Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

216: The special ghost who can't see the light: long time (1 / 1)\r

Put away the mobile ward.

In addition to moving the ward, this exclusive task also gave Su Chen 1 Luck Point.

Overall, it's not worth the tedious task.

Now, Su Chen set his eyes ~ in front of Jiu Shi.

Like Kong Tong for a long time, he has a complete memory of his life.

The real Jiushi is dead, and the current Jiushi is a ghost.

It's not strong, it's just special.

"I ask you, how much do you know about the gap world?"

The existence of the gap world makes Su Chen still very uneasy.

"That is, that is a world without bugs." Long Shi said weakly.

He told Su Chen that the gap world was not like that in the beginning.

There is nothingness, nothing exists, completely forgotten by the world.

So, when I was playing hide and seek, I hid there.

But I don't know why, suddenly one day, the gap world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A deformed world emerges, and a terrifying stillbirth is born.

"It is estimated that it has something to do with the dark world of Thriller." Su Chen nodded.

Then he continued to ask: "In the gap world, besides you, who can open the door?"

Long Shi weakly told Su Chen that only he could.

Su Chen is very satisfied with this answer.

It seems that as long as it is controlled for a long time, the gap world will not overlap with the real world.

"You can see the rest of the past clearly, and you can still enter, right." Su Chen squatted in front of Jiushi.

I am very interested in such a special ghost.

"It could have been done before."

"But now, only after the other party loses consciousness can I enter his past."

For a long time did not dare to hide Su Chen.

"Has this ability been weakened?"

"It's not weakened, but times have changed."

A ghost who can only view the rest of the existence experience is indeed very rare.

The only downside is that it has no self-defense like the coward.

Without further ado, Su Chen squatted in front of Jiushi.

He is now less and less like to talk around the corners, can say one sentence clearly, never say a second sentence.

Maybe it's been a long time in contact with ghosts.

The knowledge is too weird.

Therefore, Su Chen's way of thinking is completely different from that of ordinary people.

"I want to know about the Abnormal Human Research Center."

"And about Wei Jiuling."

This is also one of Su Chen's goals for rescuing Long Shi.

"It was my brother who rescued me from the mirror world."

"He can be trusted." Kong Tong touched his head for a long time.

The two of them are about the same age, but Kong Tong is more mature and does not match the maturity of his age.

Instead, he was very introverted for a long time, as if there was an invisible wall separating him.

"The Abnormal Human Research Center." Long Shi said weakly, "I don't know much."

He told Su Chen that Wei Jiuling brought him to the mental rehabilitation center.

He didn't know Wei Jiuling very well either.

All I know is that he is a very scary old man who studies some scary things.

I have been to the Abnormal Human Research Center once.

It was also Wei Jiuling who brought him in and did some tests.

That place is scary, with a lot of weird older siblings.

Most of them were immersed in containers, while others were experimented on their beds.

Having said that, he squatted on the ground for a long time and shivered.

It seems that the scene I saw at the time was too exciting for Long Shi.

It was also because of seeing this that he concealed his abilities for a long time and disguised himself as an ordinary child.

"Human experiment?" Su Chen thought.

If you find some human beings with special abilities.

These humans will not do whatever they want, but will encounter some terrible things.

There will be special people to study why they have this ability.

The best way to study is in vivo experiments, human experiments.

This kind of taboo experiment that violates human relations also exists on Earth, but it is not known by ordinary people.

The advancement of science and technology, the development of the times, and the growth of medicine all hide behind cruelty and darkness.

"Do you know where the Abnormal Human Research Center is?" Su Chen asked again.

Nodding for a long time.


He told Su Chen that the Abnormal Human Research Center was underground in the Mental Rehabilitation Center, but he didn't know how to get there.

"Have you seen Wei Jiuling's past?" Su Chen asked again.

Wei Jiuling and Jiushi met for the first time. It was not dark in the world of horror, and Jiushi should be able to see Wei Jiuling's past.

But he shook his head for a long time.

He can see the past of many people, but there are also some people's past that he dare not look at.

Once others know their existence, they know their abilities.

If you enter the past of the other party, you will be noticed by the other party, and it is very likely that it will be directly erased.

Wei Jiuling was suspicious of Jiushi's ability at the time, so Jiushi didn't dare to look at it.

...................... 0

His ability, once known, is basically useless.

"The ability to see the light of death?"

The long-term limitation of the ghost's ability is really big enough.

In today's era, stronger ghosts need to lose consciousness and invade his past for a long time.

During the period, the other party can't know the situation of the long time, otherwise the invasion of the past, it is very likely that the other party will erase the existence of the long time.

"A ghost that needs to be hidden from everyone."

"In this way, the real ghost ability can be exerted for a long time."

For a long time, I already knew about it.

In the Abnormal Human Research Center, Su Chen also has a more comprehensive understanding.

It exists in the underground of the mental rehabilitation center, which is a research center rather than a human laboratory.

Specially used to study those humans with strange abilities.

But how to enter the Abnormal Human Research Center, Su Chen has yet to find a clue.

When Director Jiang comes next time, Su Chen intends to dig out her knowledge of the Abnormal Human Research Center from Director Jiang's mouth.

The director of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center should also know about the Abnormal Human Research Center.

But the dean, Su Chen didn't want to provoke him for the time being.

"Kongtong, I'll give it to you after a long time."

"Red Bell, let's go to the dirt room."

There is still some time before Director Jiang comes, Su Chen intends to go to the dirty room that Feng Ji said. one.

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