Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

295: Qiao Siyang who wants to live forever (1/1)\r

Relying on the insight of the black sky to see Mundo.

And know that he is still alive.

But Su Chen didn't know where Mundo was at this time.

The river of blood has completely submerged Chaoyang Private Hospital.

Don't say too much, even the murderer didn't find it.

This is very strange.

"Hong Ling, get the half-murderer from Chaoyang Private Hospital here." Su Chen said to Hong Ling.

Half-evil, but also a very powerful ghost.

Su Chen needs to communicate with him to see if he can get new clues.

Soon, a huge bloody hand appeared in the river of blood.

The bloody hand is the only half murderer of Chaoyang Private Hospital.

It was a swarthy old man.

The back of the head is extra long, like a baguette.

A bit similar to the appearance of Dongying slicker.

"I ask, you answer, understand?" Su Chen looked at the old man in front of him.

The old man's eyes were full of fear, and he nodded tremblingly.

"What is your position at Chaoyang Private Hospital?"

The old man told Su Chen that he was the head of the oncology department.

"Oncology." Su Chen looked at the back of the old man's head.

Suddenly I understood why the back of his head was so long.

It is estimated that this guy suffered from brain cancer in his previous life, and the brain cancer mutated after death, causing the back of his head to be extra long.

The type should be a sick ghost, a tumor sick ghost.

"Whose ghost belongs to Chaoyang Private Hospital?" Su Chen asked again.

The old man said quickly, it was the dean.

"Where's the dean?"

The old man shook his head, indicating that he was not sure.

Their dean is very mysterious and rarely seen.

Chaoyang Private Hospital was established at the expense of the dean, and the department of oncology and neurosurgery was very famous during his lifetime.

Their dean was called Qiao Siyang, and he was very rich during his lifetime.

The hospital has many experts and professors who were particularly famous during their lifetimes, and they are all hired at high rates.

He was hired by the dean, and he was also a well-known oncologist during his lifetime.

"Hong Ling, Ling Feifei, the ghost that was pulled into the river of blood didn't die, right?" Su Chen hurriedly asked Hong Ling.

Hong Ling shook her head, part of it died, and part of it didn't die.

"Don't kill them."

"He was a famous doctor before he died, and he should be good after death."

Su Chen hurriedly said to Hong Ling.

There are many doctors in the ghost town, but the only ghost doctors are Director Jiang and Li Ge.

"How much do you know about Qiao Siyang?" Then Su Chen continued to ask the old man.

The old man did not have many memories left.

Especially the memory of Qiao Siyang is even more pitiful.

But still more or less known.

He told Su Chen that the real purpose of Qiao Siyang's establishment of Chaoyang Private Hospital was to treat his disease.

His problem is serious, a very, very rare disease.

As for the others, he is not very clear.

"A very, very rare disease." Su Chen muttered to himself.

It makes sense now.

Qiao Siyang didn't know where to learn about Wei Jiuling's taboo experiments, so he bribed the technicians next to Wei Jiuling and some staff of the mental rehabilitation center.

Then three mysterious people were sent to steal the experimental report of Wei Jiuling's research.

His disease should be very rare.

Even if he paid a lot of money to hire many famous doctors and professors, it would not help his disease.

Therefore, he could only focus on Wei Jiuling's forbidden experiment.

If you can combine with animals and have some of the abilities of animals, you may be able to solve your own problems.

"Hong Ling, take out all the ghosts who look older."

In Su Chen's mind, famous doctors, medical experts, and professors should all be older.

There may be exceptions, but not many. After all, older age means more knowledge and experience.

With more knowledge and experience, some bizarre incurable diseases will become normal in their eyes.

Soon, Hong Ling fished out hundreds of old men and women from the blood river ghost.

Su Chen asked each question.

Apart from the odd jobs and the hospitalized, the remaining dozen or so old men and women were indeed famous doctors, each with their own specialties.

Then, according to the names they gave, Su Chen recruited all the famous doctors from Chaoyang Private (ciab) Hospital before they died.

Almost all of them are old men and women, and the youngest are nearly sixty years old.

"Chaoyang Private Hospital."

"I think it's Sunset Private Hospital." Su Chen shook his head.

This hospital is a very aging hospital, and I don't know why it accepts so many old men.

And according to them, Chaoyang Private Hospital does not accept ordinary patients, but only patients with intractable diseases.

The weirder the condition, the more popular it is.

This strange admission situation really surprised Su Chen.

Chaoyang Private Hospital, Su Chen thinks may be mixed with Qiao Siyang's selfishness.

He was very old, I heard he was in his nineties.

This is exactly the kind of old man who stepped into the coffin with half his foot.

He named Chaoyang probably because he hoped that he would always live in the age group of Chaoyang.

Treating incurable diseases is because he is indeed suffering from a very rare disease, and he needs to know more about intractable diseases to find a cure.

On the other hand, he may not only seek medical treatment, but may also seek longevity, or even immortality.

The older a person is, the more afraid of death, especially the rich and powerful.

When a person's life is luxurious enough, what he pursues is the spiritual aspect.

Just like the emperors of all dynasties in China, in the later period, they all tried to find the elixir of life, hoping to sit in the country forever.

At that time, immortality was a myth.

But when Wei Jiuling was researching taboo experiments, this myth could become reality.

Has some abilities of animals.

There are several kinds of animals that Su Chen knows of alone can live a long life.

Bowhead whales: 200+ years lifespan.

Tortoise: 250 years of life expectancy.

Deep-sea tubeworms: 300-year lifespan.

Arctic clams: 400+ years lifespan.

Black coral: 4000+ years lifespan.

Glass sponge: life expectancy of more than 10,000 years.

And the immortal beacon jellyfish.

Not to mention special species such as lighthouse jellyfish and glass sponges.

If Qiao Siyang can fuse with the tortoise and gain some of the tortoise's abilities, it will be absolutely no problem to live for another hundred years.

A hundred years later, with the improvement of medical technology, he may live dozens or hundreds of years longer.

By analogy, it is really possible for Qiao Siyang to live forever.

In advance, you must have money and power.

"Where is Qiao Siyang's office?"

Su Chen plans to go to Qiao Siyang's office to have a look, maybe he can get new clues.

An existence who cherished his life so much in his lifetime should cherish his life even more after his death.

He will never leave Chaoyang Private Hospital and run around.

Because, the horror of the horror world, even the top murderers dare not walk sideways, let alone Qiao Siyang.

After learning about Qiao Siyang's office, Su Chen nodded to Hong Ling.

The ghost doctors in front of them are all ghosts, so they should be imprisoned first.

When the time comes, they will be placed in the ghost town of the underworld. .

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