Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

332: Battle of the Labyrinth of Consciousness (1/1)\r

Pushing open doors, look for Specter in the labyrinth of consciousness.

Su Chen relied on consciousness to conjure a pistol.

The pistol is currently the strongest weapon that can be transformed with consciousness.

It has pretty decent lethality.

In addition to the pistol, Su Chen also transformed into a body armor.

This is also the strongest equipment that Su Chen's consciousness can be transformed into.

It has decent defense.

With a pistol in his left hand and a genetic chain in his right hand, Su Chen cautiously began to look for the trail of Specter.

"Where are they?"

In the entire labyrinth of consciousness, it seems that only Su Chen exists.

He had not found any trace of the Specter for so long.

The more so, the more uneasy Su Chen felt in his heart.

With a creak, Su Chen pushed open the door closest to him, and just stepped out of this door.

A door in the endless corridor was also pushed open.

It was a dark shadow, and the appearance of "860" was exactly the same as that of Su Chen.

Su Chen saw it.

It also saw Su Chen.

The neck was twisted in a very strange position.

Its head has only a large open mouth.

Shadow ghost hands appeared one after another on the surrounding walls.

Su Chen had goose bumps all over his body.

"Ghost." Su Chen stepped back quickly, took out his pistol and shot the ghost.

However, the bullet penetrated the ghost's body and could not cause any damage to the ghost.

Seeing that the shadow-like ghost hand was about to touch Su Chen period.

Su Chen threw the gene chain out.

The gene chain was like a long snake that quickly got into the ghost's body.

The shadow ghost hands around suddenly collapsed.

Su Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

My luck is not bad, the only thing I encounter is a ghost.

Secondary organs, I can barely handle it myself.

If you encounter the fourth-level organ Black Sky Eye, the third-level organ Blood Eye, and the Forgotten Skull, you will only have to run away.

The gene chain can block the power of ghosts.

It can reduce the power of ghosts by half a level.

After the second-level ghost is sealed, it will become a first-level half-ghost organ.

Its second special effect shadow space cannot be used.

If Su Chen was caught by the shadow ghost just now, he would be dragged into the shadow space instantly.

The consequences will be unimaginable.

Now that the ghost has dropped to a level and a half in strength, Su Chen is barely able to fight.

But it's too hard to kill it.

So the main purpose of Su Chen's seal of ghosts is to escape.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

Without further ado, Su Chen opened the door closest to him and went straight in.

Then, frantically pushed open one door after another, completely distanced himself from the ghost.

"It's too hard to deal with secondary organs right now."

"Only by killing the first-level ghost organs, the ghost ears and ghost spine, can the second-level organs be killed."

Su Chen's goals at this time are still only ghost ears and ghost spine.

As long as one of them is killed, Su Chen has a chance to kill the secondary organ.

"I hope Ghost Spine and Ghost Tonger are still alive at this time."

Su Chen sighed.

The horror of Specter's recovery is really beyond his imagination.

He suspects that, apart from himself, there may be no second player who can fuse a complete ghost body.

My own growth rate is fast.

At the beginning of the middle stage of the horror, the ten ghost organs were gathered, and the secret of the fusion of ghost bodies was known.

As for the rest of the players, when they accumulate ten ghost organs, their strength is estimated to be very strong.

They couldn't bear not to upgrade their ghost organs.

Su Chen's 11 points of luck is not a decoration.

After escaping from Ghost Shadow's pursuit, Su Chen met Ghost Back again.

After escaping from Guibei's pursuit, Su Chen finally found one of his goals: Guitong's ears.

It was a skinny ghost with no facial features, but a pair of huge ears.

It is a ghost with ears, and it is also the weakest ghost in the labyrinth of consciousness.

Su Chen was excited when he saw the ghosts.

Without further ado, seal it directly with the gene chain.

The sealed ghost ears are half-level ghost organs.

Can't even use ghost abilities.

In addition, it is an auxiliary ghost organ.

Su Chen broke its legs with a shot, preventing it from escaping.

Then the pistol turns into a sharp knife.

Under the chaos of the knife, Guitong'er turned into flesh and was successfully swallowed by Su Chen.

After swallowing the ghost ears, Su Chen's control over the space reached 18%.

With 18% of the conscious space control, Su Chen can vaguely perceive whether there are ghosts in the door.

With 18% control over the conscious space, Su Chen can transform into more powerful weapons and equipment, and can barely control the pattern of an aisle.

In addition, Su Chen, the devouring ghost ear organ, can also be used.

The ghost can hear sounds that the human ear can't...  

With the ability of ghost ears and 18% control over conscious space, Su Chen found the ghost spine before other Specters.

The ghost spine is the ghost connected to the head, like a human head balloon.

Its ghost ability is similar to the hegemonic body, which can stabilize its own balance.

After Su Chen successfully obtained the Ghost Spine, the control of the consciousness space reached 27%, and he could control the ghost ability of the Ghost Spine.

This is a huge improvement.

His 11-point Luck Point really wasn't vain, so he let himself deal with the weakest ghost ears and ghost spine in advance of all the ghosts.

The current Su Chen, even if he encounters a third-level ghost organ with bloody eyes and a forgotten skull, he can barely fight.

Second-level ghost organ, Su Chen can kill.

He began to manipulate the door of consciousness space.

As long as the layout of the aisle needs to be changed, some secondary ghost organs will open the door and appear in front of Su Chen.

When the secondary ghost organ appeared in the aisle and saw Su Chen, the doors on both sides of the aisle disappeared under Su Chen's control.

It's like catching a turtle in a urn, only one can leave the aisle alive.

In this way, Su Chen successfully devoured the secondary ghost vein, secondary arc ghost bone and ghost back.

His control over the conscious space has reached 54%.

This is already a high level of control.

At this time, only the fourth-level ghost organ Heitian Eye, the third-level ghost organ Forgotten Skull, and Su Chen were left alive in the consciousness maze.

The rest of the ghost organs were all swallowed up.

The Black Sky Eye devoured the Blood 0.1 Eye, and the Oblivion Skull devoured the Ghost Hand and Ghost Shadow.

"This will be a little troublesome." Su Chen frowned.

He could perceive the exact location of the Black Sky Eye and the Oblivion Skull.

Hei Tianyan could not be provoked for the time being, it was originally a fourth-level ghost organ, and at this time it devoured the third-level ghost organ, blood eye, and its strength was the most powerful.

The Forgotten Skull is even more special, and it also devoured two second-level ghost organs, and its strength is not small.

"Only if I join forces with the Forgotten Skull can I hope to kill Hei Tianyan."

"If the Black Sky Eye devours the Forgotten Skull, then it's over."

Although Su Chen got 54% of the conscious space control, the situation is still not optimistic.

Specter's recovery becomes more and more dangerous in the later stages.

In addition to luck, Su Chen was able to get to this point thanks to his use of the gene chain, otherwise he would not be able to kill even a first-level ghost organ at first. .

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