Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

187: The prototype of the ghost town on earth (1/1)\r

When Su Chen woke up, the No. 10 bus had arrived at Xin'an Community.

"Hong Ling, why didn't you wake me up." Su Chen rubbed his eyes.

When I woke up this morning, I felt comfortable all over, and my previous fatigue disappeared.

"Brother Chen, we saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't call you."

Hong Ling also knows that Su Chen is the one who bears the most pressure in the chaotic ghost town.

So it's not that they don't wake Su Chen, but - they don't want to wake Su Chen.

He needs a good rest.

"Well, let's get out of the car." Su Chen nodded and did not continue to ask.

Time is the most boring thing for ghosts.

They are already immortal, and time has long stopped on them.

After getting out of the car, Su Chen looked up at his Xin'an community.

The doors of Xin'an Community were deformed.

The buildings inside were severely damaged.

"It seems that other ghosts entered Xin'an Community while I was away."

Su Chen knew that when he took away all the high battles in Xin'an community, Xin'an community might encounter other ghost invasions.

"You go and deal with it."

"Those invading alien ghosts, not a single one, kill them all."

When the words fell, Dachun rushed in first.

The golden light directly illuminates the entire Xin'an community.

He is the most irritable and the most angry, after all, he is the security guard of Xin'an Community.

Then there was a huge heartbreak.

Those high-rise buildings with serious damage will have to be repaired and repaired one by one.

Su Chen stood at the door and didn't go in for the time being.

Su Chen has no sympathy for Xin'an Community being invaded and occupied by foreign ghosts, and its residents suffered heavy casualties.

He has given too many privileges to the ghost residents of Xin'an Community.

Arms from Earth gave them a lot of advantages over ghosts of the same level.

In this world, living and working in peace and contentment will only die faster.

Those who live in this world must work hard to survive.

Because this world is a thoroughgoing survival of the fittest.

Taking out the atlas, Su Chen looked around the Xin'an community.

The location of Xin'an Community is relatively remote, surrounded by barren mountains and mountains, which is very desolate.

"Sun Shanshan, I'm going to move the No. 1 Middle School here. You can see which location is better."

Su Chen turned to ask Sun Shanshan.

Sun Shanshan nodded and looked around, saying that it was all right here, and the place was enough.

"Then opposite Xin'an Community."

Su Chen took out the atlas and clicked on Xin'an Community first.

With Xin'an Community as the core location.

Soon, the atlas showed the whole picture of Xin'an Community and the surrounding environment.

Then click on the copy of the first secondary school.

A prompt appeared on the map book: whether to relocate the No. 1 Middle School.

"Yes." Su Chen nodded.

The building coordinates of Xin'an Community appeared in Su Chen's hands.

Just like a tablet, it can be dragged to the chosen location with a single pull.

Let go again, and No. 1 Middle School will stay in the pre-selected position in the map book.

Put down the atlas and look up.

The darkness began to blur and twist.

The huge buildings are like projections, entering reality from fantasy.

Soon, No. 1 Middle School appeared opposite Xin'an Community.

"What kind of ability is this?"

"Is this really the first middle school?"

Looking at the miraculous scene in front of them, the ghosts such as Hong Ling, Sun Shanshan, and Old Man Wang were stunned.

In order to determine whether it is.

Sun Shanshan and Wang Laotou went directly to No. 1 Middle School.

Su Chen also entered No. 1 Middle School.

It was certain that this was No. 1 Middle School, and even half the street in front of No. 1 Middle School appeared.

Ghost teachers and ghost students in the school said they didn't feel the slightest bit.

"Some kind of space-like ghost ability?"

"Quietly pieced together two buildings."

The map book shows that Xin'an Community and No. 1 Middle School have become one place.

There were some fluctuations in Feng Ji, and it seemed to become stronger.

As the dungeon gets bigger, the improvement to ghosts is very high, and it will even subtly improve the aptitude of ghosts.

In the same way, Su Chen also relocated Mulin College, next to No. 1 Middle School.

The first to notice something was wrong were the security guards at the Twilight Academy.

His slender neck came out of the window and looked around with a dumbfounded expression.

"Hong Ling, go to Mulin College to deal with it."

"Kill all the ghosts who don't cooperate."

"Yeah." Hong Ling nodded.

Duskwood Academy was Hong Ling's former alma mater, and she was the best to handle it.

The ghosts in this academy are almost dead, and when there are more ghosts in the future, Su Chen plans to make Hong Ling the headmaster of the Mulin Academy.

The building complex in the middle of the atlas has grown larger.

Xin'an Community, Mulin College, and No. 1 Middle School were pieced together to form a larger copy.

You are the core of this copy.

As long as they get the ghosts they recognize, they will be improved more or less because the copy becomes larger.

Feng Ji has become much stronger at this time, and has even touched the level of top red clothes.

Give her enough time and she can become a real top red.

Yin Zi, who had left early, also stood in place at this time.

She could feel that she seemed to have changed, and her strength had improved a lot.

Even the aptitude in Mingming seems to have improved a bit.


"Yinzi, what's the matter with you?" Zhou Qingyang looked at Yinzi who suddenly didn't move.

Silver's terror factor suddenly increased a bit.

"I'm not sure." Yin Zi shook his head and looked in the direction of Xin'an Community.

"Maybe something has changed in Xin'an Community." Yin Zi muttered to himself.

Even Mundo, Dachun, Sun Shanshan, Dachun, Wang Laotou and other top red-clothed players have slightly improved their strength.

Those who were previously hopeless and half-murderous, now have such a possibility.

The weakest reaction is Hong Ling, after all, Hong Ling has become a real half-murder.

"Please rename."

Su Chen was thinking about the name of the ghost town in the future.

Xin'an Community, Mulin College, and No. 1 Middle School are no longer independent buildings, independent copies, but integrated.

Su Chen needs to think of a separate name.


"From now on, this place will be called a ghost town in the underworld."

There is more than one ghost town in the underworld, but there is only one ghost town in the underworld.

That's Su Chen's ghost town.

After naming, a stone tablet appeared not far away.

On the stele were written four big characters "Ghost Town on Earth."

The name is atmospheric, high-end, and high-end.

Take a look at the current ghost town on earth, there are only two schools and one community.

Its scale has not even reached the village level, let alone the city.

"It's okay, take your time, the prototype of the ghost town on earth has already appeared."

"After that, you can find some copies of shops, supermarkets, department stores, streets, etc., open them up, and loot them."

Su Chen is holding the atlas and is planning the layout of the ghost town in the world.

But he is not a professional architect and urban planner, and he will have to go to Earth to ask special experts for design research.

At this time, the problem of Xin'an Community was also solved.

A top-level red-shirt invaded the Xin'an community, and a large number of residents died.

Gan Jiang and Wang Pangpang took some of the residents to hide on the negative floor, and barely survived.

Now I hear Su Chen is back.

Gan Jiang and Wang Pangpang went straight to the gate of the community with two lines of blood and tears.

But just rushed out of Xin'an Community.

The two ghosts fell directly to the ground, then rubbed their eyes, and then rubbed their eyes again.

"God general, you slap me, am I dazzled?"

"Why did two schools suddenly appear opposite?"

At this time, Dachun also walked out of Xin'an Community with a depressed face.

Like Fatty Wang and Gan Jiang, he rubbed his eyes and rubbed them again.

Turn around and go back to Xin'an Community, and then come out again.

All the puzzles and shocks are like a surging river, and finally form two words: "Fuck!" 1.

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