Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

327: Negative global human growth (1/1)\r

"It seems that I have to go to the mental rehabilitation center first."

Before Su Chen only thought that those neurotics were bragging, saying random, whimsical, and exaggerated things, Su Chen couldn't understand at all.

It now appears that some neurotic worldviews are correct.

The reason why they are insane is because the world in their eyes, what they understand is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

These things may be the truth.

But not all neuroses are like that.

There is a saying that one step genius, one step lunatic, no one can tell whether it is a lunatic or a genius.

"Look for Wei Jiuling by the way."

"I can't deal with the ghost book cover of the Black Strange Story Club, Wei Jiuling should be able to deal with it."

"I think, Wei Jiuling is also very interested in this story."

Su Chen muttered to himself.

Wei Jiuling's "Eight Five Seven" is a ghost who pursues truth, all truth and all sources.

Its strength, Su Chen conservatively estimates that it is the top killer.

"God Su, the Mariana Trench is here."

Su Chen arrived at the Mariana Trench.

The person in charge here has been waiting for Su Chen for a long time.

With those frenzied eyes, looking at Su Chen was like looking at God.

The submarine carrying Su Chen is the most advanced submarine called "Xuanyuan".

It can fully withstand the depth of the trench below 10,000 meters.

And in the cabin, a diving suit was also prepared for Su Chen.

It is a diving suit, it is better to say that it is similar to a space suit. It can withstand high temperature, high pressure, and cold. It is quite powerful, but it is not convenient for activities.

And this diving suit was made entirely for Su Chen alone.

It weighs terribly.

Except for Su Chen who can wear it, the rest of the people wear it, and it is estimated that it will collapse directly.

After everything was ready, the Xuanyuan began to dive.

During the dive, Su Chen saw some strange fish through the observatory.

Say it is a fish, it is better to say it is a yin beast.

Some of the fish in the sea became Yin beasts after they died.

Some fish have only one head, and the body is completely bone.

There are also large areas of rotting sharks.

It seems that the strange breath affects not only humans, but also animals.

According to Shi Jianlin, the tropical rain forest known as the lungs of the earth is shrinking rapidly, and the situation of the rest of the forest is getting worse.

The earth has begun to transform in a way that is not suitable for life.

"The food chain on the ocean floor is too complicated."

"Even if some yin beasts appear, the food chain has not been greatly affected at present." Su Chen looked at the yin beasts wandering on the observatory.

These fish yin beasts are not strong for the time being, and the food chain is still in which big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, and shrimp eat algae.

Therefore, the food chain under the sea is still stable for the time being, but it will collapse sooner or later.

Thriller world also has a sea.

There is the most dangerous place. No player has ever dared to set foot in that sea area. Even Specter ghosts rarely go to the sea area.

The sea area of ​​​​the horror world is called the Dead Sea, and the name alone knows how terrifying it is.

If the horror world has horror beyond the city-level copy, there are only two places.

The first is the endless sea of ​​death.

The second is the dark and boundless dark jungle.

These two places are the worlds of Yin beasts. Even if it is dark, they still maintain a complete biological chain.

However, these two biological chains are too terrifying.

During Su Chen's observation, the Xuanyuan dived to a depth of more than 5,000 meters.

The five-kilometer seabed is almost dark.

Relying on the searchlight, Su Chen saw some even stranger fish.

The way they looked, Su Chen couldn't even tell whether they were alive or dead.

Because of how terrifying it looks, it's terrifying.

After waiting patiently, the Xuanyuan dived to a depth of 10,000 meters.

Ten thousand meters of seabed, as empty as the universe.

The depth here is too deep for almost any life to live here.

Even if there is life, it is a very special and extremely rare strange life.

Su Chen also saw the huge crack in the deepest part of the trench.

It's like being split open, and it's bottomless, giving people an unparalleled visual impact.

It was as if there was another world in the deepest part of the crack.

And, Su Chen saw the real life and death book.

The book of life and death is like a cylinder timer with ten digits on it.

Before Su Chen looked at the round house in the secret building, the top two were still 69, but now the top two have become 67.

If these numbers record the total number of human beings, then during this period, the number of people who have passed away on the earth is close to 200 million.

That's a terrifying number

Listening to Shi Jianlin, tens of millions of people have been killed in the outbreak of chaotic ghost towns and other supernatural events...  

The number of people killed in the Sea of ​​Black Mist has not yet been counted.

Paranormal events are not the key to the rapid decline in the number of people at this time.

The real cause of population decline is fecundity.

Since the strange recovery, the fertility of the earth's population has dropped rapidly.

The average life expectancy of human beings is decreasing, and the old people are passing away, completely unable to keep up with the new population.

And this gap will increase with time.

According to the statistics.

Before the bizarre recovery, the world's annual new population can reach about 90 million, and the number of deaths will reach about 63 million.

Subtracting the two, the world's annual population growth is about 17 million people.

But now.

The number of new born people in the world is only more than 40 million every year, and this number is still decreasing.

The number of people who have passed away has exceeded 100 million.

Subtracting the two, the global population loses nearly 60 million people every year, and the number is increasing.

Among these 60 million people, they are not considered supernatural events, only the number of normal newborns who have passed away.

If coupled with the influence of supernatural events, the global annual population reduction value may exceed 100 million.

This is a very serious situation. At this time, the world's top leaders are trying their best to conceal the truth of negative population growth.

"Shen Su, there is no way to continue diving."

"If it enters the gap by 0.1, the Xuanyuan will not be able to ascend."

At this time, the crew respectfully said to Su Chen.

He told Su Chen that no matter what submarine entered the crack, it would get out of control and malfunction.

This kind of incident has happened several times.

As for the reason, it is currently impossible to determine, some experts say that it may be because of the magnetic field.

Therefore, if Su Chen wants to get close to the book of life and death, he must put on a diving suit and enter the crack in person.

"That's right."

Su Chen nodded.

For the understanding of the book of life and death, experts in various aspects of human beings do not know as much as Su Chen.

All they know is that this is an incomprehensible phenomenon.

It may be the product of alien races staying on Earth.

It records the total population of the world.

But Su Chen knows that this may be one of the puzzles of the gods, and it is related to the player's third mythical occupation. .

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