Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

246: The Way to Kill the Fierce Spirit [Fourth Update] (1 / 1)\r

The power of the fierce spirit is beyond Su Chen's imagination.

Even if you have a three-pointed, two-edged gun, you can't hurt it.

Red Bell and Duck Egg are also very difficult to hurt each other.

It is a fierce spirit composed of countless ghosts and countless negative emotions.

It is too difficult to kill him.

Only the empty pupil can cause certain damage to the fierce spirit.

Zhao Xiaoying copied the giant sword.

Three half-fierce, one big fiend, and Su Chen, who can be tough and half-fiendish, can't help but be a fiendish spirit.

The Thousand-eyed Mythical Creature and the Forbidden Devil Mythical Creature can't suppress the Wronged Soul Realm either.

The Wronged Soul Realm is still growing, but it is growing at a much slower rate.

"Damn, it's still early."

Su Chen is a little greedy.

The task of sending duck eggs back to Shuiquan Village has reached B level.

This difficulty means that it is best for Duck Egg to become a big murderer, and then go back to Shuiquan Village to trigger the correct follow-up quest.

The big evil duck egg, the big evil Kongtong, plus Hong Ling, Su Chen, and Zhao Xiaoying, who has a dark prison, may be able to kill the evil spirit.

Su Chen came too early.

Duck Egg was half-fierce and sent her back to Shuiquan Village.

The follow-up task fires, but it is not the correct follow-up task.

The follow-up quest for this mistake is to take Duck Egg out of Shuiquan Village again, and come back after Duck Egg becomes a big murderer.

The difficulty has reached the A level after taking the duck eggs and leaving again.

The danger is already terrifying.

But Su Chen did not choose, but went directly to Shuiquan Village, trying to directly deal with the great terror of Shuiquan Village.

The horror that has erupted now is comparable to S-rank in difficulty.

Although A-level and S-level are only a level difference, they are no longer the same level, just like the distance between the top red clothes and the fierce.

But now, Su Chen has no way out, and can only bite the bullet and deal with the ultimate horror of Shuiquan Village.

"Xiao Gu, help me."

Su Chen can only take out the ghost painting.

Although he has previously decided not to deal with horror skulls in the short term.

But in the face of this world, every transaction is forced.

"The trading system works for you."

"This trading system is innocent, fair and just."

"Excuse me, do you need an ordinary transaction? Or an advanced transaction? Or a top-level transaction, a supreme transaction?"

A cold and ethereal female voice appeared in Su Chen's mind.

This frightened Su Chen and almost twisted his head off.

The voice and consciousness of the terrifying skull can already penetrate the ghost painting.

"Xiao Gu, don't make trouble, this time things are really tricky."

"You help me first."

Su Chen said hurriedly.

Some time ago, he sent ghost paintings a lot of novels, discs, and music to relieve the boredom of the horror skull. I think it is imitating the system of a certain novel.

"The check-in system works for you."

"Check-in location: Inside the ghost painting."

"Sign-in reward: novice spree."

The icy voice changed into a mechanical female voice.

Su Chen understood that in this crisis, the terrifying skull did not want to help himself.

It has been vaguely able to escape from the ghost painting.

As long as Su Chen dies, the ghost painting will become an ownerless thing, and it can leave the ghost painting smoothly.

As for checking in inside the ghost painting, it's like sheep entering the tiger's den and door-to-door service.

"Don't worry, I can't die."

"It's a big deal to rely on the ability of the forgotten ghost to get out of here."

Su Chen's eyes were fierce.

Oblivion Skull can get you out of here.

Kong Tong might be able to find a way to leave.

But Hong Ling, Duck Egg, and Zhao Xiaoying will be damaged here.

This price is too great for Su Chen to bear.

"If it's fierce, I have to use the Forgotten Ghost ability to escape."

"The first thing I do is to go to the Abnormal Human Research Center and give you to Wei Jiuling."

"Come on, Wei Jiuling should be very interested in you."

Su Chen said fiercely

Wei Jiuling locked a bronze stone door just to study the horror behind the bronze stone door.

The horror skull is one of the great horrors behind the bronze stone door.

No matter how powerful it was before it was alive, it was severely damaged to less than one-hundred-millionth of its strength.

If it fell into the hands of Wei Jiuling, it would be much worse than in the hands of Su Chen.

Sure enough, as Su Chen's words fell, the horror skull sighed.

"That old man named Wei Jiuling is indeed unusual."

This is the evaluation of Wei Jiuling by the horror skull.

It is very arrogant, and being able to call Wei Jiuling unusual means that Wei Jiuling is terrifying.

"You don't have to use Wei Jiuling to press me. If it falls into his hands, he can't help me."

The flat female voice made Su Chen unable to tell whether the horror skull was telling lies or the truth.

"But I have to say, your luck is really bad enough."

"Even this rare evil spirit can be encountered." The voice appeared gloating.

Su Chen sighed, it seems that behind the bronze stone gate, the number of fierce spirits is very small.

It was born by coincidence.

"How much blood, can you tell me the way to kill the fierce spirit." Su Chen asked.

"One hundred pounds." The horror skull gave an outrageous amount.


This amount gave Su Chen a headache.

A blood cell the size of a basketball weighs about ten pounds.

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