Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

209: I Said You Are Guilty, You Are Guilty [Five Watches] (1 / 1)\r

When Su Chen eliminated all the ghosts squeezed out of the study.

The study is back to normal, and the lights have been very stable.

Lighting the black candle, Su Chen stood at the door of the study.

The living room was still occupied by empty darkness, and exuded an extremely strong vicious aura.

Su Chen didn't act rashly, waiting for Kong Tong to give him a new signal.

The pressure of the ghosts such as Red Bell outside was much less at this time.

Tun's expression changed more frequently.

The face that was incomparably similar to Kongtong became more and more blurred at this time, and I could even see a face inside it trying to squeeze out.

"Get back."

"Get back."

"I am Kongtong, I am Kongtong."

With a mad roar, a terrifying breath surged in all directions.

The ghosts such as Hong Ling and Duck Egg looked at each other a few times, and knew that the state of Tun Tun was not quite right.

Even its voice changed occasionally.

Empty eyes, the frequency of luster has also increased.

"Shoot, don't let it breathe."

"The ghost in its body was partially destroyed by Brother Chen."

The red bell with the incomplete ghost can feel the change of swallowing.

She knew that Su Chen had reached the most critical moment.

The monstrous blood river stretched out completely at this time, and the countless resentful evil spirits in it gave out terrifying roars.

28 The blood river rolled out layers of blood waves, constantly impacting and swallowing.

The tattoo curse of duck eggs also entered the blood river, making the blood river even more terrifying.

Sun Shanshan and Mundo also entered the blood river, fully cooperating with Hong Ling.

Their full strength shot brought a great threat to Tun.

Just talking to Su Chen.

At this time, swallowed the enemy on both sides.

You have to face red bells and other ghosts outside.

The body has to face the real owner of this body and Su Chen.

"Death to me~" Su Chen chopped up the last evil ghost in the second bedroom.

The lights in the second bedroom also returned to normal.

This room has a lot of rubbish.

Glass beads, plastic bags, pencils, erasers, pieces of paper, small bottles.

They pile up in every corner of the room.

They were all eaten into the stomach once empty pupils, trying to make up for the vacancy in the body.

Su Chen's strength was restored again, the death tombstone and speed skills were unblocked, and Hei Tian's eyes were also unblocked.

When he planned to return to the living room as before, and waited for Kong Tong to create a chance for himself, there was a change.

The door suddenly disappeared, turning into a waiting mirror.

A gray-blue mist appeared in the mirror.

The mist gradually formed a human figure.

After the human figure appeared, the facial features appeared on the head.

It's just that the facial features are extremely hollow, like a mask exposed in the air.

This is what Swallow looks like.

"Why help her, why."

"I finally turned into a butterfly and saw the real sea, why did you hurt me?"

"She can occupy other people's bodies like I used to be."

"Why did she choose to stay in her own mirror world, and why didn't she go to someone else."

"I gave her a chance, but I didn't stop her."

Su Chen instantly understood what swallowing was.

She used to be human, and she had experienced the same thing as Kong Tong.

There was also a mirror ghost who replaced her and became her. Like Kong Tong, she could only live in the mirror world.

But she didn't make the same choice as Kong Tong, which caused Tun completely lost herself and became the mirror ghost today.

Then she found Kongtong, and finally occupied Kongtong's body and became Kongtong.

Before it was alive, it should have felt the despair and helplessness of being replaced by ghosts bit by bit, but in the end it chose to become a mirror ghost, found a substitute, and left the mirror world.

A former victim, turned into a perpetrator.

Before the dawn of the horror world, there should be many more such things.

But it's hard to spot because people change all the time.

Are you still the real you a year ago?

Maybe you died a year ago, and the mirror ghost replaced you.

It was simply too hard to tell, even harder than those students who had forgotten their own death.

But Kong Tong is different from it.

Kong Tong has always firmly believed that her parents will take her home, and if she occupies the bodies of others, she will never be able to go home again.

This persistence kept Kong Tong in the mirror world, waiting for an opportunity until she met Su Chen.

At the same time, Su Chen also understood that Li Ge said at the time that Kong Tong was often babbling: "Maybe you can see it if you turn into a butterfly, if it's not too far from the sea."

This sentence was not said by Kong Tong, but by Mirror Ghost. At that time, Kong Tong had not been completely replaced by Mirror Ghost, and was still resisting.

For the mirror ghost, the mirror world is a cocoon, a mirror image of the real world, no matter how big it is, it is fake.

Only by breaking the cocoon and leaving the mirror world and entering the real world can we see the real sea.

For them, the sea is the real world.

Every mirror ghost, every existence that becomes a mirror ghost after being replaced by a mirror ghost, wants to become a butterfly and see the real sea.

"The world is really big, bigger than you can imagine."

"Look at the sky with the eyes of the sky, look at the clouds with the eyes of the clouds, look at the wind with the eyes of the wind, look at the flowers and trees with the eyes of flowers and trees, look at the stones with the eyes of stones, and look at the sea with the eyes of the sea , see animals with animal eyes, and see people with human eyes.”

"All you see is the world, and it is your own world."

"Why envy the rest of the worlds that exist and try to enter their world."

Su Chen was moved, and he even understood a sentence at this moment.

One flower, one tree, one world, one switch to live life.

The world is huge, and each world has a special door.

Entering this special door will allow you to see more of the world that will completely change his life.

It's like Su Chen has entered the horror world, which is the world of ghosts.

And his life has completely changed.

If he hadn't come here, Su Chen at this time might still be repeating his three-point and one-line work life.

Although this life is simple, but very stable.

Maybe until death, not much will happen.

Su Chen can also understand why the mirror ghost in front of him has to leave the mirror world and come to the real world.

After all, it was a real person before his death, but was replaced by a mirror ghost.

It wants to come back because it has lived before.

But why did the original mirror ghost want to leave the mirror world.

Maybe I saw it and envied it, so I wanted to go and see it.

When the modern mirror ghost saw the real world, would he be disappointed in this world, and would he choose to see more worlds?

Although Su Chen, the original mirror ghost, has never seen it, it must be a very special ghost.

The purpose at the beginning, maybe really just want to see.

"Do you know the biggest difference between you and Kong Tong?"

"No matter when, she will always be empty pupil, because she will not give up on herself, this is her insistence. 783"

"And now you, even if you once felt despair and pain, you can even give up on yourself, so how can I trust you."

An existence who has given up on himself and doesn't even believe in himself has no right to ask for the trust of others.

"Do you remember what you used to look like?"

"Do you remember your experience?"

"Who are you now, what's your name, do you remember?"

Tun's pupils were even more hollow, it forgot, it didn't even know what it looked like and what it was called.

The only thing it remembers is the despair it experienced.

The unwillingness in this despair turned it from a human into a demon.

It can even be said that it is full of malice and mistrust towards the world.

"The girl you replaced is called Kong Tong. She is a girl who wants to be taken home by her parents."

"It was you who ruined her life and let her go through everything you went through."

"You are not qualified to be redeemed, and you are not qualified to be trusted."

"I say you are guilty, and you are guilty."

When the words fell, Su Chen shattered the mirror in front of him without hesitation.

Tun may be able to cooperate because it was once human and could communicate.

Coupled with the fact that it is now feeling a strong crisis, cooperation is more likely.

Even, it has witnessed the dark scene of the horror world.

But Su Chen chose to refuse.

Because compared with malicious madness, good intentions are more valuable.

The limit of swallowing is a big evil.

But once Kongtong gets her body back, she is not the limit of being fierce, she can become stronger.

The most important thing is that Kong Tong is trustworthy. .

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