Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

311: Hateful Su Chen's Hundred Ghosts (1/1)\r

After Tian Xie Gui Huang and Tian Xie Gui Lu saw Su Chen.

The monstrous anger and hatred were all concentrated on Su Chen.

They jumped down, Tian Xie Gui Lu held the wooden board, Tian Xie Gui Huang took out the drumstick and rushed directly to Su Chen.

Their hatred, as if Su Chen was their father-killing enemy.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, but he didn't even move.

A pale ghost hand appeared in Tian Xie Gui Huang and Tian Xie Gui Lv.

The two ghost hands directly pressed them to the ground, and no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't escape.

But the hysterical hatred was still shocking.

Su Chen touched the tip of his nose: "Why~ why do you hate me so much?"

"It's you."

"It's you."

"Kill you."

"Kill you."

Tian Xie Gui Huang and Tian Xie Gui Green do not have much sanity, there are only two sentences back and forth.

But they hate Su Chen's - attitude is the same.

"Is it because of the shrine?" Su Chen squatted in front of them.

They struggled even more frantically.

"It seems that it is indeed because of the shrine." Su Chen understood.

He understood why Tian Xie Gui Huang and Tian Xie Gui Lu hated him so much.

The Eastern Ying Kingdom has believed in the culture of ghosts and gods for thousands of years.

This shrine built for thousands of years is no longer an ordinary place in belief and incense.

During the spooky resuscitation, the spooky atmosphere may have caused something strange to appear in the shrine.

They are natural products, brewed under the beliefs and incense of human beings and the strange atmosphere.

But with Su Chen's consecration, these shrines were gradually torn down and replaced with Su Chen's shrines.

The incense was gradually discontinued and became Su Chen's incense.

The thousand-year-old culture of gods and ghosts was completely shattered after the advent of the age of true gods.

Because the ghosts and gods that the Eastern Ying Kingdom believed in for thousands of years did not save them.

It was Su Chen who saved them.

Su Chen is the real God.

Global beliefs began to focus on Su Chen at this time.

Old beliefs, no matter how many years they have lasted, are now beginning to be forgotten and forgotten.

The greatest virtue of human beings is that they are good at forgetting.

Now, with the ghost fog covering Kobe City, the ghosts in the shrine are gradually recovering.

In addition to hating those humans who have forgotten them, the most hated is Su Chen.

Because it was Su Chen, they lost everything.

If there is no ghost fog, they will sooner or later become history, disappear into the long river, and withdraw from the stage of history.

The culture of the fault should be like this.

After figuring out this, Su Chen opened the blood refining ghost hand, turned it into a big mouth, and directly swallowed Tianxie Guihuang and Tianxie Guilu into it.

What about the ghosts.

What Su Chen is not afraid of the most is a hundred ghosts.

A new era has already arrived.

The products of the old era will either survive in the footsteps of the new era or disappear completely.

People miss the past, just miss.

Ultimately it's about looking to the future.

Now this era, called the era of true gods, is the era of Su Chen.

There is no existence that can shake the age of true gods.

Even if Yang Jian was resurrected, Su Chen would not agree.

After eliminating Tianxie Guihuang and Tianxie Guilu, Su Chen sat in the cockpit.

The destination of the cockpit is a place called the Sea of ​​Darkness.

"Sea of ​​Black Mist."

"Mostly somewhere in the abyss of sin."

Since the train's destination is somewhere in the abyss of sin, Su Chen doesn't need to drive, just waits to reach the destination.

The train has an automatic driving function and shuttles through the ghost fog.

Its purpose was also researched by Su Chen.

The train departs from the Sea of ​​Black Mist, spreading the black mist into the ghost fog, increasing the horror of the ghost fog.

Another purpose is to take away some of the living dead with gray shells.

The grey-hulled living dead on the train will be pulled into the sea of ​​black mist.

What this is for, Su Chen is not very clear.

All you need to do now is wait.

"Where is Kong Tong trapped?" Su Chen asked Duck Egg.

Duck Egg shook her head, she was not very clear.

However, the abyss of sin at this time is not very large, nor is it very deep, you should be able to find Kong Tong.

Su Chen must rescue Kong Tong, this is the first task, and the second is to deal with the ghost fog.

Because, once Kong Tong's forbidden devil mythical creature and ghost fog are completely assimilated.

Ghost fog has the ability to ban devil mythical creatures, so it's troublesome.

Therefore, helping Kongtong get out of trouble is the top priority.

"Have you said anything before Keiko Tajima disappeared?" Su Chen continued to ask Duck Egg.

After all, Duck Egg has been to the real abyss of sin.


Duck Egg shook his head.

She suspects that Keiko Tajima may have something to do with the revived Baigui.

Su Chen rubbed his temples.

The inexplicable disappearance of a top player is not good news.

Tajima Keiko's strength is still very strong.

The third-ranked boss in the player rankings, has a top professional Yukunyu.

If he disappeared, it would be a huge loss for the ghost town on Earth.

"The Snow Maiden of Resentment."

"I remember that in the legend of the Hundred Ghosts in the Eastern Ying Kingdom, there seems to be a ghost named Snow Maiden."

When Shi Jianlin collected myths before, there were many myths from the Eastern Ying Kingdom.

Among them, the myth of the Snow Maiden is widely circulated among the people.

She is a female ghost in the ancient legends of Dongying. There is a saying: When the snow girl comes out, she will return home early. "


According to myths, the Snow Maiden is very good at making ice and snow, and lives in the deep mountains, and looks like a human being.

Snow girls will lure men who enter the snowy mountains to places where no one is present, and freeze them for food.

"But Keiko Tajima is a girl." Su Chen touched his chin.

This is very strange.

For a handsome man like himself, Su Chen wouldn't feel strange at all if he was attracted to Snow Maiden.

The ghost in the wedding dress that I met on the No. 10 bus wanted to marry me and spend the rest of my life together.

If being handsome is a sin, Su Chen's sin is beyond forgiveness.

But Keiko Tajima is a girl, and a very cute girl.

"Could it be that Xue Nv is a man and a woman killing each other."

In any case, under the influence of the strange atmosphere, there must be a lot of gaps between the recovered Hundred Ghosts and the records.

Just like the chaotic ghost town and the underworld at the beginning, there is still a big gap in the real situation.

While Su Chen was thinking, the speed of the train began to decrease.

This means that the train is about to arrive at the terminal: the sea of ​​black mist.

"We may have entered the abyss of sin."

"Be careful, don't be careless."

Taking the train into the abyss of sin is very risky.

Because Su Chen didn't know what he would face when the train stopped.

The only thing to do now is to get ready and wait for the train to stop.

What we will face in the future can only be seen one step at a time.

What is certain, however, is that the place where the train stopped must be somewhere in the abyss of sin. one.

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