Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

135: \"The Book of Life and Death\" in the Deep Trench (1/1)\r

Just when Su Chen was flipping through the files on the desktop.

Shi Jianlin brought a few technicians here.

Because ashes are extremely infectious.

If it is touched by humans, it is very likely to be infected.

Therefore, extreme protection is required.

What appeared in front of Su Chen was a sealed glass case.

It contains a handful of ashes.

"These ashes, we have studied and analyzed."

"It's the ashes of a corpse, but it's extremely infectious, so try not to touch it." Shi Jianlin reminded Su Chen.

In order to study these ashes, many technical members have suffered from ash syndrome.

In order to study Ashes, Zhang Qiuge set an example.

Others couldn't leave eight hundred miles away, so Zhang Qiuge took part of it orally.

He is a medical dean.

The best way to overcome ash syndrome is to experience it for yourself.

Therefore, there is a lot of precious information provided by Zhang Qiuge.

But this matter, Shi Jianlin did not tell Su Chen.

He was afraid that what happened to Zhang Qiuge would affect Su Chen.

"Well, I see." Su Chen nodded 28.

I saw Su Chen looking at the ashes in front of him, the third eye on his forehead slowly opened.

This scene made everyone present stunned and their breaths froze.

After all, not everyone knows Su Chen's horror.

The message that Hei Tianyan gave back to Su Chen was: [Missing disasters, flooding into rivers]

This hidden information Su Chen's face changed slightly.

"Missing, Mr. Shi, you said before that they all saw their deceased relatives in their dreams."

Shi Jianlin nodded.

"Because of the horror world, missing has become a disaster."

"The ghost took them to Chaos City, pretending to be their dead loved ones."

This is a very scary ghost ability.

Because as long as there are living people, there are people who they miss, and there are regrets that they can't forget.

There is no solution, the only way is to destroy the unformed city of chaos.

Su Chen has no clue about the information of flooding into a river.

"Have you found anything?" Shi Jianlin asked.

Su Chen told Shi Jianlin of his findings.

Just like what I just said, even if I know, what can I do.

A wife misses her husband, her son misses her mother, and an old man misses her son.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what Lao Zhang guessed."

Zhang Qiuge once also guessed so, but there is no substantive evidence.

"I'll find a way to deal with this."

Su Chen rubbed his temples.

If you want to destroy the chaotic city, it is difficult to do it by yourself. You need to concentrate all your forces at this time to do it.

"Well, I see."

"This matter, do what you can."

"Su Chen, come with me, I'll show you something."

The place where Shi Jianlin was going was blocked in layers, so tight that it was indescribable.

Soon, he and Su Chen appeared in a circular room full of various black technologies.

In the middle of the room, there is a virtual 3D stereoscopic image.

"This sense of technology has a very visual impact. There is a sense of sight in the future world."

Shi Jianlin smiled: "Of course, the most high-end technology in my country is concentrated here."

"The level here is comparable to the green house in Area 51 in the United States and the ultra-deep well in the Ural Mountains of the Goose Country."

"I used to be underground in Kyoto, but I moved here recently."

Shi Jianlin's words left Su Chen dumbfounded.

What level is this, Su Chen doesn't know, but it is definitely a very terrifying secret level.

"Don't be stunned, look at this."

Shi Jianlin pointed to the virtual three-dimensional image in the middle of the round house.

This image is a cylindrical shape with a lot of numbers on it, kind of like a combination lock.

"Shi Lao, what is this?" Su Chen touched his head in confusion.

Shi Jianlin squinted his eyes and said, "Just take a guess."

Su Chen looked at Shi Jianlin's mysterious appearance and circled around the "password lock" several times.

There are ten digits in the combination lock.

Considering the ten-digit number as a whole, it should be more than 6,980,713,000.

Because the last three digits are constantly changing, it cannot be determined.

But what is certain is that its value is constantly shrinking, a bit like a countdown.

"Wouldn't it be the global population?" Su Chen said after thinking for a moment.

Shi Jianlin nodded: "Not bad."

"The numbers that change later should be the dead and the new."

"Not bad." Shi Jianlin nodded.

Su Chen looked at Shi Jianlin in surprise.

Huaxia's technology is so terrifying that it even details the global population down to single digits.

Even the new and dead population is changing in real time.

"But that's not our country's technology."

"It can even be said that it is not the technology of any country in the world."

"We just found it."

"In the deepest part of the Mariana Trench."

"Our country was the first to discover it, and then shared the information with several major powers."

Shi Jianlin had memories in his eyes, but Su Chen's pupils shrank.

Population counters in the Mariana Trench?

Shi Jianlin told Su Chen.

More than ten years ago, Huaxia chose the Mariana Trench to test the diving depth of the "Hailong" submarine.

That is the deepest place in the world, with a known depth of 11,034 meters.

The Sea Dragon lived up to its mission and successfully dived to the deepest known depth.

But its depth is much more than 11,034 meters.

To explore the true depth of the Mariana Trench.

The Sea Dragon continued to dive.

After another few hundred meters of dive, a huge crack appeared.

No matter how the Sea Dragon dives, this crack cannot be dived into.

Because a giant counter is stuck in the notch.

This counter is currently seen by Su Chen.

It represents the total global population and changes with the total global population.

For the study of this counter, they have studied for more than 730 years and found nothing.

It seems to exist in an illusion, it cannot be touched, but it can be clearly seen.

"Over the past decade, the world's population has been declining."

"The number of deaths far exceeds the number of new births."

"What it is and what it represents, we have no clue."

"The United States calls it the turntable of God, the goose country calls it the sky quotes, and my country calls it the book of life and death."

"The Book of Life and Death!" Su Chen gasped.

He watched the change on the counter.

It represents the number of people in the world and records the number of deaths and new births in the world.

Huaxia uses the book of life and death to express it, which is much clearer than God's turntable and sky quotes.

"You suspect it was left by God?" Su Chen looked at Shi Jianlin.

"I don't know." Confusion appeared in Shi Jianlin's eyes.

Humans have been trying to explore outer space and find new life.

But for their own world, they have not fully understood.

"The diary you let me crack before."

"And you told me that the three-pointed, two-edged gun in your hand may be Yang Jian's weapon."

Having said that, there is no need to continue.

"You suspect that this is Hades' book of life and death?"

"I don't know." Shi Jianlin shook his head, and then said seriously: "But I would rather believe it was left by an advanced alien civilization."

Let people believe that there are gods in this world, it is better to believe that there are aliens in this world.

At least the latter is more convincing. .

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