Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

203: The world is huge, beyond imagination [four more] (1 / 1)\r

"The third stage life form."

"That's the source of the mythical profession." Su Chen was shocked by the answer given by the terrifying skull.

Looking at Su Chen's shocked appearance, the terrifying skull exuded a sense of sarcasm.

[An ant is an ant]

[What you see is only a part of the world, in fact, the world is huge, bigger than you can imagine]

[Throw away the boring space concept of your human civilization]

【Do you really think the universe is empty? Is it cold and empty? If I told you that the universe is full of corpses, but you just can't see these corpses, would you believe it? 】

Words of horror skulls, Su Chen letter.

Because when you don't have ghost eyes, you can't see all ghosts.

What the human eye can see is only what the human eye can capture.

What can't be captured, doesn't it exist?

Those invisible dead souls, special ghosts, they do exist, but they cannot be observed by the human eye.

"You mean, the world may not be what I imagined it to be?" Su Chen looked at the ghost painting, and his pupils kept shrinking and expanding, which reminded Su Chen's inner surging.

[The appearance of ghosts, small worlds, and real worlds is just to make up for the lack of space. 】

[The real world is something you cannot understand]

[According to the metaphor of your human civilization, a little bug on a tree cannot understand what the sea is like, what the desert is like, because that is beyond its comprehension range]

[Catch this worm and put it on another tree, it will not care, it will continue to eat, continue to climb, it will not realize that the surrounding is different, and he does not care whether it is the same, because It has already exhausted its full strength in living]

[In your cognition, you think that the population of the earth is seven billion, but is it really seven billion? Maybe the real population of the earth has exceeded 10 billion, but you can't see 3 billion of them]

The terrifying skull carries a strong sarcasm and contempt, and exudes an air of contempt for the world and aloofness.

Su Chen doesn't care about the breath of the horror skull, because the horror skull has this qualification.

Since it was able to fight with Yang Jian before it was alive, it proved that it was also a life form in the third stage.

But I have to say that the words of the terrifying skull have completely broken Su Chen's thinking and cognition.

Thinking is a wall, and cognition is a window.

What's behind the wall, what's outside the window.

Only by jumping over the wall and opening the window can it be clear, otherwise it is like a frog at the bottom of a well, self-righteous.

"Then, what exactly is the coming of terror?" Su Chen had to rethink the meaning of the coming of terror.

[I heard the example you gave before]

[You compare the world to a basin, a bronze stone door to a breach, and the coming of terror to water]

[Closing the bronze stone gate can indeed block the intrusion of water]

[Closing the real bronze stone door is equivalent to putting a lid on the basin]

[Even if the water completely submerges the basin, the basin will not be affected for the time being]

[But as the water pressure increases, the basin will eventually burst, and the overturning will only happen in an instant]

[Preventing terror from coming is a waste of time. It is better to think about how to survive if you have this time.]

"Even if the real bronze stone door is closed, it's just delaying time."

Su Chen raised his head, confusion appeared in his eyes.

The answer the horror skull told himself was cruel, that is, the coming of terror cannot be stopped, it can only be delayed.

So, Su Chen was wrong from the beginning.

He should not aim to close the bronze stone door.

Because even closing the real bronze stone door is just delaying time.

And what he really needs to do is to prepare for the coming of terror before it comes.

The ghost town on earth is the hope of preserving human fire.

What he has to do is not to resist, but to adapt.

Let human beings adapt to the coming of terror, so as not to cause human civilization to become history completely due to changes in the general environment.

That's what he should be doing at the moment.

Just like the earth at this time may be artificially built.

At this moment, Su Chen finally found his own direction and his own positioning......  

He is different from other players and other ghost riders.

I have this opportunity and I have this capital.

As for the concept of space, Su Chen was inspired by the words of the horror skull.

Just expand the space.

Mythical creatures are superimposed on mythical creatures.

Space can be not centered on area, but can be centered on depth and height.

Just like a building, the taller the building is, the more people it will live in, but it won't take up a lot of space.

After thinking about this, Su Chen's eyes shone with a terrifying luster.

The words of the terrifying skull made oneself seem to be reborn.

"Brother, do you know Faceless God? Maybe he can save us."

Kong Tong never dared to speak.

Because Su Chen's expression was the same as changing her face, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to say a word.

It wasn't until now that Su Chen's expression was much better that Kong Tong asked weakly.

"Faceless God?" Su Chen looked at Kong Tong.

"Well, he is the protector of the earth." Kong Tong said hurriedly, with little stars shining in his eyes.

She worships the Faceless God, but Su Chen has never heard of the Faceless God.

[Cut, it's just a ghost]

A few blood words appeared in the blood painting, and 0.1 exuded a very unpleasant atmosphere.

The unpleasant breath of the horror skull is related to the faceless god.

Maybe a ghost is called a god by people, making it unhappy.

Or perhaps, it once had a conflict with the Faceless God.

"Ghost?" When Su Chen wanted to continue to ask, the horror skull didn't respond, as if diving.

But there's no denying that this guy knows enough.

It's just that it's not that easy to dig out what it knows.

Recently, more and more bones have appeared in ghost paintings. In addition to the skull fragments, fragments of the vertebrae have also appeared.

This made Su Chen a little uneasy.

He doesn't want to make a deal with horror skulls lately.

If there is another transaction, the ghost painting may not be able to continue to detain it. .

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