Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

184: From then on, the chaotic ghost town will disappear completely [Five shifts] (1 / 1)\r

"Now, push the door with all your strength."

The two heavy stone doors moved slowly at this time.

Huangquan passers-by were crowded, and countless figures and ghosts all appeared.

One by one, they walked up Huangquan Road, walked across the water ghost arch bridge, and disappeared into the bronze stone gate.

The entire chaotic ghost town was completely insane at this time.

All the obsessions found a vent, and the bees crowded into it.

The terrifying obsession kept shaking the bronze stone gate.

The boatmen appeared again from the red river, carrying green lanterns, and they all floated into the bronze stone gate and disappeared.

Grimace Butterfly wailed, turned into a violent storm, flew into the bronze stone door and disappeared.

The craziest ones belong to those inverted figures wandering around in the ghost river.

After these figures walked onto Huangquan Road, no existence could stop them.

They want to bring their memories and go to the bronze stone gate to see their real relatives.

Even the waters of the Red River, the Ghost River, and the Buried Tou River began to flow backwards.

Chaos Ghost Town is a huge lie.

It uses regret, pain, and sorrow to attract the obsession of countless deceased people.

But for the deceased who are left with only obsessions, this is not a lie, but the truth, because they believe, even if it is false.

Su Chen also had to sigh.

"The easiest way to destroy humanity is to miss."

"But the most powerful force of human beings is also missing."

"The power of missing, once an obsession is formed, maybe even you don't know how powerful and firm human obsession is."

It's fair to say that it wasn't Su Chen who destroyed Chaos 28's ghost town.

Su Chen just paved a road and built a bridge in the chaotic ghost town.

Let all obsessions see the end of the other side.

It's those obsessions that really destroy the chaotic ghost town.

"Brother, I'm going to lift the dark prison." Zhao Xiaoying shouted at this moment.

The bronze stone door she copied has grown a lot bigger.

The dark prison has been a little out of control.

The bronze stone door in her dark prison trembled wildly.

There was a terrible aura in the darkness.

There are some terrifying existences, and Zhao Xiaoying's bronze stone gate was discovered.

They want to come out.

"Release." Su Chen nodded.

After obtaining the consent of Su Chen, Zhao Xiaoying quickly lifted the dark prison.

Before lifting the dark prison, she first closed the bronze stone door in the dark prison.

But after the dark prison ended, the bronze stone gate she copied still existed independently for three or five minutes.

The existence of these three or five minutes has become independent of the dark prison and completely out of control.

There was a loud banging sound from the closed bronze stone door.

It lasted for several minutes before the bronze stone gate copied from the dark prison completely disappeared.

Su Chen's scalp felt numb when he heard the terrifying sound of knocking on the door.

He was really worried about some great terror breaking out.

The method of copying the bronze stone door is too dangerous.

In the future, this practice should be abandoned as much as possible.

At this time, after Zhao Xiaoying's bronze stone gate was lost, the bronze stone gate of Chaos Ghost City shook violently.

Countless terrifying voices spread through the darkness, roaring.

A black palm mixed with a twisted human head tried to rush out.

Even the speed of the obsession torrent is a little slower.

"You keep pushing the door."

Su Chen picked up the three-pointed two-edged gun, and his eyes locked on the black hand and the head squeezed out by the black mist.

The tip of the gun was severely pressed, and a terrifying air wave erupted.

Under Su Chen's suppression, the big terror behind the bronze stone gate could only let out an extremely furious roar.

Malice and hatred almost solidified and fell on Su Chen.

After all, the chaotic ghost town has fallen to such a point that it all has something to do with Su Chen.

Under the shaking of the bronze stone gate, cracks appeared in the water ghost arch bridge.

The black blood vessels were like tentacles, violently violent.

At this moment, with the help of the torrent of obsession, the bronze stone gate has been closed halfway.

But the torrent of obsession is running out.

After all, chaotic ghost towns have not existed for long.

If it is long enough, Su Chen can't build bridges and pave the way for them, which is relatively equal.

"Death~" a word burst out from the bronze stone gate.

Su Chen's facial features suddenly cracked, and a clear "death" word occupied Su Chen's face.

When the word "death" appeared, Su Chen's body began to turn black, dripping with ashes.

"Red Bell~" Su Chen yelled.

Now let alone closing the bronze stone gate, it is difficult for me to protect myself.

The big terror behind the bronze stone gate has completely exceeded Su Chen's understanding.

His body was filled with death.

Without the help of Hongling Blood River, Su Chen would have been completely reduced to ashes.

Under the frantic operation of blood therapy, Su Chen exists on the edge of life and death, struggling frantically.

The three-pointed, two-edged spear in his hand kept slashing, trying to cut off this terrible curse.

Perhaps because of strength, the curse could not be cut off for a while, but began to spread.

"Damn, what the hell is this curse."

Death has never been clearer.

Perhaps Su Chen will be turned to ashes in the next second.

He didn't know how long he could last.

"Don't mind me, close the door, close the door first." Su Chen yelled.

After closing the bronze stone gate, he will have the opportunity to cut off this terrible curse.

The ghosts such as Red Bell, Mundo, and Duck Egg started to push the door with all their strength.

The two stone doors made a heavy creak and closed slowly.

But the closing speed is too slow.

It is very likely that Su Chen was reduced to ashes before the door was completely closed.

In the darkness behind the door, an extremely distorted face has appeared.

That human face seemed to have endured thousands of cuts, and it was terrifying beyond words.

He tore through the darkness, forcibly squeezed the torrent of obsession, and tried to squeeze it out.

"Su Chen, I'm completely dead."

"I can't get out of here anymore."

"Hopefully, I can be the last door to close the chaotic ghost town."

"Hopefully, the chaotic ghost town will never appear again."

"Hope, the world is fine and everything is as I wish."

"In this life, whether it's a human being or a ghost, I have a clear conscience, old man, hahaha."

Zhang Qiuge's voice appeared.

His voice carried farewell and boldness.

Looking back at his beloved hometown, Zhang Qiuge's face on the wall returned to Burial Head River.

His face completely sank into the Burial Head River and disappeared.

Because Zhang Qiuge remembered what Shi Jianlin said.

Even if hundreds of millions of people's lives are sacrificed, Su Chen can't have an accident.

Zhang Qiuge always remembers this sentence.

Because he also understands the importance of Su Chen.

Without Su Chen, Chaos Ghost Town would not have reached this level.

"Elder Zhang."

So far, Su Chen doesn't know what to say.

An ordinary person always breaks out the power to shock himself at the juncture of crisis.

Just like what Zhang Qiuge said.

He had a clear conscience in his life.

Before his death, he was a doctor and existed to save people.

After his death, he is still a doctor and exists to save the world.

He gave up everything, completely merged into Burial Head River, and became part of the chaotic ghost town.

Zhang Qiuge has completely disappeared.

No, maybe he exists forever.

He exists in the heart of man.

The only remaining water of the Burial Head River tumbled down and rushed into the bronze stone gate, repelling the heads that were trying to squeeze out.

Then a human wall appeared in front of the bronze stone gate.

There is only one person in this human wall, but it forms a wall.

This person is Zhang Qiuge who was completely disrupted.

He alone formed a wall to block all disasters.

After the human wall appeared, the resistance to closing the door disappeared instantly.

"Red Bell, close the door."

The human wall was trembling and collapsing, and Zhang Qiuge couldn't support it for long.

Su Chen bowed, and Zhang Qiuge could bear this bow.

Because he did what Su Chen couldn't.

At the same time, with the efforts of the ghosts such as Red Bell, Mundo, Duck Egg, etc., the bronze stone door rumbled and rumbled continuously, and finally closed.

There was also a loud banging sound from the closed bronze stone door.

The knocking on the door continued for several minutes, and the bronze stone door became illusory.

It started to disappear little by little.

When only the crack of the door remains.

Su Chen even saw Zhang Qiuge's back.

He waved at Su Chen, just like when Yang Jian waved his back to Su Chen, and disappeared.

The only remaining crack in the door also disappeared in an instant.

After the bronze stone door completely disappeared.

The traces left by the chaotic ghost town began to dissipate at this time, turning into piles of ashes.

Su Chen also successfully cut off his own terrible curse with Delusional Destruction.

Raising his hand to look at the sky, black ashes fell from the sky, like snowflakes.


"The chaotic ghost town is gone." Su Chen looked down at the black ashes that fell in the palm of his hand and muttered to himself.

"The most terrifying thing is the human heart, and the most beautiful thing is the human heart."

"The easiest thing to destroy is missing, and the most resolute thing is missing."

"The most desperate thing is obsession, and the most precious thing is faith."

"Old Zhang, go all the way."

"From now on, the chaotic ghost town will disappear completely."

Su Chen grabbed the black ashes in his palm, raised his head, and his eyes burst with unprecedented determination. .

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