Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

164: I finally grew up [Five more] (1 / 1)\r

Su Chen is still feeling the new power of her mythical profession.

Black sky eyes, three-pointed two-edged guns, and undead dogs also belong to the power of mythical occupations.

Su Chen has not been able to exert its maximum effect before.

Now that he has been transferred to the [Three Eyes General], these three powers can be fully exerted.

In addition to these three powers, [Three Eyes General] also gave back two core abilities to Su Chen.

The first is talent: breaking the limit

This talent Su Chen knew.

Every mythical class has the talent of [Break Limit].

This is white, it is savage growth.

Because the mythical profession has no upper limit of growth, it can grow without limit.

Growing up in battle, growing up in fighting, growing up in struggle.

The more terrifying the dangers encountered, the more strength you gain.

It stands to reason that there is no upper limit, it can be unlimited.

But the body has limitations.

If your body can no longer bear the strength you have raised, breaking the limit will lose its effect.

When your body is almost digested, the limit break will be reactivated.

In the last life, Tang Yi had such a talent.

With her strength at that time, she was forced to grow up every day. Converted to attribute points, she could have more than 20 points.

"Seven-five-zero" and Su Chen's last career was a top-level professional brave general.

The Brave General also has talent, and its talent is triple growth.

After upgrading, the acquired attribute points and 3D growth strength are tripled.

This talent will only take effect when it is upgraded, and it is usually just a decoration.

So Su Chen is very envious of Tang Yi's [Breakthrough] talent.

The talent of [Breakthrough] is in effect all the time.

"No wonder Tang Yi said in the previous life that after obtaining the Mythology profession, the level became blurred."

Ordinary players, only by leveling up can they continue to become stronger.

But mythical players, even if they don't upgrade, can continue to become stronger.

When Su Chen coincidentally had the blood refining ghost hand, the level became a little blurry.

Because the blood refining ghost hand and breaking the limit are more similar, they are both separated from the game system and forced to grow.

The only difference is that the blood refining ghost hand becomes stronger by devouring and refining, which is gentler.

But breaking the limit is to become stronger by fighting and fighting, which is more barbaric.

"When not fighting, the refining power of refining ghost hands with blood becomes stronger."

"When fighting, use the talent to break the limit to become stronger."

The two are not in conflict, because the ways of growing up are different.

One is the way of ghosts, the other is the way of living people.

With the blood refining ghost hand and the talent for breaking the limit, Su Chen has almost jumped out of the game system.

Levels have become more obscure, and even less important.

The biggest help of the game system to Su Chen is the personal information page.

The personal information page can digitize Su Chen's strength, and can clearly see the specific value of Su Chen's strength.

The second core competency is a skill.

This skill is growth level.

Only mythical professions have growth-level skills.

Growth-level skills, like organs, will become stronger as Su Chen's strength becomes stronger.

This skill is called [One Turn]

【Name: Yizhuan】

[Quality: Growth Grade]

[Type: Skill]

[Special effect: all attributes doubled]

[Note: a qualitative change occurs every three turns]

[Upgrade condition: 3D total attributes exceed 1,000]

This skill is very terrifying, not to mention the qualitative change every three turns.

A single turn can double all attributes, which is equivalent to doubling the total strength.

The initial special effects of a turn, Su Chen thinks are comparable to S-level skills.

It's just that the upgrade conditions are too harsh, and the total attributes need to exceed 1,000 in two turns.

But in the future, it would be terrifying to upgrade it to rank eight, rank nine, or even rank ten.

This is definitely a super magical skill, not only a growth-level skill, but can also become stronger as you become stronger.

"Mythical profession is worthy of being a mythical profession." Su Chen took a deep breath.

Don't waste your life and risk your life to collect the three puzzle pieces of the mythical profession.

"There is also the title of a divine enlightener." Su Chen smiled quietly.

This was obtained by Tang Yi in the last life, because she was the only one who successfully transferred to the Mythology profession in the last life.

For the powerful attributes of this title, Su Chen had only five words to describe it at the time: envy, jealousy, hatred.

【Name: The God-Enlightened One】

【Quality: S】

[Type: Title]

[Special effect one: triple growth]

[Special effect 2: Luck value +2, Charisma value +2, Divinity value +2]

The special effect of this title can be called the title of S-level quality.

Three times the growth, that is the talent of the top profession.

Today, a title is comparable to the core talent of a top-level profession.

This is followed by three special attribute points.

Su Chen knows luck and charm.

But the divine value is a special attribute point that is more precious than luck and charm.

When the divinity value reaches 100, an ordinary occupation can be transformed into a mythical occupation.

In the last life, this was Su Chen's biggest dream.

Attempt to transform the top class [The Brave General] into a mythical class.

But even if he died, he had only accumulated 7 divine points, and Tang Yi had accumulated more than a dozen divine points for himself, which was still far from 100 divine points.

The way to obtain the divine value is purely based on luck, and there is no rule at all.

However, I heard Tang Yi mentioned that killing some very, very terrifying horrors may get some divine values.

Because these very, very terrifying horrors are no longer ordinary lives.

If human beings are the life forms of the first stage, then these great horrors are the life forms of the second stage.

This is only Su Chen's only understanding of the divine value. He only knows that after it reaches 100, it can make a qualitative change in ordinary occupations.

After binding the title of [God Revealer], Su Chen really felt a powerful force erupting in his body.

The three-dimensional attributes have skyrocketed by 64 points, making up for the power that was not obtained during the previous upgrade.

Free attribute points are also increased by 64 points.

After adding all attributes, Su Chen's strength has been greatly improved, which can be called a qualitative change.

【Player: Su Chen】

【Level: 32】

[Mythical Occupation: Three Eyes General]

[Experience value: 7000]

[Strength: 194+10]

[Agility: 300+10]

[Physique: 191+40]

[Lucky value: 6]

[Charm: 3]

[Divinity value: 2]

[Free attribute points: 0]

【Ghost coins: 93】

[Talent: Breaking the Limit]

[Skills: One Turn, Rapid Speed, Great Blood Healing, Death Tombstone]

[Organs: Forgotten Skull, Blood Eyes, Ghost Shadows, Ghost Hidden Hands, Black Sky Eyes]

[Equipment: Three-pointed two-edged gun, gray and white sickle, cursed kitchen knife, human skin trench coat, clerk uniform, badge of honor, bone cutter]

[Mount: Retro Electric Donkey]

[Consumables: red candle, white candle, black candle]

[Props: Atrium, ghost painting, human head spider, coffin nail, old-fashioned camera, Tang Yipin real estate certificate, water ghost grass]

[Position: Chief Building Manager of Xin'an Community, clerk of convenience store, principal of No. 1 Middle School]

"Agility has broken through 300, strength and physique have also broken through 200......"

"The total attribute reaches 756, and two rounds require a thousand total attribute points, which is less than half."

"The upgrade conditions are really harsh, and the third-level organs only require 500 total attribute points."

In fact, Su Chen can understand.

His attributes, to put it bluntly, are his overall strength, but they are only displayed by the game data.

Ghost organs need to be strong enough to endure. If the strength is insufficient, the ghost organs will have a backlash.

The same should be true for two turns. If you don't have enough strength, even if you can turn two, you will explode and die.

The third-level organ, Su Chen will of course choose the black sky eye.

【Name: Black Sky Eye】

[Quality: Grade III]

【Type: Organ】

[Special effect one: insight into hidden information]

[Effect 2: Split Spirit]

[Effect Three: Cracked Space]

Splitting the air is an ability that Su Chen desperately wants.

It is similar to a wormhole and can move at high speed in a space shuttle way.

Su Chen finally got this special effect.

Then Su Chen raised his always indifferent Onigashi to two levels.

【Name: Ghost Hidden Hand】

[Quality: Growth Grade]

【Type: Organ】

[Special effect: The hands that hide 0.1]

In the past, ghosts could only hide one ghost hand, but now they can hide a pair of ghost hands.

If it is strong enough, it will brew a ghost modeled after Su Chen, and then hide.

"All the ghost organs have reached the second level, and the black sky eye has reached the third level."

"And the total attribute points of upgrading ghost organs have overflowed a lot."

"If I can get a ghost organ now, I can instantly upgrade it to level two."

Before Su Chen thought that he had too many ghost organs to upgrade.

Now Su Chen thinks that his ghost organs are a bit small, and they are not enough for him to upgrade.

But it has to be said that Su Chen's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes after he was successfully transferred to Three Eyes General.

Before, he could barely fight against the top red clothes, but now he can kill the top red clothes with a high probability.

Even if they encounter a half-murderer and a big-murderer, although they can't fight, but they want to run, they can't stop themselves.

"It's finally grown up."

Su Chen was deeply relieved that he did not die halfway.

Now that I finally have the power to protect myself in the horror world, I can investigate more secret things.

Things in Chaos City can't be delayed any longer, it's time to solve it. .

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