Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

129: Human Heart, Ghost Heart (1/1)\r

The ghost on the minus fifty-seventh floor is already a top red-clothed.

Although there are five top red bells, Duck Egg, Mundo, Sun Shanshan, and the gatekeeper Lao Wang next to Su Chen.

But it still took a lot of time to kill these two top red clothes.

These two top red clothes are still Ito and Icheng.

Their backs are covered with flower roots, like puppets being manipulated, extremely crazy.


Time cannot be delayed.

Su Chen also doesn't know how many layers of Ito's ghosts are.

But every layer buried his guilt.

Negative fifty-eight layers, there has been a change.

Yicheng is gone.

Appearing in front of Su Chen was a completely deformed car and a van.

There was an unrecognizable woman in the car.

A man covered in blood was kneeling outside the car.

The man wailed and was in pain, and terrifying blood flowed from his eyes.

"710" "Why, why didn't I die?"

"Why didn't I die, but Lin'er."

The man is Ito.

This matter was mentioned in the notebook.

The notebook records that Yicheng's mother died in some accidents when he was very young.

Since then, this incident has become the pain of Ito, and it has also become the pain of Yicheng.

"Go ahead and kill him."

Hong Ling and the others started, and the fight began again.

Su Chen touched his chin and frowned.

"Ito's guilt should have appeared at this time."

"He had an accident with his wife, but he survived and his wife died."

"Because of his guilt towards his wife, he gave all his love to Yicheng."

This was something Su Chen didn't expect.

It turned out that Ito was also involved in the accident at the time, but it was Ito's wife who died.

On the minus fifty-ninth floor, Yicheng appeared.

It's just that this time, Yicheng was very young and stared at him with big, curious eyes.

He is looking at Ito.

Ito is killing a horrible ghost at this time.

I don't know how long this ghost has endured, and it is difficult to maintain even the mourning.

But this ghost is a little familiar.

If Su Chen remembers correctly.

This is the truck driver on the upper floor.

"It turns out that it was Ito who was initially distorted."

"He blamed the lorry driver for his wife's death."

"He was possessed by hatred a long time ago and killed the lorry driver."

"It's just that this scene was seen by the very young Yicheng, so he left a distorted seed."

Su Chen finally understood Ito's biggest secret.

The twist of Yicheng's character is due to the loss of his mother in childhood.

But the bigger reason is that he saw Ito kill the truck driver.

minus sixty floors.

There is no Yicheng, and there is no truck driver.

Only Ito remains.

He howled and cried while holding the photo, constantly apologizing and self-harming.

But his stomach was bulging, as if he had eaten a lot.

"After he killed the lorry driver, he hid it."

"Just like at that time, in order to protect Yicheng, he chose to eat the corpse and destroy it."

"The reason why he didn't turn himself in should be because Yicheng is still young."

"Crying, apologizing, self-harming, he knew from the start that he was wrong and made a big mistake."

The most terrifying thing is not to make a mistake unintentionally, and to make a mistake even though you know it is a mistake.

minus sixty-one.

Ito wears a mask and pulls the young Icheng.

The mask blocked his true appearance, but his heart was rotten and stenched.

The young Yicheng also had blood stains on his chest.

"A father is a child's first mentor."

"Your concealment, disguise, and the rot of your heart have long been noticed by the young Yicheng."

The elevator continued to descend.

The strength of each layer of ghosts is getting more and more terrifying.

It took more and more time for Su Chen to kill them.

He was gradually walking towards the deepest part of the Ito ghost.

It turned out that Ito's heart was more rotten and more desperate than Icheng.

On the minus eighty-two floor, the ghost in the room was infinitely close to being half-fierce.

The five top red clothes such as Hong Ling and Mundo joined forces, but they could not completely kill it.

It could only be torn apart, and then Su Chen had to make up for it, to barely kill this ghost that was infinitely close to half-murder.

The fighting time is getting longer and longer.

The flower roots of the extremely evil flower have almost completely controlled this landless ghost.

Once the real half-murder appeared, Su Chen was no longer eligible to get off the elevator.

He can only choose to smash the layers of ghosts he has passed by.

Although it can't completely destroy this landless ghost creature, it can make the ghost creature suffer heavy damage.

"not enough."


I want to completely stop the blooming of the Flower of Evil.

At the very least, it should occupy half of the layers of the ghost monster...  

How many layers it has, Su Chen doesn't know.

So he can only bite the bullet and keep descending.

How many layers can be dropped.

On the minus eighty-seventh floor, Ito was stabbed by thousands of blades all over his body.

It was Yicheng who executed him.

Yicheng held the knife and asked, "Why didn't you die?"

"Why didn't you die then?"

"Mother died because of you."

This floor is where Ijo's resentment towards Ito is buried.

Negative ninety-two floors, Ito strangled a woman.

This woman looks very similar to his former wife.

But it's definitely not alone.

This is not recorded in the notebook.

It belongs to Ito's deepest secret.

Since his wife died, he has found a woman who is similar to his wife because of his longing for his wife.

But every time I see this woman, Ito will think of his eternal pain.

The better this woman treats Ito, the more Ito's heart will hurt.

In the end, his heart rotted completely, and he killed the woman with his own hands.

In his opinion, the appearance of this woman is a kind of torture to himself.

Strangling her with his own hands freed Ito and made Ito's heart rot completely.

At that time, Ito was no longer human, but a ghost in human skin.

The first murder was to avenge his wife.

The second murder was because of the past that he didn't want to face.

"But the principal was a very good person during his lifetime." Sun Shan 0.1 Shan actually had some respect for the principal.

The reason why he wanted to kill the principal was because of Yicheng.

"The human heart is separated from the belly, and it is only a human being or a ghost who has to poke his skin to know."

"If Ito was really a good person during his lifetime, how could Icheng still do things wrong."

"The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, Yicheng has become like this, and it has a great relationship with Ito."

"A ghost's heart can be recognized by people."

"The heart of man is difficult for God to discern."

Sun Shanshan nodded knowingly.

When a person becomes a ghost, he has no heart.

Only by becoming a red-clothed person can you have a heart, and this heart is called a ghost heart.

"Go ahead, kill them, and we'll go deeper."

"time is limited."

The root of the evil flower has penetrated the entire mythical creature.

Once a semi-fierce-level ghost appears in it, Su Chen must immediately destroy the layers of ghosts he occupies. .

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