Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

239: Traces of the past, broken (1 / 1)\r

"For a long time, continue to accelerate."

"During this time, there should be a lot of people dying in Shuiquan Village."

After knowing the secret of Shuiquan Village's spring eyes, Su Chen also had a spectrum in his heart.

If you want to deal with Shuiquan Village, you must deal with the end of the water source in Shuiquan Village.

Something weird is brewing at the end of the water, and its weirdness is not as simple as life.

The ghosts that are born to raise people are the most bizarre and the most terrifying.

As expected by Su Chen, when there was a problem with the water source, there was also a problem with the water quality.

But drinking spring water all year round is already a habit of Shuiquan Village.

In addition, they have been isolated from the world for many years, and they have only communicated with the outside world in recent years. They are still a backward village with a low level of education, so they don't take it seriously.

The temperament of the villagers of Shuiquan Village has changed.

Duck Egg was eight years old at this time.

There was panic and fear in her eyes.

Because her parents started to quarrel, and even started.

The once simple and honest man was now like a irascible bull, his eyes were red.

The once gentle woman also became violent at this time.

The reason for the quarrel is nothing more than, being too poor, women want a better life, but men can't provide it.

"Selfish, greedy, irritable, indifferent."

It is hard to see the simple villagers of Shuiquan Village.

There are also fewer villagers who are serious about farming, and there are some violent incidents, but most of them are trivial matters.

Fortunately, they were not out of control at this time, but their emotions were capricious.

During this time, there have been many dead people in Shuiquan Village.

A strange red mark appeared on the body of the deceased.

Some young people who have returned from outside think that there may be a disease in Shuiquan Village.

They look for someone to find the source of the disease.

After some searching, they believe that the water quality of Shuiquan Village may be polluted.

If you want to be sure, you have to dig the fountain.

But this was rejected by the villagers of Shuiquan Village.

Their Water Spring Village has existed for so many years, and the spring water has been drunk for so many years, how could there be a problem.

Experts have no choice but to give advice, so that the villagers in Shuiquan Village should try not to drink spring water.

You can connect water pipes to the village, drink pure water, or install a water purifier at home.

But they were chased away by the people of Shuiquan Village.

Connecting the water pipes, drinking pure water, and installing water purifiers will not cost a lot of money.

Of course they don't want to.

Most importantly, they are reluctant to believe that there is a problem with the water in their village.

If there is a problem, the problem has already occurred, how can it be a problem now.

Under these thoughts, the rest of the young people have no choice.

I can only find a way to take away the elderly and children in the village who are willing to go with me.

There are fewer and fewer young people in the village, and more and more old people are lonely and widowed.

These old people have a very deep friendship with Shuiquan Village, and their thoughts are relatively stubborn.

People from the city came several times and even offered to pick up water pipes for Shuiquan Village for free, but they were eventually driven out.

In their eyes, water pipes are free, but drinking water is not free.

"It's not just a matter of culture, customs' . . ."

"Water pollution has made them more and more extreme."

Su Chen shook his head, he didn't care about that.

He was watching the funeral of the deceased in Shuiquan Village at this time.

An old man died.

At this time, several old women surrounded the old man, stirring a bowl of blue-blue water with spring water, chicken blood, and some stone powder.

It's part of the funeral, and it's the most important part.

This bowl of water, they call it Burial Blue Blood.

The old woman who tattooed the burial blue blood into the skin of the deceased also has a special title in the village, called the burial woman.

Whether it is a burial of blue blood or a tattoo, it does not appear casually.

That is a custom passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors of Shuiquan Village.

There is also a legend about tattoos.

Legend has it that at the beginning of the establishment of Shuiquan Village, the ancestors would dream of evil spirits at night.

The evil death has caused many people to die in pain.

Until one of the ancestors, he dreamed of those dead companions, they were very painful.

They appealed to their ancestors for help and formed strange patterns in their dreams.

They told their ancestors that tattooing these patterns on the dead could bear the pain of the rest of the living.

Then bury the tattooed deceased in Shadi, which can not only suppress Shadi, but also shelter Shuiquan Village.

So, when the ancestor woke up, according to the method in the dream, he prepared navy blue blood, carved tattoos, and buried the dead.

From that day on, there were no more painful deaths in Shuiquan Village.

The dead will leave in peace.

This is just a legend, but it also made Su Chen understand the reason for the tattoo.

It is to help the living to suffer, and then suppress Shadi and shelter Shuiquan Village.

Tattoos also have a special name, called soul piercing tattoos.

"This kind of legend can only deceive children."

Su Chen shook his head.

The ancestor who researched the burial of blue blood and soul-piercing tattoos was indeed the first-generation village chief of Shuiquan Village.

Su Chen even believed that he competed for the position of village head in this way.

The ancients had a theory of ghosts and superstitions.

After the funeral mother has tattooed the soul, she will directly put the deceased into the coffin.

During this period, no existence can see the tattoos on the deceased.

According to the funeral mother's words, if you see it, you will suffer for the deceased.

The following funeral ceremony is similar to what Duck Egg said.

The process is extremely complicated, and it is finally buried in the previously selected cemetery.

Duck Egg has no impression of the soul carving ceremony, but she has a soul carving tattoo on her body.

Then there is only one answer.

When I was alive, Duck Egg had not seen it, nor was it clear.

After death, Duck Egg has experienced it, but she is already dead, so it is not clear.

Before it was dark in the horror world, she did die, got a soul tattoo, and was buried.

Su Chen continues to delve into Duck Egg's past.

When Duck Dan was eleven or twelve years old, bad news came.

The white iron column that went out to work unfortunately fell while working on the construction site, and the steel bar directly penetrated it.

That day, Uncle Bai's head turned white overnight, and Duck Egg also cried into tears.

But Duck Egg's mother didn't come back, she disappeared.

The gossip outside said that before Bai Tiezhu died, Duck Dan bought a high amount of accident insurance for Bai Tiezhu.

Now I have long run away with money, I don't know where to go to enjoy life.

Not even his own daughter.

Although I don't know if it's true, Duck Egg's mother did not come back and has no trace.

Duck Egg did not believe that her mother would do this. She wanted to leave Shuiquan Village several times to find her mother.

But the world is big and the duck eggs are young, how to find them.

Every time he was stopped by Uncle Bai, the grandfather and grandson depended on each other and lived in Shuiquan Village for another five years.

When Duck Egg was sixteen years old, due to drinking spring water all the year round and the death of his father, people outside were talking about his mother's gossip.

There was a great problem with her body, and she had a high fever for three consecutive days.

Uncle Bai has no money, plus his old thinking, so he didn't go to the doctor, but instead went to the funeral woman in the village.

The funeral mother prepared a bowl of medicine with unknown formula and poured it into the duck eggs.

On the second day, the duck eggs were fine. On the third day, the duck eggs bleed for no reason. On the fourth day, the duck eggs had no strength to move. On the fifth day, the duck eggs died forever.

That day, Uncle Bai cried earth-shatteringly.

Su Chen sighed, he didn't want to comment on this matter.

Can't blame anyone, can't blame this era, it can only be fate.

The burial mother carried out a soul-carved tattoo for the duck egg, and after complicated steps, buried the duck egg in the cemetery she chose during her lifetime.

A few days after the duck eggs were buried, Uncle Bai suddenly appeared in the cemetery.

He dug the duck egg out of the grave in the middle of the night.

Then take the duck eggs home.

I heard that Uncle Bai found another way.

This is the local method of resurrecting people. It was taught to Uncle Bai by a big fool in the neighboring village, and he fooled away all the savings of Uncle Bai's family.

Only Uncle Bai would believe in this earthly method, and would believe that the dead can be resurrected.

He has no intention of continuing to live.

The wife died, the son died, the daughter-in-law disappeared, and now even the granddaughter died.

If it hadn't happened by chance, Uncle Bai would probably have sought death.

"¨" I really don't know which expert thought of this local method. "

Su Chen also saw the local solution that Uncle Bai got.

Anyone who has died within fourteen days can be rescued by exchanging their lives for their lives.

The way to do this is to lie down and sit alone, cut the wrists, and align the wounds on the wrists.

Then through the electric current, the blood of the living person is injected into the body of the dead person (money is good) to activate the life of the dead person.

As the current spreads, the living will slowly fall and become the dead.

The dead will slowly sit up and come back to life.

"To be able to come up with this method is a goddamn genius." Su Chen watched Uncle Bai cut his wrist apart.

He was really about to cry stupidly by Uncle Bai.

It was at this moment that a strong darkness suddenly enveloped Su Chen, and all the past about duck eggs disappeared.

"What's going on?" Su Chen froze for a moment.

Long Shi weakly told Su Chen: "Sister Duck Dan's past is broken, this is cut off."

I don't know how long the darkness lasted.

After the darkness disappeared, Duck Egg sat in the room, and Uncle Bai stood in the yard.

They are already ghosts.

"The broken past should be the period when the horror world was dark."

"That is to say, when Uncle Bai was preparing to resurrect the duck eggs, the scientist named Kong Sen pushed open the bronze stone door."

Su Chen turned his head and asked for a long time: "In that dark period, can't you find any trace of the past?"

Nodding for a long time.

Thinking about it too, in the eyes of a long time, the living person is a worm, and the end of the worm is death.

After dark, all the living are dead, all have reached the end, and will not continue to grow.

Until they became ghosts and woke up, even if they regained traces of the past, the period of death disappeared. .

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