swung a three-pointed two-blade spear and roared: "Delusions are destroyed."

At the same time, the third eye on the forehead opened, and the spirit-splitting ghost ability was activated.

The terrifying air waves mixed with the fragmentation of the space, and the flesh and flower roots connecting Ito's bones were all broken.

Just when these flower roots tried to hold Ito again, Su Chen's vain and shattered air wave swept again.

"Don't resist."

"Behind me is the heart of your son."

"Go in and have a look, you'll understand."

A sideways, Su Chen dodged Ito.

The rotten heart behind him also opened his mouth at this moment.

It didn't want to eat Ito, but Ito took the initiative to get in.

At this moment, the rotten heart lost all power and stopped moving.

After the flesh-and-blood ghost in front of him lost Ito, it also began to collapse.

Huge chunks of meat, the stench of flesh and blood kept slipping and re-turned into a pit of flesh and blood.

It was thanks to the contents of the accompanying notes and the rotten heart of Icheng that Ito was imprisoned so quickly.

But this is not the end.

Ito is just a puppet manipulated by the Flower of Evil.

The real trouble is the Flower of Evil.

"What are you still doing?"

"Destroy that flower completely before it fully blooms."

"Otherwise, once it blooms, no one at No. 1 Middle School will survive today."

Su Chen actually bore the brunt and jumped directly into the pit of flesh and blood.

Hong Ling, Duck Egg, Sun Shanshan and other top red clothes also followed Su Chen and jumped into the pit of flesh and blood. .

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