Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

323: SS Class: Resurrection Cross (1/1)\r

"Be what?"

"What do you want me to be?" Su Chen asked Zhong Jialing back.

As the last candle of the murderous man was blown out by Zhong Jialing, substantial darkness enveloped everything.

This dark world of emptiness, coldness and despair is the real forbidden area of ​​life.

Even a ghost cannot stay in such an environment for a long time.

"Give this to you."

"When you figure out what you want to be, you'll come to me."

Zhong Jialing said meaningfully to Su Chen.

In the blink of an eye, the huge impact directly blasted Su Chen out of the darkness.

In the blink of an eye, Su Chen returned to the outside of the shrine.

As the memories inside the shrine were taken away by Zhong Jialing, it has begun to disintegrate and collapse.

Su Chen has two more things in his hands.

He didn't know why Zhong Jialing gave her things again and again.

Sheila had asked herself who she was.

An existence that has not yet reached the second stage of life is like floating dust in Zhong Jialing's eyes.

Even if she reaches the third stage of her life, she will not be able to get into Zhong Jialing's eyes.

She is the source of nightmares and the flower of evil. She is one of the most terrifying beings in this world other than those two ineffable beings.

Su Chen looked at the two things in his hands.

One of its 28 is a book.

The title of the book is "Black Strange Stories"

Its writing is entangled in terrifying chains.

Below the chain is an extremely terrifying ghost head.

The ghost head was still roaring and wailing.

Its book cover was actually made by a ghost.

What level of ghost this is, Su Chen can't imagine at all.

The sixth sense told Su Chen that once the chain broke and the ghost in the book cover appeared, he would surely die.

Even such a powerful ghost is just the cover of this book.

"Black Strange Stories?" Su Chen muttered to himself.

I seem to have seen this book somewhere.

I remember seeing it in Kong Hitomi's room.

Just an ordinary ghost story.

Could it be that the ghost stories in this book have great secrets.

This is the real "Black Strange Story".

[Name: Black Strange Story Club]

[Quality: Unknown]

【Type: Unknown】

[Special effect: unknown]

Three unknowns, Su Chen has absolutely no idea what this book is for.

Since it was given to her by Zhong Jialing, the background must be astonishing.

After all, it was the gray and white sickle that Zhong Jialing threw over for the first time.

The peak quality has reached the SS level.

As for this book, Zhong Jialing gave it to herself very seriously and solemnly, and it was even more terrifying to the limit.

But if you want to read this book, you must break the sealed chain.

Opening the chain, the first person to face is the ghost who made the book cover.

With Su Chen's current strength, there is only one dead end in the face of ghost book covers.

He sighed, and cautiously put "Black Strange Story Club" into his backpack.

I hope one day, I can read the content of the book by myself.

The second thing is the urn.

This urn was always in the captain's arms.

By this time the captain had disappeared.

Think back to the captain's diary.

She and Zhong Jialing knew each other, and her appearance made Zhong Jialing furious.

The existence that can make Zhong Jialing so angry must be astonishing.

Listening to Zhong Jialing, the captain's real name is Yaji.

In addition to Ya Ji, there is also a ghost Ji.

Who Gui Ji is, Su Chen doesn't quite know.

But Jackie is the captain.

"I think the urn was snatched from Yaji by Zhong Jialing and stuffed to me."

Twist open the urn.

The golden light that erupted inside almost blinded Su Chen's eyes.

After a long delay, Su Chen looked.

Inside was a pool of golden ashes.

In the middle of the ashes is a black cross.

Su Chen took out the black cross.

In an instant, the message of the black cross was triggered.

【Name: Resurrection Cross】

[Quality: SS]

[Type: Unique Special Consumables]

【Special Effects: Resurrection】

【Note: If life can be repeated... 】



Su Chen split directly in situ.

Resurrection cross, can be resurrected.

This is simply, simply defiant.

After people die, they will turn into ghosts, and ghosts will disappear completely after death. This is irreversible.

But with the resurrection cross, after death, he can be resurrected as a living person.

And when to revive and where to revive, Su Chen has the final say.

This is simply a consumable that breaks the laws of nature.

"good stuff."

"Good stuff."

Su Chen hurriedly bound the resurrection cross and put it into his backpack.

This resurrection cross will become his biggest trump card.

Then look up at the city of flesh and blood.

After the shrine disappeared, the city of flesh and blood began to collapse.

Ling Feifei has successfully carried the abyss of sin.

A large number of bloodshots drifted out from the city of flesh and blood like steam.

Like wind and sand, squinting and dissipating.

The bloodshot of hope that existed in the sea of ​​black mist was finally relieved at this moment.

The sea of ​​black fog also began to disintegrate, turning into a large amount of black fog, which began to dissipate like foam.

The game sound appears now.

[Hidden Mission: The Origin of the Sea of ​​Fog] [Completed]

[Reward: 300,000 experience points]

[Trigger Medal of Honor: An additional reward of 60,000 experience points]

[Reward: Strength +50, Agility +50, Constitution +50]

[Reward: Luck Point+2, Charm Point+2, Divinity Point+2]

【Reward: Shrine】

[Reward: Ghost Spine]

[Reward: Terminator Hidden Title]

[Reward: 500 Ghost Coins]

A lot of sounds appeared in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen was stunned.

Because he did not trigger the task when dealing with the large-scale supernatural event of the ghost fog. 857

Now, he actually completed the hidden task.

It's quite hidden.

Even the task triggers are hidden.

Regarding the hidden quest in the Sea of ​​Black Mist, Su Chen was given 360,000 experience points.

This is a huge amount of experience.

Su Chen directly rose from level 42 to level 47, a full 5 levels.

Then there are the great rewards.

"The ghost spine should be a ghost organ."

Just when Su Chen was about to propose a reward, Keiko Tajima came to Su Chen's side.

She also received hints for completion of hidden tasks and got a lot.

But not as much as Su Chen.

Because in this task, Tajima Keiko's role is not very big.

Now that it can be completed, it is completely in the light of Su Chen.

I think Tang Yi also received a prompt to complete the hidden task.

Her reward may not be as good as Keiko Tajima.

Because her biggest role is to prevent the escape of ghosts in the city of flesh and blood, which is the finishing touch.

"Come on, let's get out of here first."

"The ghost fog large-scale supernatural event is over."

Su Chen looked at the city of flesh and blood that was still dissipating.

It may take several days to dissipate.

Afterwards, a split sky took Tajima Keiko and disappeared into the city of flesh and blood.

The large-scale supernatural event of the ghost fog has not yet grown up, and it has ended.

Moreover, Su Chen learned a very big secret in the ghost fog large-scale supernatural event. .

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