Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

271: The Shadow of the Legend [four shifts] (1 / 1)\r

"Mad, you are absolutely insane."

Ling Feifei shook her head.

The Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel is already a fierce place.

The terror inside was completely beyond Ling Feifei's imagination.

Su Chen also knew.

Because, before he squeezed into the depths of the tunnel from the crack, he saw the dim light inside.

Below the light, Su Chen could still see some figures.

Your own eyes are naked eyes.

Figures can be seen in the crack.

This means that the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel has already formed the prototype of the Soul World.

There are so many dead souls and grievances here.

"During the day, how about we go in during the day?" Ling Feifei pulled - Su Chen.

She was scared, she was really scared.

Although she has come into contact with many dead souls in the past few years, the liveliness in the depths of the tunnel made her seem to return to the unease and fear of seeing dead souls in the first place.

"Useless during the day."

"To solve your problems, only at night."

"Didn't you say before that if you can't see the dead soul, are you willing to give everything?" Su Chen stared at Ling Feifei.

There was also a chill down his spine.

He didn't dare to go in alone.

It took Ling Feifei and Su Chen to enter.

Because the soul of the dead that Ling Feifei had helped before did not disappear completely, but stayed by Ling Feifei's side.

These dead souls only appear when Ling Feifei is in danger.

Ling Feifei hesitated for a long time before she mustered the courage and nodded.

She was willing to give everything, as long as Su Chen could tell her how to see the dead.

She wants to be an ordinary person, to live an ordinary life.

"Go!" After seeing Ling Feifei nodding, Su Chen pulled her and started to squeeze into the crack.

The cracks are narrow and the soil has a faint odor.

The further you go inside, the darker the surroundings and the lower the temperature.

Ling Feifei was almost on Su Chen's back.

Her eyes panicked, her face full of fear, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

When she came to the turning point of her own destiny, she finally broke Ling Feifei's protective color and made her weak.

There was a faint light at the end of the crack, and someone could be heard whispering in his ear.

I don't know if it was the sound of the wind or if someone was really whispering.

The tunnel at night is really weird.

"Su Chen, let's not go in."

"Let's go back."

"Let's go back."

The blood on Ling Feifei's face disappeared, not a dead person but a dead person.

She was already terrified.

In the short stretch of the tunnel, there was a lot of horrible stuff gushing out of the soil.

Rotten faces, charred arms, dropped eyeballs.

They are all exposed from the soil.

Ling Feifei could see it clearly.

At this moment, there was half a bloody face staring at him, only a dozen centimeters away from him.

This kind of pressure is really terrifying.

At this time, Su Chen could see some strange things with the naked eye.

There was a black mist in the soil slowly seeping out.

Looking back, Su Chen even saw that there was a lot of black mist behind Ling Feifei.

The black mist followed Ling Feifei.

"Don't be afraid, there are some things you have to face."

"You can't escape, and neither can I."

Su Chen comforted Ling Feifei.

Although he also had a chill down his spine, he still squeezed inward with a stiff brow.

Break apart the small clods and gravel that are in the way.

Occasionally, severed limbs can be seen.

The appearance of these broken limbs is extremely strange.

Su Chen believes that the staff who handled the tunnel at that time must have cleaned it up.

It is absolutely impossible to leave a broken limb.

These stumps appear suddenly.

This means that Su Chen is getting closer and closer to the depths of the tunnel.

This gap is the entrance to the world of ghosts in the tunnel.

After entering, the dead souls and grievances that Su Chen could not see can be captured.

This is a danger and an opportunity.

Because, at this time, Su Chen couldn't fight the dead soul, so he could only rely on the unjust soul who followed Ling Feifei.

But the things in the tunnel, such as knives, iron pieces, steel bars, etc., have a certain lethality to the souls of the dead.

After all, they have been indulging in the tunnel for so many years, and they have absorbed too much ominous atmosphere and grievances.

After so many years of indulgence, no matter how simple things are, they will become strange things.

These weird things are also what Su Chen must get.

Get them to protect yourself.

The two squeezed into the tunnel next to each other.

The tunnel collapsed so badly that it was difficult to see that it was a tunnel.

If you have to say it, this place is more like a burial mound.

Abandoned cars, broken corpses, blood all over the ground, and burning flames all appeared in front of Su Chen.

Besides, in this special environment, Su Chen's naked eyes saw the dead soul.

More than a dozen black blurred figures wandered confusedly in the tunnel, and made a whimpering cry.

On the sidewalk exposed in the depths of the tunnel, the figures of one or two children sat.

The terrifying face in the soil wailed.

The dead soul closest to Su Chen was swallowed by the black mist behind Ling Feifei and disappeared.

Bringing Ling Feifei in was the most correct.

Su Chen pulled out an exposed steel bar and pinched it in his hand.

It was obviously steel, but it was more like a popsicle, almost freezing Su Chen's palm.

Ling Feifei held Su Chen tightly, she was completely dominated by terror, and even her thinking ability was frozen.


After five years, she returned to the beginning of the nightmare again.

Su Chen also saw clearly what the black mist behind Ling Feifei was.

The black fog gradually turned into one figure after another.

They are all souls.

They are all dead souls that Ling Feifei once helped.

These dead souls seem to have disappeared, but when Ling Feifei is in danger, they will reappear.

Because it was Ling Feifei who helped them complete their obsession.

Their last obsession is to repay Ling Feifei and follow Ling Feifei.

Ling Feifei's back was densely packed with dead souls. There were two or three hundred souls, and the strongest of them had already become resentful spirits.

They all stood quietly behind Ling Feifei, wherever Ling Feifei went, they would go.

"Look, they're all here."

"You used to help them, but now you are in danger, and they are all here." Su Chen's tone became a little gentler.


No wonder, Tang Yi said that Ling Feifei has the shadow of a legend.

The ghost that follows her is the shadow of her legend.

Her legend is not in the world of horror, but in the border of darkness.

Her legend is not the living person of the dark border, but the dead soul of the dark border.

Just like Villa 44, that is the only light in the dark world, driving out the darkness.

Ling Feifei was also the only light left in the eyes of these dead souls.

She is the bridge between the living and the dead in the dark world. Ling Feifei's choice is what the future of the world will be like.

"They?" Ling Feifei turned her head, she saw the dead soul following her.

Ling Feifei knew all those dead souls.

"Didn't they all disappear?" Ling Feifei muttered to herself.

Su Chen told Ling Feifei: "They did disappear."

"Now they have become your shadows."

At this time, Ling Feifei's shadow did disappear, because her shadow had turned into hundreds of dead souls.

"Have you helped the ghosts too?" Ling Feifei asked Su Chen.

When Su Chen was about to shake his head, he found that his shadow had disappeared.

There was also a ghost behind him.

It was a dying soul that was about to disappear, blurry, and even men and women could not be seen clearly.

"It's it."

"It ran out of the captain's diary?" Su Chen's pupils shrank.

That was the ghost in the captain's diary, which Su Chen had seen before.

Now, this dead soul actually ran out.

Not only ran out, but also followed him into the dark border and became his own shadow.

You know, even Hei Tianyan, Shadow Ghost, and Undead Dog can't follow Su Chen to the dark border. one.

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