Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

180: Black Sky Eyes, Ghost Hidden Hands, Ghost Back [Five Watches] (1 / 1)\r

After the Changhe completely disappeared, the main body of the catcher completely appeared.

It was a baby that looked like a newborn and an old man who was about to die.

It's strange, like the end of life and the beginning of life.

The skin at birth is not only covered with folds, but also has many age spots.

Vicious eyes stared at Su Chen.

Because, Su Chen is the biggest threat to it.

When the terrible cry sounded, its appearance began to blur.

It's like countless faces overlapped together.

At first glance, there is only shock, but I can't remember what it looks like.

The cry was like a sharp knife, stabbed into Su Chen's mind fiercely, and stirred up.

Even Su Chen's expression distorted.

He didn't know what he had endured, but it was definitely a big unknown terror.

Just before the giant baby was about to take another shot, the giant baby that Zhao Xiaoying copied also appeared.

Two identical giant babies began to fight among the thousand-eyed ghosts.

Su Chen still did not act rashly.

Ghosts such as Hong Ling, Mundo, etc., although urgent, can only wait for Su Chen's decision.

Su Chen won't make a move until he has figured out all the ghost abilities of the ghost body.

Once he makes a move, he must completely kill the ghost.

"Brother, I have copied the full strength of the ghost."

"Its ghost abilities are terrifying."

Zhao Xiaoying 28 began to explain to Su Chen the ghost ability possessed by the ghost.

Its most terrifying ghost ability is: Fading

To endure the existence of the ability of the fading ghost, life will present a strange situation of retrogression.

Memory does not go backwards, it is life that goes backwards.

The end of the regression is the appearance of the beginning of life, until it disappears completely.

Fading is a scoped ghost ability.

The cry of the giant baby just now and the infinite overlapping of its faces are the power of the ghost.

"No wonder."

Su Chen endured the severe pain in his mind.

His memory doesn't change, but his life begins to go backwards.

Until I stepped back to the period when Su Chen was an ordinary person, adolescence, childhood, infancy, and even a fertilized egg.

However, the reaction of the ghosts such as Hong Ling was not as intense as Su Chen's.

They are ghosts and don't know how many years they have survived, so the speed of life receding is extremely slow.

If you have to choose a few obvious ones.

Then the three ghosts of Madam Boss, Hong Ling and Mundo are more obvious.

Because they haven't been in the top red for long.

The other ghost abilities of the giant baby are not very outstanding.

Cursed, obsessed, twisted.

These ghost abilities are not worth mentioning compared to the ability of the fading ghost.

Now that he has figured out all the ghost abilities of attracting and attracting ghosts, Su Chen roared: "Do it."

The three-pointed two-edged spear was severely pressed, and the illusory destruction and the splitting of the spirit were launched at the same time.

Ghosts such as Red Bell, Mondo, and Duck Egg have been waiting for a long time.

They must have a quick fight with the catcher.

Once caught in a protracted war, under the influence of the ability of the fading ghost, they will become weaker and weaker, until they disappear in the end.

"Zhao Xiaoying, you should have copied the ghost ability that faded."

"Release me, right now, don't hesitate." Su Chen shouted at Zhao Xiaoying.

"Brother?" During Zhao Xiaoying's astonishment, she still released her ability to fade away at Su Chen.

Su Chen's life regressed faster, surprisingly fast, several times faster than red bells and other ghosts.

"Brother Chen, who are you?" Hong Ling stood beside Su Chen.

Because in the regression of life, Su Chen can no longer hurt the giant baby, but needs the protection of other ghosts.

"It's sure to die, don't worry."

"I would have thought it might have cost quite a bit to kill it."

"But I didn't expect it to have the ability to fade away."

"Fading is fatal to the rest of the existence, but to me, it will only speed up its death." Su Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Your life goes backwards, but your memory does not go backwards.

Skills and ghost organs may disappear temporarily, but the Thousand-Eyed Mythical Creature will not.

Because the thousand-eyed ghost is an undead dog, the undead dog will not be affected in any way.

The three-pointed two-blade gun will not disappear either, because it has entered reality from fantasy.

Don't forget, Su Chen has a previous life.

His peak strength in the previous life could be used to slay great evil.

Although the mythical occupation of the three-eyed general will temporarily disappear.

But the top professional generals will appear temporarily.

In just a few minutes, Su Chen regressed to the moment when he had just entered the Xin'an Community.

He has completely become an ordinary person. Without the protection of Hong Ling, Yu Wei alone would have killed him.

However, in the ensuing fading, a very strange situation happened.

At the moment when Su Chen's strength dropped to the lowest point, it suddenly skyrocketed, like a wild horse running away, out of control.

At the same time, he also opened his eyes, the murderous aura had long been brewing to the limit.

"Ghost hides hands, descends spirits."

At the moment of the low roar, a huge wound suddenly opened in the chest of the giant baby.

A Su Chen with a half body crawled out of the wound.

It was the ghostly Su Chen, with monstrous terror, shuttled through the giant baby.

Su Chen, who was still unable to pull out this half of his body despite how the giant baby struggled.

Seance is the ability of a fourth-level ghost hider.

In the last life, Su Chen raised the ghosts to the fourth level.

It is no longer a hand that is hidden, but half of the body.

This half of the body is exactly the same as Su Chen's strength, and it is a ghost-like Su Chen, with extremely terrifying ghost abilities.

Su Chen, who temporarily owned the last brave general, also had a drastic change in Hei Tian's eyes.

In the last life, Hei Tianyan's level was only three, and he couldn't go up to four.

The reason Su Chen thinks is that Hei Tian's eyes are incomplete.

The complete black sky eye needs the support of the thousand-eyed ghost.

But now Su Chen has a thousand-eyed ghost, and Hei Tianyan, who can step into the fourth level at any time, has undergone unknown changes.

Among the thousand-eyed ghosts, bloody eyes opened one after another.

Nearly a hundred bloody eyes surrounded the struggling and crying giant baby.

Then these nearly a hundred bloody eyes actually got into the giant baby's body one after another.

Various parts of the giant baby's body were cracked, and bloody eyes drilled out of it.

It growled hysterically, the viciousness in its eyes turned to fear.

It couldn't understand why Su Chen, who had clearly suffered from fading, became even more terrifying.

"Hong Ling, get ready, when I chop up the giant baby, that's when you devour it."

Su Chen jumped up holding the three-pointed two-blade spear.

The three-pointed two-blade spear was swung by Su Chen, and a huge phantom had already appeared.

"Void shattered." With a low roar, a 760 cold light flashed, and Su Chen had appeared behind the giant baby.

And the giant baby suddenly froze.

A second later, the blood eyes that had penetrated into its body began to shatter one by one.

The giant baby directly turned into countless pieces of meat with one shot and exploded.

The blasted flesh is still shrinking rapidly, trying to recover.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen ripped open his clothes.

The muscles in the back were wriggling, forming a terrifying grimace.

This is one of the three major organs of Su Chen's last life, the ghost back.

In this life, Su Chen has not gotten it.

In the last life, Su Chen raised Ghost Back to the fourth level.

Its ghost ability is very single, and can only be used to suppress, intimidate, and suppress.

But just because it has a single ghost ability, its suppression ability is invincible.

Even if it is a stronger existence than Su Chen, it is the first time to see Su Chen's ghost back.

It will also be shocked by the grimace on the ghost's back and temporarily lose the ability to move.

"Red Bell, it's now."

The bloody eyes of the Thousand-Eyed Ghost Creature reappeared, digging into pieces of flesh and blood that stopped moving.

Under the shock of Ghost Back and the division of Hei Tianyan, Su Chen created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Hong Ling.

She can take no risk, devour each part of the ghost in turn, and slowly digest it.

Hong Ling nodded and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood drilled into each blood eye.

When the blood sea appeared from the blood eye, the flesh and blood imprisoned in the blood eye had disappeared, and the breath of the blood sea began to strengthen.

Today, Su Chen is going to let the blood of the red bell devour the ghost and become a real half-murder. .

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