After the tenfold rift left a shocking rift in Xinchen City.

Su Chen also found the feeling.

He is full of combat power, like a god of war coming into the world, showing his strong enough strength to the world.

This time, he did not forget the lines that Shi Jianlin had prepared for him early.

With the three-pointed two-edged spear in hand, it stepped on the ground and jumped high, and the condensed false destruction drove a strong hurricane and began to erupt.

"God's top, proud of the world, with me, Su Chen, there will be heaven."

With a roar, the three-pointed two-edged spear was severely pressed.

Dozens of floors of high-rise buildings collapsed directly.

Then a terrifying air wave surged, and large tracts of buildings began to collapse and disintegrate.

"Two turns."

"Extreme Mode."

"Extremely fast."

Su Chen with full firepower, the afterimage flickered.

The human eye can clearly capture more than a dozen Su Chen at this time.

That is so fast that even the naked eye can be deceived.

Su Chen was like a wild horse that ran wild across the city.

With one shot, the high-rise building exploded, a deafening sound erupted, and the billowing dust shot up into the sky.

With one punch, the road shattered, like a spider web spreading rapidly, shocking.

The entire Xinchen City is like a toy in Su Chen's hands.

Looking at Su Chen who showed great power in the live broadcast, the eyes of all mankind were dull.

Is this God?

Is this the power of God?

The world turned upside down at the click of a finger.

This kind of power has completely surpassed their understanding.

In front of all this, it's not a movie.

but real.

The real spread in every corner of the world.

Everyone looked at Su Chen, who killed the Quartet and had unparalleled combat power.

The fear in his eyes gradually dissipated, turning into excitement, into frenzy, into madness.

"I am the true god, and I should suppress all the enemies in the world."


Nine blood eyes appeared in the sky, and the blood eyes surrounded the giant baby lying on the high-rise building.

As Su Chen slashed down, the space shattered like a mirror.

The building and the giant baby also began to shatter at this moment.

A large amount of broken flesh and blood mud erupted, forming a terrifying blood rain.

"Get out of here, this is not where you should be."

Su Chen fell on the ground, and he could see that many people in Xinchen District had not evacuated.

After they saw Su Chen, they even knelt on the ground.

After all, Shi Jianlin didn't tell Su Chen the whole truth.

He did not do his best to evacuate the residents of Xinchen City.

He will pave the way for Su Chen with death and blood.

He wants those who survive in Xinchen City to witness and experience Su Chen's power with his own eyes.

This way of becoming a god is man-made.

Su Chen is the true god of this road.

But the dark part of this road was built by a city and countless lives.

This is cruel.

As I said before, in chaotic times, human life is like a must.

However, there is no choice.

Because reality is always reality, fairy tales are deceptive.

In the future, without strong enough beliefs and beliefs, more than one city's people will die.

"True God' . . ."

"God has come."

"We are saved."

"We are saved."

Watching Su Chen leave, looking at the new morning market in purgatory on earth, people who were extremely afraid before, are not afraid now.

They had courage, they saw the true God, they had a new faith.

When the world is plunged into darkness, the appearance of a ray of light is enough to make people crazy, enough to make people see hope and see the future.

Because there is a saying in human civilization, darkness cannot suppress light, just like evil can never overcome justice, justice may be late but never absent.

This is the common sense of human civilization, self-righteous common sense, rather than hope.

But when everyone believes it, it's true.

"On the day my god comes into the world, all monsters and monsters will die." Su Chen roared, and the battle power exploded like a flood.

Wherever he went, all the tall buildings were destroyed, and all the ghosts died.

He felt that something unspeakable had changed in himself.

Maybe it's the will, maybe it's a change in the spiritual level.

But at this moment, under the global attention, Su Chen even thought that he was the real God.

When this belief arises, he is the true God.

He even understood the legendary Yang Jian, Chang'e, and Faceless God.

their third stage life forms.

When they show their strong enough strength, shock the world, and become invincible, they are called true gods by countless beings.

As a result, the myths and legends that have been immortalized for centuries have been left behind.

At that time, they may have the same feeling of incomprehension as Su Chen is now.

Hundreds of years from now, a thousand years from now, thousands of years from now, if human civilization still exists.

In mythology, there is the name of Su Chen.

Although it is not clear how future generations will describe Su Chen, how to slowly turn facts into myths.

However, what Su Chen does today is to create myths.

Su Chen, who was on the rise, tore off his armor and exposed his upper body.

A terrifying grimace appeared behind him.

The appearance of the grimace froze the roaring river of blood in the air.

The spear was pressed down, and the river of blood split.

The split blood river rolled wildly, and under the fusion of countless ghosts, a blood-colored woman appeared.

A woman is so big that she can grab a building with one hand.

With a sweep of the arm, large tracts of buildings were destroyed like rubbish.

Su Chen was the size of an ant in front of the woman, but when the spear was swung, a lot of blood was stirred, causing a bloody storm.

"With me Su Chen, there will be a day, is this Su Shen?"

"Too strong, too strong."

"Looking down on eternity, witnessing life and death, is this the word of God?"

"The top of the gods, proud of the world, Su Shen is invincible."

"Hang God, awesome."

Countless people had tears in their eyes, and a raging fire burned in their eyes, which was a fire of excitement.

That is the fire of witnessing the true God.

Today, the true god of the earth is in the world, and with invincible power, sweeps away the ghosts and night walks.

At this time, Su Chen also repeated the lines he said at the beginning.

"¨"I have a shot that can move mountains, overturn seas, subdue demons, suppress demons, exterminate ghosts, kill gods, pick stars, break rivers, destroy cities, and open up the world!"

A shot was pressed, the bloody eyes appeared, and the sky shattered.

With a single shot, the space shattered, and the blood flowed into the sky.

With one shot, tall buildings collapsed and streets collapsed.

"It's done." Shi Jianlin squeezed his fist excitedly.

The strength Su Chen is showing at this moment is enough to confer a god, enough to become the belief of the world.

The old era will be history at this moment, and the new era is coming.

This era can be called: the era of true gods.

The best way to fight fear is to have faith.

The essence of living people is the future and hope.

Today, the future and hope lie in front of everyone.

The appearance of Su Chen, abruptly cut through the darkness, revealing the blocked light.

In the future, no matter how dark the darkness is.

Su Chen is here, and the future and hope are here.

It is experiences, not years, that make a person mature.

What happened today, the beginning of a new era for all to witness, will be the most unforgettable experience of their lives.

After going through this, they will only become more mature and stronger in the future.

This is a change in thinking.

The human mind is like a high wall, always limited. (of money)

But at this moment, Su Chen knocked down this high wall, allowing humans to see further.

Despair can give strength, and so can hope.

Having felt despair and witnessed hope, the pattern of the world and the will of the world will undergo unprecedented changes.

Su Chen once said that the ants looked up and called the building a mountain, a puddle as a lake, a pond as an ocean, and an acre of land as the world.

Today, Su Chen lets them see real mountains, lakes, oceans, and the world.

Su Chen is the first ant to see the real mountain, lake, ocean, world.

In the ant colony, Su Chen is the god among the ants.

To the real world, Su Chen is just a bigger ant.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

When ants have faith, gods, and leaders, they will be fearless, and they will unite as one.

But there is also a huge flaw.

Once God dies, how strong the will of faith will be, how tragically it will collapse.

That's why Su Chen proposed that the God-building plan must not have only one true God, but more.

In this way, future troubles can be avoided. .

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