Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

275: Ling Feifei's Amazing Change (1/1)\r

"Why let me see them?"


Ling Feifei looked at the girl in front of her.

She had figured out why she could see the dead.

Because his own eyes are the eyes of this girl.

Su Chen didn't dare to step forward, but kept retreating.

That girl is not an ordinary evil spirit, but a top-level evil spirit, and there are even signs of a fierce spirit.

She is the most terrifying existence in the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel, and the core of the prototype of the Tunnel's Soul Society.

When I meet her now, I have absolutely no power to resist.

The only thing Su Chen could do was to take Ling Feifei to the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel and let Ling Feifei see the girl.

Because, only Ling Feifei can handle the Huanbei Third Road Tunnel.

I can't help Ling Feifei at all.

Staying here would become a burden to Ling Feifei.

When Su Chen couldn't see Ling Feifei and the girl, he turned around and started running.

He is leaving the tunnel.

If he continued to stay here, he would most likely die here and become one of Ling Feifei's dead souls.

In such a crisis, the captain could not save Su Chen.

Heading down to 823, the tunnel has begun to shake.

Souls crawled out one after another on the ground, and their numbers were so dense that they almost completely occupied the entire tunnel.

Fortunately, they didn't move at this time, and Su Chen forcibly squeezed out from the group of dead souls.

Back at the entrance of the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Turn on the rusty flashlight.

It can be seen that many dead souls lined up in a long queue and began to walk towards the tunnel.

Su Chen was curious about what was happening in the tunnel at this time.

But he dared not enter the tunnel now.

Going in now is not as simple as crazy, but to die.

After Ling Feifei comes out, Su Chen will ask again.

"So many dead souls, even if a few disappear, it shouldn't matter." But how exists Su Chen.

He will never miss an opportunity.

With a long knife in his hand, Su Chen began to search for the lonely soul.

Since he decided to keep the captain, these lonely souls can become the captain's ration.

Su Chen, the army of dead souls, did not dare to do it.

In case of arousing the malice of the undead army, Su Chen will be finished.

The Rusty Flashlight is a great piece of gear, but too useful for Su Chen at this time.

In addition to repelling the dead.

It can illuminate dead souls that are invisible to the naked eye.

So, Su Chen was busier than he was in the tunnel just now.

Holding a twisted long knife in his left hand and a rusty flashlight in his right hand, he ran everywhere, looking for the lonely souls.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"There are so many dead souls to feed you, why hasn't much changed." Su Chen shone at the captain with a flashlight.

The captain's body stabilized a lot, but it was still a little fuzzy.

And can't communicate, as if there is no awareness, can only rely on instinct to act.

The undead army has all entered the tunnel at this moment.

The tunnel shook violently.

Under the violent shaking, the collapsed tunnel actually recovered as before.

But it was dark and invisible.

Su Chen's expression also became serious, holding the twisted long knife tightly in his hand.

He didn't know what was going on in the tunnel now.

But the sound of footsteps could be heard at this moment.

It was not one footstep, but countless footsteps, like thousands of people walking towards them.

Resisting the tingling of his scalp, Su Chen resisted the urge to turn around and run away.

Soon, a person walked out of the darkness.

That is Ling Feifei.

In Ling Feifei's eyes, Su Chen could no longer see any fear and worry.

It was the first time he saw Ling Feifei's smile.

This is the first time Ling Feifei has shown a sincere smile in the past five years.

The shadow behind her was pulled so long that it was always connected to the darkness of the tunnel.

When Ling Feifei walked out of the tunnel completely.

The darkness of the tunnel seemed to be pulled out by Ling Feifei.

A lot of darkness got into Ling Feifei's shadow.

(ciab) The newly restored tunnel begins to collapse again.

When Ling Feifei walked in front of Su Chen, the tunnel behind her completely collapsed and disappeared, even the cracks disappeared.

The shadow behind Ling Feifei was as black as ink.

"Su Chen, thank you."

Ling Feifei looked at Su Chen in front of her, her eyes bright and twinkling, like the brightest star in the night sky.

And her smile actually had a hint of naughty.

The contrast is simply too great.

When she saw Ling Feifei for the first time, she was indifferent, indifferent, and cautious, which was her protective color.

When Su Chen brought Ling Feifei to the entrance of the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel, Ling Feifei's protective color was completely shattered, revealing the fear, anxiety and weakness in her heart.

After entering the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel, Ling Feifei's terror, anxiety and weakness began to disappear.

Especially when Su Chen decided to stay in the dark border and planned to take Ling Feifei out, Ling Feifei became stronger, but there was still a trace of weakness and anxiety that did not disappear.

When Ling Feifei emerged from the tunnel, her weakness and anxiety disappeared completely.

The firmness in his eyes never wavered.

The smile on his face comes from the heart.

Tensioned nerves, completely relaxed.

This kind of change is really too big. From Su Chen meeting Ling Feifei to now, Ling Feifei's change is really amazing.

Surprisingly, Su Chen is not sure whether Ling Feifei is still herself?

So, Su Chen asked uncertainly, "Are you Ling Feifei? Or that girl?"

"You won't be caught by a ghost, will you?"

Ling Feifei rolled her eyes: "If you were a ghost, do you think you would still be alive to talk to me?"

"Get in the car." Ling Feifei opened the door.

She plans to drive herself.

Su Chen got into the car worriedly and asked, "You haven't driven for five years, will you still?"

"Why not." Ling Feifei stepped on the accelerator and the car hit a tree.

"Accident, definitely an accident." Ling Feifei hurriedly shifted gears and reversed.

A sharp retreat, slammed into the collapsed tunnel entrance.

Su Chen looked at Ling Feifei with a speechless expression: "How about I drive?"

"No, I can do it."

Seeing Ling Feifei's firm attitude, Su Chen had no choice but to get out of the car and start commanding Ling Feifei to reverse the car.

After commanding for a long time, the car drove out from the dead end road.

And Su Chen's nervousness at this time was even worse than entering the tunnel.

"Look ahead, don't keep looking at me."

"Big cart, watch out for big carts."

"Don't look at me, pay attention to the front, concentrate."

Ling Feifei was also a little nervous, her palms were sweating, and she hadn't driven for five years, so she might not be used to it for a while.

"Aren't you curious, what happened at the end of the tunnel?"

"Curious, of course curious."

"But go home first, go home and say yes. You drive well first, and don't keep looking at me."

"Haven't you heard an old saying? If you don't drive properly, your relatives will cry."

Su Chen grabbed the armrest.

He can fight with the dead now, but if there is a serious car accident, his flesh and blood can't bear it. .

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