Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

194: I'm Not Sick, I'm Really Not Sick [Five Updates] (1 / 1)\r

Set up an old-fashioned video camera and point it at the opening into the psychiatric rehab center.

The screen was distorted, and the picture quickly appeared.

In the picture, there are three mysterious people in black tights squatting at the iron fence.

They wrapped themselves extremely tightly, leaving only one pair of eyes.

At this time, they squatted on the iron fence and used iron scissors to cut the wire of the fence.

The psychiatric rehabilitation center is heavily guarded.

Su Chen understands this very well.

The psychiatric rehabilitation center is for the mentally ill.

If they escaped and hacked you to death, it would only count as bad luck for you.

Because the mentally ill are not eligible for the death penalty.

The high beams on the roof are constantly scanning.

Su Chen frowned. It was the first time he saw the mental rehabilitation center before his death.

Read on.

The equipment and techniques of the three mysterious people are extremely professional.

After quickly cutting a gap in the iron fence, two mysterious people got in.

A mysterious man stayed outside to catch the wind.

"Mostly a thief."

Su Chen muttered to himself.

They have a very good understanding of the layout of the mental rehabilitation center.

Including the track of the patrol and the range of the high beam.

That also includes cameras.

Su Chen even believes that the people in the camera room have been bought off.

Soon, they were infiltrating the largest building of 28 hearts in psychiatric rehabilitation.

Su Chen accelerated the playback speed.

After a while, the alarm sounded, extremely harsh.

Then the mental rehabilitation center became a mess, and all kinds of howls and roars broke the silence of the night.

The two mysterious people who had sneaked in before, took advantage of the commotion and escaped one after another.

At this point they had a black suitcase in their hands.

Su Chen followed them with an old-fashioned video camera.

They retreated into the woods.

The grove had a motorcycle ready early.

Get on a motorcycle and go.

This time Su Chen did not continue to observe with the old-fashioned camera, but frowned.

Who would go to a psychiatric hospital to steal something.

Unless they are also neurotic.

Su Chen was very curious about what was in that black box.

"Could it be something from the Abnormal Human Research Center?"

Su Chen really couldn't figure out what the psychiatric hospital had to steal.

"Feng Ji, did you think of anything?" Su Chen asked Feng Ji.

Feng Ji shook her head, but she didn't remember anything.

Su Chen looked again at the direction the motorcycle was going.

"When you get behind the ghost, you can consider tracking it."

Capture the traces of these three mysterious people with an old-fashioned video camera, and you can follow them all the way.

It is estimated that even those three mysterious people do not know that they will be tracked by future people.

For them, Su Chen is the person of the future, they are the person of the past.

To be honest, Su Chen was really interested in what was in that black box.

"Very well, you managed to get my attention."

Abandoning the three mysterious men for a while, Su Chen threw the old-fashioned video camera to the coward and went back to the gap.

This time, he drilled directly through the gap and officially entered the mental rehabilitation center.

The temperature here is very low.

Looking at the buildings of the Mental Rehabilitation Center with the naked eye, one by one seems to be shrouded in an ominous black mist.

However, Su Chen did not sneak in like the three mysterious people.

Instead, he went straight to the gate of the mental rehabilitation center at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

He didn't care about finding his ghost at all, he just buried his head and rushed towards the door.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be very shocked.

Creeply sneaked in, and then ran to the gate carelessly.

It doesn't look like something normal people can do.


Before reaching the gate, a rotten hand appeared on the ground and grabbed Su Chen's ankle.

"I'm not mentally ill."

"I'm normal, I'm not sick."

"let me out."

"Let me out." Su Chen stomped on the hand that grabbed his ankle, shouted vigorously, and then scrambled to the door.

In the security room at the gate, there were also a few ghastly ghosts.

After they appeared, they roared and rushed towards Su Chen.

"Let go of me, I'm really not sick."

"I'm really not sick." Su Chen struggled frantically.

But the more he struggled, the harder these Specters worked.

At this time, several ghost doctors in blood coats appeared in the psychiatric building.

The strength of the leading ghost doctor has reached the top red.

There was also a small head growing out of the split head.

With every step, a stench of bloody footprints is left behind.

"Doctor, I'm not sick, I'm really not mentally ill."

Su Chen hurriedly explained.

"Every patient who comes here says so."

"I'm really not sick."

"I swear I'm really not sick." Su Chen kept repeating.

"We know." The ghost doctors nodded.

"I'm really not sick, don't pick my clothes off."

"I'm a normal person, let me out, let me out."

Then, a foul-smelling rag was stuffed into his mouth.

And was changed into a blue and white hospital gown.

"Thank you."

Several ghost security guards fixed Su Chen on the canopy bed, but Su Chen struggled, unable to break free.

Then the two ghost security guards lifted Su Chen, and the other ghost doctors followed, and quickly carried Su Chen into the largest building of the mental rehabilitation center.

That's how Su Chen blended into the psychiatric rehabilitation center.

And it was mixed in openly.

It is very difficult for foreigners to enter a mental rehabilitation center.

But once inadvertently entered a mental rehabilitation center, it is very difficult to leave.

If you want to leave, you must prove that you are not mentally ill and that you are normal.

But as Dr. Ghost said, everyone who comes here will say that they are not mentally ill and that they are normal.

In the last life, Su Chen accidentally entered the mental rehabilitation center and tried all means, but could not escape.

Even the cracked spirit of Hei Tianyan couldn't escape from the mental rehabilitation center.

Finally, he gave up the idea of ​​running away.

After exhausting his life's wisdom, he proved to the dean that he was a normal person and his thoughts were normal, so he left the mental rehabilitation center.

Soon, Su Chen was taken to the room of the psychiatrist director.

The director's room reeked of a sickening stench.

The mental rehabilitation center looks normal from the outside.

But it was completely rotten inside, and smelly filth was accumulating everywhere.

The psychiatrist is a disfigured woman.

"Doctor Jiang, this is a patient we just found out who almost escaped from the hospital."

"I suspect he may also be a little manic."

Dr. Jiang nodded, then looked at Su Chen, who was tied up with five flowers.

773 Take out the foul-smelling rag from Su Chen's mouth.

Su Chen hurriedly shouted: "Doctor Jiang, I'm really not sick, really."

"Well, I know." Dr. Jiang nodded and pulled out a blank case form from the drawer.

Then he asked: "Since you keep saying that you are not sick, then I will simply ask you a few questions."

"If your answer is normal, we will let you out of the hospital."

Su Chen nodded quickly: "Doctor Jiang, you ask."

"If you run into an old lady on the side of the road, what would you do?"

Su Chen hurriedly said, "I will help her up, call an ambulance, and take care of myself."

"it is good."

"Next question, what would you do if someone asked you to borrow money?"

"I will ask him the reason for borrowing money. As the saying goes, it is not to help the poor in a hurry. If he is really in a hurry, I will lend him money."

Dr. Jiang nodded, and then said again: "Let me ask you a few simple things."

"What color is the sky?"


"What color are the clouds?"


"What color is the forest?"


"It's alright." Director Jiang nodded, closed the medical records, and then nodded to the ghost doctors next to him.

They stuffed the foul-smelling rag into Su Chen's mouth again.

"It was terminally ill, with a bit of schizophrenic syndrome, mood disorders, personality disorders, paranoia and paranoia in addition to mania."

"This is a very serious patient."

"Place him in the critically ill room first."

When Su Chen heard Dr. Jiang's words, his eyes almost fell, and he struggled hard.

Unfortunately, it was quickly pushed out by the ghost. .

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