Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

299: Shallow water emerges true dragon, small copy hides big terror (1 / 1)\r

According to the structure diagram left on the fourth floor, Su Chen quickly found the location of the underground corpse.

It's a black pyramid of triangles.

There are countless ghosts imprisoned in it.

Thinking about the foreign ghosts who came to Chaoyang Private Hospital unintentionally over the years, all of them are now being held in this black pyramid.

The coward is here too.

He was not imprisoned in the Black Pyramid.

Because he is too special, although he has no combat power, he can ignore all obstacles.

When the coward saw Su Chen appeared.

It was an excitement, like a gust of wind, directly pounced on Su Chen without saying anything.

"You guy."

"Mondo has been imprisoned, and you don't know how to return to the ghost town in the sun to report to me." Su Chen was speechless.

The coward is intact, but his expression is a little haggard.

Mundo was imprisoned.

He neither dared to enter the Black Pyramid to find Mundo, nor did he dare to leave Chaoyang Private Hospital.

So, he squatted beside the black pyramid and waited eagerly for Su Chen to come over.

"You take this." Su Chen threw a walkie-talkie to the coward.

With a walkie-talkie, the coward can always contact himself later.

He is an indispensable part of the ghost town on Earth, and one of the most important members.

Su Chen was not in a hurry to save Mundo.

Because Mundo was incarcerated during this period, not only was there no danger, but he also had very good food and may have gained weight.

Fortunately, he met Qiao Siyang.

If he encounters the other big men, the grass on the tomb is now more than three meters high.

The old-fashioned camera is finally back in Su Chen's hands.

This is one of his most core props and must not be lost.

Turning on the old-fashioned video camera, Su Chen began to see what happened after Mundo left.

The coward is still very talented when it comes to shooting.

The captured footage is fairly stable.

Since Su Chen told Mundo to pursue the destination of the three mysterious people.

Mundo rides out of the mental rehab center on an old-fashioned twenty-eighth bar.

All the way to the Chaoyang Private Hospital.

Three mysterious people on motorcycles entered Chaoyang Private Hospital.

The coward pulled Ramondo and said we could go back.

But Mundo said, "Brother Chen said he wanted the detailed location of their destination' . . ."

Su Chen held his forehead, as expected.

Mundo is not a fool either, he didn't enter Chaoyang Private Hospital swaggeringly, and sneaked in.

However, his stealth skills were not very good, and he was discovered as soon as he entered Chaoyang Private Hospital.

Then get your hands on it.

After killing several ghost doctors, the space is distorted.

After the space returns to normal, Mundo is in the black pyramid.

I think it was Qiao Siyang who made the move.

He thinks that Mundo should be a bad visitor.

But even so, he did not kill Mundo, but chose to imprison him.

Still the old saying.

If the great horror of Chaoyang Private Hospital was not the life-threatening ghost Qiao Siyang, Mundo would have been cold by now.

"Have you seen Qiao Siyang?" Su Chen asked the coward.

Cowards can ignore all obstacles and move freely.

When Qiao Siyang makes a move, the coward should not be in danger.

The coward nodded and said weakly, "I see, but I can't see clearly."

"I was... terrified at the time."

"He's too scary." Speaking of that time, the coward was about to cry, his eyes were full of blood and tears, and he was falling.

"How scary?" Su Chen asked quickly.

The coward looked at Hong Ling, and then said with certainty, "It's more scary than Sister Hong Ling."

"Brother, shall we get out of here quickly?"

The words of a coward are like a deep-sea bomb, making Su Chen dizzy.

"Better than Red Bell?"

"Are you sure?"

The coward nodded vigorously, and he told Su Chen that Qiao Siyang was really scary.

His ghost is very deep, deeper than Su Chen imagined.

Even him, trying to enter the fifth floor of Chaoyang Private Hospital is a little difficult.

As for the sixth floor, seventh floor, and even deeper places, even cowards may not be able to get in.

His ghost ability to ignore all obstacles is not omnipotent.

If you encounter a ghost that is too scary, the coward can't escape.

"Fuck~" Su Chen's whole body cracked.

Stronger than Red Bell.

The depth of Chaoyang Private Hospital is deeper than I imagined.

There are places where even the faint of heart can't get in.

I was still laughing at Mundo just now, if I hadn't met Qiao Siyang, I would have been cold.

Thinking about it now, Su Chen felt a chill down his spine.

If he hadn't encountered such a strange ghost as Qiao Siyang, he would have been completely cold.

It is said that real dragons emerge from shallow waters, and this statement is indeed true.

Chaoyang Private Hospital is a small copy of a big terror.

A small hospital actually hides such a terrifying ghost.

He had come in carelessly before, and let Hong Ling's blood flood Chaoyang Private Hospital.

Not only did he rob the ghost doctor of Chaoyang Private Hospital, but he also took away a lot of confidential information on the fourth floor.

At this time, the back was cold and the scalp was numb.

Qiao Siyang may be more terrifying than he imagined.

After all, he could steal things under Wei Jiuling's eyes and do things under Kong Sen's eyes.

It seems that no matter how small the copy is in the future, Su Chen can't be careless.

Wei Jiuling is hidden in a mental rehabilitation center.

Qiao Siyang is hidden in a Chaoyang private hospital.

These terrifying existences like to hide in small copies, why not go to ghost towns.

It is estimated that rich people like farmhouses and experience life is a concept.

Without a word, Su Chen cut through the black pyramid with one shot, and then got into it.

There are so many ghosts in the black pyramid, it's like a crowd of ghosts, so crowded.

There are many ghosts in it.

Su Chen also saw the ancestors and ghost riders.

They don't know how long they have been trapped, and at this time they have already lost their minds, and the ghost has recovered and become a complete evil ghost.

Su Chen didn't waste much time and found a round Mundo to eat.

Directly pulled Mundo out of the black pyramid.

After leaving the Black Pyramid, the ghosts who escaped before were imprisoned again.

"Walk. "

Bringing out the round Mundo, Su Chen turned around and prepared to leave Chaoyang Private Hospital without saying a word.

The reason why Qiao Siyang did not choose to imprison himself.

Su Chen sees three reasons.

The first reason: I am here to find a ghost, and if I find a ghost, I will leave and will not stay here.

The second reason: I saw Wei Jiuling not long ago, and there may be Wei Jiuling's breath on him.

The third reason: I have the three-eyed general of the mythical profession, and the former director of the three-eyed general is Yang Jian, who is the boss of the third life stage.

Whatever the reason.

This place of right and wrong Su Chen had to leave.

What you should know, what you should get, and what you should find are all in hand. If you go further, you will most likely be imprisoned by Qiao Siyang.

Man, don't be too greedy. straight.

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