Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

137: Grey Death Incident [Five Watches] (1 / 1)\r

"Pick whatever you want, whatever you want."

"I shipped all the munitions of my troops here before."

"And the elders sent it over."

Opening the heavy metal door, the ammunition inside really dazzled Su Chen.

"The previous neutron bombs were also prepared for you."

"It's the detonator, and there's a dedicated transport plane."

Shi Jianlin was introducing Su Chen to the munitions warehouse.

"This is the latest sonic weapon in our country."

"Don't talk about people, even armed vehicles can be shattered directly."

A gun that looks very technical, Su Chen nodded again and again.

"This bazooka, when it gets close to the target, will split into dozens of small missiles like a goddess scattered flowers, which is quite powerful."

"And this laser, the kind you watch in movies, is quite terrifying in lethality, but it's a bit of a waste of electricity."

"Afterwards, it should be transformed in the direction of nuclear energy, and there has been no breakthrough yet."

"The combat robot has good combat capabilities. The only disadvantage is that it moves slowly."

The weapons that appeared in front of Su Chen this time were the highest technological achievements.

It is definitely not the ordinary arms of the past.

Su Chen is also very satisfied.

"Tanks, planes, etc., Horror World can't be used." 730

"There is an invisible force that will paralyze them directly, and they will become a lump of scrap iron over time."

"Is that so~" Shi Jianlin nodded.

He is not very clear about this.

"It's not the most important thing."

"Look at this gun, we've tried it."

"The construction of the gun doesn't matter, it's the bullet that matters."

Shi Jianlin gave Su Chen a bullet.

The bullet is engraved with strange lines, and the lines are a bit familiar.

"These lines are the lines on the engraved rope of the Ghost Rider ceremony."

"There is some purple blood in the bullet."

"You should know that purple blood is made from the blood of living people and the blood of Specter."

"It has a relatively significant lethality to ghosts."

"We have already tried it." Shi Jianlin introduced.

The method of making such bullets is extremely difficult.

Mass production is temporarily unavailable.

"The bullet is temporarily named as the spirit-removing bullet, which is also the latest research result of the Mystery Research Institute."

"This is the eliminative bomb we made during this time."

Not many, only one basket, you can imagine the difficulty of making this kind of bullet.

"Test, where did you test?" Su Chen was curious about this question.

Shi Jianlin told Su Chen.

In fact, there was a strange event on Earth a long time ago.

But not much at the time.

But it has become more frequent in recent years.

"The ghost of the horror world?"

Shi Jianlin shook his head: "It should be the ghost of the earth."

"Over the years, some people have died with great resentment and will become ghosts."

"This probability has been increasing in recent years."

"You should be clear that the surface of the earth looks very peaceful, but there is actually a lot of darkness hidden in the dark."

"But you don't need to worry, we can handle it for now."

Shi Jianlin patted Su Chen on the shoulder, not wanting to let Su Chen know too much about such things.

Su Chen also understands.

Where the light shines, it is warm.

But where there is no light, there is a lot of filth hidden.

The darkness hidden in the shadows of the earth may be no less than the horror world.

The only difference is that the light of the horror world disappears, and in the eternal night, all these darkness are exposed.

"Don't let our efforts be ruined by those people." Su Chen had murderous intent in his eyes.

"If Qixiu knew that the flower world he protected contained so much darkness, he would collapse."

Su Chen has already told Shi Jianlin about the thoughts of Qi Xiuhua world and root world.

A hundred years ago, someone was silently preventing terror from coming.

Without their efforts, the earth might have become a forbidden zone for the living.

"I know." Shi Jianlin also had a murderous look in his eyes.

The global landscape has long since learned about the world of Thriller.

Times have also changed subtly.

For these things, Su Chen didn't want to intervene, and he didn't have the time either.

Took a part of the arms and returned to Xin'an Community. (ciab)

All the firearms were distributed to all households in Xin'an Community.

"Mondo, you go to the gate of the community. If Li Qian passes by, tell him to let him go to No. 1 Middle School and pick up Old Man Wang and Sun Shanshan."

"I have a big move after that."

"Okay, big brother." Mundo left in a daze.

"Dachun, you will come with me in a few days."

To deal with the chaotic city, you need to mobilize the most powerful ghost around you.

This is a big move.

"What about the community?" Dachun was the security guard of the community.

If he leaves, once a foreign ghost invades, it will be troublesome.

"Residents of the community should understand that not everyone can live comfortably here."

"In this desperate world, I'm giving them a safe place to live if they're eligible."

Dachun has no opinion, after all, the chief of the building has spoken.

The high-end combat power of Xin'an Community, this time Su Chen will take it all away.

During this gap period, it is up to the other residents whether they can hold on to Xin'an Community.

With the arms given by Su Chen, they were already stronger than the rest of the ghosts.

If you still live in the Xin'an community with the idea of ​​​​living, you will be eliminated by the times sooner or later.

This is a world where the strong eat the weak.

After arranging the affairs of Xin'an Community, Su Chen returned to the ruins of Building 1 again.

To be precise, it is the ground floor of Building 1.

Take out the three-pointed two-blade gun.

The ground twisted, and a broken Guanjiangkou appeared.

The bronze stone gate leading to the mouth of the Guanjiang River is closed.

"Would you like to take a look at it with an old-fashioned camera."

There must have been a terrible fight here.

Old-fashioned cameras should be able to capture that.

But Su Chen was afraid that a ghost like a little girl would appear.

After thinking about it, he didn't capture it with an old-fashioned camera.

After that, it became stronger.

At least after there is a real murderer around, try to capture the traces of the past.

The [Grey Death Incident] is a very important thing.

There must be no delay.

Although relying on Shi Jianlin has slowed down the growth rate of Chaos City, it still cannot be dragged on.

The sooner it can be dealt with, the sooner it will be dealt with.

Therefore, in order to deal with the [Grey Death Incident] with a high probability, Su Chen intends to make a deal with the terrifying skull.

After the ghost painting was taken out, there seemed to be an extra bone in the ghost painting.

This bone should have restored the horror skull after the last transaction.

"I want to make a deal with you."

This time, it was Su Chen who took the initiative to talk about the transaction.

And put the detailed files of the [Grey Death Incident] into the ghost painting.

"I need to know the details of the City of Chaos."

"And how to kill this ghost."

Su Chen came up with his own deal.

The ghost painting soon appeared lines of blood.

【Accept transactions】

【I need you to provide me with enough blood】

【Three times the last transaction amount】

Ghost painting has also learned to be smart, directly stating how much blood is needed, rather than a vague answer. .

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