Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

170: The Most Obsessive Boatman [Five Updates] (1 / 1)\r

"There's something wrong with this ship."

"Those boatmen are terrifying." Su Chen's hands and feet were cold and his scalp was numb.

The green lantern in the hands of the boatman.

What burns inside is not a candle, but a wailing ghost.

Their appearance made Su Chen's whole body covered with goose bumps.

"Exit the tunnel."

The sea of ​​flowers on the other side turned into a red river, and the red river was formed by the obsession of living people.

Once it sinks here, Eternal Life will fall into the depths of the red river of resentment and become one of the red butterflies, which cannot be detached.

The appearance of the ghost ship made Su Chen unable to go further.

He could only step back.

Unexpectedly, however, the entrance to the tunnel has disappeared.

Behind it is an infinitely extending red river.

With no way to retreat, Su Chen's face was extremely ugly.

"According to myths, ships only appear in the Santu River."

"Could that sea of ​​flowers be the real Santu River?"

"And the Ghost Burial River is actually a water ghost arch bridge. It looks like a river, but it is actually a bridge similar to Naihe Bridge."

Information is incorrect.

Su Chen also did not expect that the real Santu River was the sea of ​​flowers that he had passed by.

At that time, there were many unjust ghosts in the sea of ​​​​flowers.

The other side of the flower is the brewing of the ghost.

At that time, when he escaped from the chaotic ghost town, there was indeed a change in Huahai.

Like a tornado raging.

Inside the tornado was a blurred 28 human face.

The face never opened its eyes.

What the hell was that, Su Chen didn't know at all.

But the appearance of Honghe and the appearance of the boatman must have something to do with that face.

"Damn, the water seems to be going faster."

The speed of the flow of the Red River suddenly increased sharply, almost swept Su Chen away.

The red river ahead has already rolled up the waves.

Thousands of grimace butterflies mingle in the spray.

Under the squirming of the grimace butterfly, a vague human face was formed.

The human face's eyes were still tightly closed, but he opened his mouth wide.

Once swallowed, Su Chen didn't know what would happen.

"no solution anymore."

"Hong Ling, take the ship with me."

The only way to survive now is to capture a ghost ship.

What would happen to the capture of the ghost ship, Su Chen didn't know.

But it's better than the current danger.

He was one of the first, and a cracking sky boarded the ghost ship.

Turning on the Thousand-Eyed Ghostly Creature tried to pull the boatman in, but the Thousand-Eyed Ghostly Mythical Creature failed.

The boatman is very special, and even ghosts cannot be swallowed.

"Delusions are destroyed." Since the mythical creature can't be pulled in.

Then Su Chen directly chose to do it.

Terrifying air waves rolled.

But the waves only chopped the boatman's clothes to pieces.

Its dry skin showed a white streak.

Su Chen was shocked, and for the first time saw something that could not be cut off by illusory destruction.

What the hell is this boatman?

I want to attack again.

The ghost ship has changed.

A raft of twisted and elongated corpses that seemed alive at the moment.

Like a snake, it climbed up on Su Chen's body and tried to stretch Su Chen too.

Hong Ling, Duck Egg and the others also got on the boat. After seeing Su Chen wrapped around the twisted body, they took decisive action.

"Kill that boatman first."

"The green lantern in his hand is weird, be careful."

With the help of Hong Ling and Duck Egg, Su Chen temporarily got rid of the ghost ship's entanglement.

Dachun, the proprietress, Sun Shanshan and other ghosts also boarded the boat.

They shot the boatman.

But the strength of the boatman is quite frightening.

His withered body is extremely hard, and it cannot even cut through the vanity.

"That's obsession. The firmest obsession in the Red River will become a boatman."

"They're going to pick up loved ones they miss."

Under the observation, Su Chen discovered the boatman's secret.

The boatman is not a ghost, but the strongest obsession in the Red River.

They struggled in the Red River for a long time.

Until they elongated the obsessions of the other grimace butterflies and made them into bamboo rafts.

Board the ghost ship, put on the green lantern, they are going to greet the loved ones they miss.

"Don't disturb them."

Su Chen thought for a moment, then took out six ghost coins and threw them.

Strange to say, after the six ghost coins were taken away by the boatman, the ghost ship's mutation stopped.

"The ferry needs to pay the fare."

"If you don't pay, you have to pay for your soul."

Su Chen stood quietly in the corner of the ghost ship.

The boatman on the Santu River, he finally understood.

Similar to mythological records, but not completely.

The boatman is not a ghost, but an obsession.

It is the strongest obsession in Santuhe.

They rely on the boats made by other obsessions to float to the end of the Santu River.

The purpose is to welcome the loved ones they miss.

But this is a huge lie.

The dead cannot be resurrected.

What they greeted was only more desperate despair.

Whenever Chaos Ghost Town wakes up, they wake up too.

In this way, they are constantly reincarnated in the Santu River, repeating the process of welcoming their loved ones again and again.

"Now the chaotic ghost town has completely awakened."

"Our appearance completely shocked the chaotic ghost town."

After the ghost town was completely awakened, it was different from Su Chen's previous exploration of the ghost town.

Even he didn't know what would happen to him later.

"Brother Chen, shall we save them?" Hong Ling looked at Hong He's struggling Specter.

These ghosts, Su Chen, said before that they are "people" who came down from the collar tree, not enemies, but his ancestors. .

"No need, in fact, they have long since died, and they are still alive now because of their obsession."

There are only obsessive ancestors left, and there is no distinction between enemy and me. The only purpose is to destroy the chaotic ghost town.

Sinking in the Santu River may also be a relief for them.

It is also a permanent threat to chaotic ghost towns.

Their obsession is different from the rest, their obsession is to destroy the chaotic ghost town.

There used to be chaotic ghost towns, and now they appear again.

This means that the real core of the chaotic ghost town is behind the bronze stone gate.

Close the bronze stone door, and the chaotic ghost town should not appear for a long time.

But with time, as people miss more and more, it will reappear sooner or later.

This ghost town should be the most special ghost town in the horror world.

Looking back again, the tumbling blood waves of the Red River disappeared.

There was a white fog ahead, and the river channel had widened significantly.

"Now we should get to the real heart of Chaos Ghost Town."

"Pay attention to your surroundings, don't be careless, 757 will die if you are careless."

The river channel is getting wider and wider and the flow rate is getting faster and faster.

Face after face emerged from the bottom of the lake.

These faces are full of malice, jealousy, and hatred.

They hate everything that exists on the ghost ship.

They are jealous of the presence of ghost ships to greet their dead loved ones.

And they can only sink in the painful, icy river water, and can never go ashore to meet the jealousy of their loved ones, making them change beyond recognition.

"Red Bell, Mundo, Duck Egg, follow me to protect the boatman."

Now Su Chen has to protect the boatman instead.

Those obsessions full of jealousy and hatred turned into water ghosts, trying to tear the boatman off the ghost boat and make the boatman fall into the water.

"Human nature is really scary, especially obsession."

"Selfishness, greed, jealousy, rage, without these, Santuhe wouldn't be so scary."

Su Chen found out that it was not the river itself that was scary about the Santu River.

This river may have been a very ordinary river.

But as obsessions became more and more, it became more and more terrifying, and eventually became a terrifying ghost river.

"Protect the boatman, don't let it fall into the water."

The boatman is not a ghost, but the strongest obsession.

It doesn't know how to resist, and all its obsessions are to welcome its close relatives.

Once in the water, the ghost ship will disappear.

Su Chen and the others will fall into the Santu River.

Once you fall into the Santu River, you will be in big trouble.

The ghost ship that was densely packed just now has disappeared a lot.

Many boatmen were pulled back into the Santu River, ending their journey to welcome their loved ones ahead of schedule. .

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