Su Chen jumped into the water hole along a large amount of evil water.

It is a water cave, rather a water whirlpool.

A whirlpool appeared straight to the bottom of the lake.

In the whirlpool, Su Chen could see dense water ghosts and unknown things surrounding him.

They try to tear apart the vortex and attack themselves.

But no matter how they collided, the vortex couldn't be torn apart.

Falling further down, Su Chen saw the bottom of the lake.

At the bottom of the lake stood dense figures, like water plants.

No wonder Tang Yi said that once he jumped into the ghost lake, there was only one dead end.

With such a large number of Specters, coupled with the terrifying evil water, once Su Chen is entangled, there is only one dead end.

The end of the water whirlpool is below the bottom of the lake.

It's like opening a hole in the bottom of the lake.

When Su Chen crossed the bottom of the lake along the water whirlpool, a strong sense of weightlessness appeared.

It was as if the world had changed at this moment.

The direction of the descent just now suddenly changed, and it quickly fell to the bottom of the lake that had just penetrated.

This sudden change made Su Chen completely unresponsive.

After finally adjusting his body, his head hit the soil at the bottom of the lake.

However, in the next second, there was no such strong impact as Su Chen thought.

Instead, it rolled out of the water.

"The bottom of the lake became the surface of the lake?"

Su Chen floated on the lake and looked at the surrounding environment.

The lake is still a round black lake.

But the water in Black Lake is no longer evil, but ordinary Yin water.

This is very familiar, where Su Chen came to jump into Ghost Lake Town.

The position where he floated was in the center of the lake, in the blood moon.

Tang Yi also jumped out of the water at this time, and like Su Chen, first looked around.

You can clearly see the surprise in Tang Yi's eyes.

"Go, go ashore first."

Su Chen swam quickly in the lake.

Tang Yi also followed closely behind Su Chen.

Soon, they swam to the shore.

This shore is the shore where they jumped into Ghost Lake Town before.

Maybe it's the subconscious, it should be safe here, after all, I jumped in from here before.

After landing, a metal sign stood on the shore.

The metal plaque is rotten, and the writing on it is hard to read.

But I can guess it, it is probably a warning sign of [The lake is too deep, do not approach].

However, Su Chen and Tang Yi's eyes did not pay attention to the warning sign, nor did they look at the buildings surrounding the Black Lake.

Instead, look at the path they came from before.

The path is still the path, but the darkness is darker than before.

That dark path, where you can't see your fingers, seems to lead to the depths of hell.

"(ciab) Do you suspect that this is not because of ghosts?"

Tang Yi nodded: "Did you feel the weightlessness just now?"

"The sky became the earth, and the earth became the sky."

Before Tang Yi finished speaking, Su Chen interrupted her and said, "I prefer to believe that the horror world is a ball, and I plunged from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere."

Although they said that, Tang Yi and Su Chen walked towards the path involuntarily.

The trail is darker than Ghost Lake Town.

Tang Yi took out a kerosene lamp from her backpack. The kerosene lamp can only illuminate a distance of less than half a meter.

Su Chen opened the blood eye to the limit, and the line of sight was at most one meter.

This path is extraordinarily long.

It was difficult for Su Chen and Tang Yi to see what was on both sides of the road, they only knew that it should be a dark jungle.

But the sound of the rustling movement made the two of them lean against each other tightly.

"It's a bit longer than it was before we came here."

"Well." Tang Yi nodded, with a strong sense of unease.

After walking for a while, the road appeared.

With the light of kerosene lamps, the road is very broken, with cracks everywhere, and not even a single piece of ground.

The stench in the crevice was beyond imagination.

No. 10 bus is not here either.

But the big rock into Ghost Lake Town is here.

The case of the stone fell off in a large area, revealing the color of flesh and blood inside.

"Su Chen, is the mythical creature so big?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe there is."

"Then what if this place is not a ghost?" Tang Yi asked again.

Su Chen looked at the road shrouded in darkness.

If the horror world is night.

Then it's late night here.

"You are suspicious, this is a deep horror world."

"I don't know." Tang Yi shook her head.

Her reminder system frantically reminded her not to stay here, but to find a way to leave.

This is the first time that the reminder system has been so frequent, prompting myself in a hurry.

"Let's go back to Ghost Lake Town first."

The terror in the dark night is infinitely magnified here.

The rich darkness seemed to be condensed into reality.

Su Chen didn't have the guts to continue walking down this road.

Go and see what the hell is this place.

The two of them returned to Ghost Lake Town, and they did not mention the discovery just now in a tacit understanding.

Because this discovery is really amazing.

It's not that I don't mention it, it's that I don't know where to start.

And Su Chen has an even scarier idea.

The earth is illuminated by light, and where it is not illuminated there is unimaginable darkness.

Thriller World was once the same world as Earth.

It was once also illuminated by light, although it was dark and the darkness was fully exposed.

But these darkness may have been illuminated by light once.

And those who have never been illuminated by the light and are already in the dark are terrible, will they still be buried in a darker place.

This idea is too amazing, Su Chen dare not continue to think about it.

Back in Ghost Lake Town, a new mission was triggered.

"Trigger special mission: Survive 24 hours and leave Ghost Lake alive."

This is a mandatory task.

Both Tang Yi and Su Chen were triggered.

As Tang Yi said before, after entering Ghost Lake Town, if you want to leave, you must stay for 24 hours.

Wait for the next round of lunar eclipses to leave Ghost Lake Town.

Come to Ghost Lake Town to trigger A-level quests and find the secrets of Ghost Lake Town.

Enter Ghost Lake Town to trigger special missions, survive 24 hours, and leave Ghost Lake Town alive.

The frequent triggering of tasks, coupled with the weirdness here, made Su Chen even more uneasy.

"I came to Ghost Lake Town to find the last puzzle piece of the mythical profession."

"I already got two of the three puzzles, and I'm just short of the last one." So Su Chen revealed to Tang Yi why he had to come to Guihu Town.

"One." Tang Yi was once again shocked by Su Chen.

She also triggers the unique quest, which is related to the mythical profession.

But so far, she has not even got a puzzle piece.

"Only by getting the mythical profession, can I be sure to deal with the city of chaos in advance."

"Otherwise, I'm not sure."

The Shinhwa profession is very strong, as Su Chen knew in the previous life.

That is definitely not something that ordinary players can match.

But the mythical profession is not invincible, otherwise Tang Yi would not have been able to pull a big terror in his last life, so his whereabouts were unknown.

Obtaining this profession can only mean that you are qualified to pursue more things and can win a ray of morning light for the future.

At the same time, it was also to calm Tang Yi's uneasy heart. .

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