Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

199: The story of the empty pupil [five more] (1 / 1)\r

The next day, Su Chen was overjoyed with the first thing Lige brought.

Although only a mirror.

But Su Chen was waiting for this mirror.

This mirror is one of the important props to get the ghost back.

Didn't expect to get it so soon.

"It seems that the luck value is high, that's good."

At this moment, Su Chen felt more and more the importance of luck.

"Dr. Jiang said you have a personality disorder and cognitive impairment."

"I brought you a mirror, I hope you can see your heart better."

Su Chen nodded quickly, saying that he would definitely do it.

In addition to Luck Points, Su Chen has 3 Charisma Points.

With the blessing of two special attribute points, Li Ge was very concerned about himself.

"Thank you Doctor Lige."

"Right." Li Ge continued, "I have discussed it with Director Jiang."

"In a few days, I will transfer you to the middle ward."

Her eyes are curved and they look good.

But only for the eyes.

Because under the Li Ge blood mask, there is a large mouth of blood that cracks to the back of the ear, which completely destroys the beauty of the face.

This bloody mouth almost separated Li Ge's head, which was very terrifying.

This is not the cause of Lige's death. The cause of her death is related to 28 days of darkness, and she died instantly.

As for the large mouth of blood that split to the root of the ear, it seems to be some kind of disease before Li Ge's death, which is very rare.

There is almost no cure for this intractable disease.

Even if it is sutured, with the peristalsis of the facial muscles, it will still crack, and it will be more serious than before.

Therefore, Li Ge has been very low self-esteem since he was a child, and there are great problems in the spirit.

When she knew that she couldn't live in society like normal people, couldn't get married and have children like normal people, she made the decision.

She wants to be a psychiatrist.

Not only does she have to heal her own trauma, but she also has to face life bravely.

At the same time, the mental wounds of the others must also be treated.

Because only by experiencing these pains in person can we better understand the pains of others.

Since then, in order not to scare others and to better integrate into society, she put on a mask.

Even if she eats, she will not take off the mask, but leave a gap in the mask.

It can be said that masks have been integrated with Lige.

This is what Su Chen knows about Lige.

Since the day she entered the critical ward of the mental rehabilitation center, Su Chen knew that the girl in front of her had been facing life with strength.

Just like her name, the world kisses me with pain, but I return it with a song.

Director Jiang's life experience Su Chen also knows a thing or two, but not much.

The reason she is so responsible is because of her daughter.

I heard that her daughter committed suicide by jumping off a building when she was in junior high school because of the pressure.

Since that day, Director Jiang has changed as a person.

I also heard that Director Jiang used to be a famous surgeon, and she became the director of psychiatry after her daughter committed suicide.

Perhaps, she has been blaming herself for why she didn't notice her daughter's emotional changes at the beginning.

Therefore, she is extremely responsible for any mentally ill patient.

"Doctor Lige, I want to ask you something."

"You said." Li Ge nodded and checked Su Chen's pupils with a flashlight.

"Have you ever heard of a patient named Kong Tong?"

"Empty pupil?" Li Ge was stunned for a moment.

Su Chen knew, Li Ge knew Kong Tong.

"That's Tun's original name."

As Su Chen guessed, Kong Tong was indeed Tun's name before his death.

"Sister Lige, tell me the story of Kong Tong." Su Chen shook Lige's arm, even acting like a spoiled child.

Li Ge couldn't beat Su Chen, so he had to slowly tell what he knew.

"Kongtong, that is a girl who looks as delicate as a porcelain doll. She was only six years old when she was admitted to the hospital."

"This is the first time I have seen a pair of healthy and beautiful eyes that are so hollow, as if they were dug out, without any expression."

This is the same feeling that Su Chen felt when he first saw Kong Tong.

Li Ge told Su Chen that Kong Tong had a big mental problem.

She often mumbles that she seems to have lost something.

Then I searched frantically, and when I saw what to eat, I went to the emergency room several times.

Her parents had no choice but to send her to a mental rehabilitation center.

However, she didn't go crazy very often, most of them were quiet and asleep.

At that time, Li Ge was also very curious. With such a delicate little face, when he fell asleep, he was like a baby. Why did he come to the mental rehabilitation center.

Until one day, Li Ge saw Kong Tong taking medicine and taking injections.

It was simply a catastrophe.

Four or five nurses couldn't hold her down. She was so powerful that even the security guards were on board, so she could barely hold her down.

She is crazy, screams, and even attacks people like beasts.

"So crazy." Su Chen was a little shocked.

A six-year-old child went crazy, and several adults couldn't hold it back.

"Yes, it's crazy."

There was actually fear in Li Ge's eyes, but she could imagine how much excitement the scene had brought her.

"Gradually, she didn't have much time to be quiet."

"Once she woke up, she would go into a frenzy, muttering to herself that she had lost something and that she would eat whatever she saw."

"Giving medicine and injections is even more chaotic. Every time it's like fighting a war."

"She had to be sedated with a rope tied to the bed to complete the treatment."

"So, when her condition became more and more serious, after the dean discussed with the other leaders, she could only be temporarily transferred to the critically ill room."

The story behind, Su Chen can guess by himself.

After Kong Tong was transferred to the critically ill room, before he could get treatment, it was dark in the world of horror.

The whole world has become the world of death.

And Kong Tong was called swallowing by the hospital doctor because he ate everything.

Li Ge can remember so clearly, that's because Kong Tong left a deep impression on Li Ge 780.

"Doctor Lige, you said Kong Tong kept shouting that he lost something, what did he lose?" Su Chen asked curiously.

He suspected that the ghost trapped in the past had something to do with what Kong Tong lost.

"I am not very sure."

"But I remember when Kong Tong was quiet, he always liked to say something strange."

"She said you might be able to see if you turn into a butterfly, if it's not too far from the sea."

When Su Chen wanted to continue chatting with Li Ge, Director Jiang knocked on the door of the ward.

Indicates that today's inspection and treatment in the critically ill area is over.

"Doctor Lige, if I transfer to the middle ward, can I see you again?" Su Chen showed a reluctant expression.

Li Ge rolled her eyes: "Why do you have to see me?"

"It's the most correct thing to not see me."

Li Ge is right. She is a psychiatrist at the mental rehabilitation center. It is normal that she cannot see Li Ge.

"Well, I see."

After watching Li Ge leave, Su Chen frowned.

"You might be able to see if you turn into a butterfly, if it's not too far from the sea."

"What does it mean?"

Butterfly and the sea have no connection at all, so Su Chen can't figure it out.

However, he intends to see Kong Tong.

It was a risky move, but Kong Tong succeeded in arousing Su Chen's curiosity.

In the horror world, curiosity is deadly.

But without curiosity, it would be more deadly. .

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