Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

342: Hunger and Exhaustion (1/1)\r

Su Chen was fighting the landlord with the blood boy and half ghost.

Suddenly someone patted his shoulder and said, "Yours."

"Well, you leave it alone."

"Four A's, bombs, please don't."

"56789 straight, haha." Su Chen played all the cards at once and won.

But suddenly, Su Chen's back was covered in cold sweat.

"Eat?" He turned around suddenly.

Sure enough, I saw a piece of bread and two tins beside me.

"who is it?"

"Who patted me on the shoulder just now." Su Chen's scalp almost split.

I have just been fascinated by the battle of the landlords.

For a while, I thought it was Hong Ling who gave me food, so I didn't take it seriously.

When he reacted, Su Chen realized that something was wrong.

The submarine S-21 is alone, who can give it food.

It's probably a ghost.

Looking back with Yin pupil for a long time, there is no gain in "eight six seven".

"Did you see anything just now?" Su Chen asked the ghost boy and half ghost in front of him.

Their consciousness is connected with Su Chen, and they can have simple consciousness for a short time.

The half ghost and the ghost boy shook their heads, indicating that they did not find it.

"It's careless."

Su Chen looked at the bread and cans next to him.

The bread was just soft, but now it's completely moldy.

The can, which was just new, was completely rusted.

In the next second, the moldy bread turned to ashes, and even the plastic bag became the residue.

The cans were also corroded and turned into ashes.

Time on them seems to have sped up thousands or hundreds of times.

"It won't be given to me by the former soldier of the submarine." Su Chen had a very strange feeling.

I traveled through time and became part of this submarine.

It's just that he is alone in the present.

Those who died, existed in the past.

The two intersecting time and space overlapped at a certain point in time.


There is a paragraph in the notebook of the command cabin that says: [Just in case, I discussed with the deputy captain and temporarily controlled the emotions of the soldiers, collected their weapons, and distributed food uniformly]

"Uniform food distribution."

"I was also assigned just now."

Thinking of the notebook, Su Chen planned to go to the command module to see if there was any new content in it.

Before going to the command module, Su Chen looked up at the clock.

I have been in the submarine for an hour and five minutes.

When I came to the command cabin, new content appeared in the notebook.

It was also written just now, and Su Chen hurriedly read it.

[Unfortunately, after the submarine lost control, it was caught in the whirlpool and completely lost its direction. Some soldiers felt that something was not right. I had to find a way to cheer them up again]

[This is the third day of the sinking. The submarine has sunk to a depth of more than 3,000 meters. Everyone's mood is relatively depressed. I tried my best to appease them, but the effect was not great. What should I do? Sooner or later, everyone will know the truth about the submarine. of】

[Some seriously injured soldiers have unfortunately died. According to the medical soldiers, the interior of the submarine is very closed. If the corpses are allowed to rot, infection may occur. We can only free up one cabin to cremate those soldiers]

Three new paragraphs.

Su Chen has passed an hour here, and the submarine has passed three days.

In the past three days, seriously wounded soldiers have been killed and cremated.

"The submarine S-21 has completely lost contact with the outside world."

"With time, food will become scarcer and the consequences will be dire."

Su Chen looked at the notebook in front of him, and he wanted to know who recorded it here.

Is it Jackie?

Why did Jackie suddenly disappear.

And the weirdness of allocating food to himself made Su Chen uneasy.

The sudden picture flashed by again.

A lot of people gathered at the door of the command cabin.

What are they asking.

The woman in the military uniform appeared again, still with her back to Su Chen.

"There's already been one episode that just doesn't feel right."

"What's that smell." Su Chen sniffed.

Your nose has a sense of smell, and you can smell odors that ordinary people can't smell.

The smell was meaty, and gradually turned into a choking burnt smell.

Following this breath, Su Chen pushed open a hatch.

If I remember correctly, this hatch was originally a general cargo compartment.

Now the cargo hold seems to be burning with fire, the walls are left with eternal burns, and black ashes are floating in the air.

The strange picture appeared again.

The woman in military uniform appeared again.

She still turned her back to Su Chen, unable to see what she looked like at this time.

At this time, the general cargo compartment was raging on fire, and several corpses were burning with crackles, and there was a pungent smell.

"It was after those seriously wounded fighters died, in case the bodies rotted and spread infection, so they were cremated."

Submarines have changed over time, something unknown has appeared  …  

"Who?" Su Chen turned his head suddenly.

A dark shadow flashed past in the corner just now, but when he swept his gaze, it disappeared.

I searched for a long time and found nothing.

At this time, the sound of glass balls rolling appeared in the main cabin again.

When Su Chen arrived at the main cabin, the glass ball disappeared into the darkness, and there was another serving of food in the main cabin.

The food rotted again very quickly.

Su Chen felt hungry.

This feeling has not appeared in a long time.

Not to mention Su Chen, who has become a big man, the feeling of hunger is impossible.

He touched Gu Gu Gu's stomach.

Rotten food, as if beckoning its own hunger.

Fortunately, Su Chen is prepared, and his backpack has a lot of food.

I took out a piece of chocolate, and before I opened the package, the chocolate began to rot, and then disappeared.

"This..." Su Chen was stunned.

The food he carried was also corroded by time disorder.

At this rate of corrosion, even if you put food into your mouth at an extremely fast speed.

That's moldy, smelly food too.

Even if you don't chew, choose to swallow directly.

It may not enter the stomach, it will be completely corroded.

"Hungry and tired."

"I seem to understand." Su Chen raised his head.

He felt what he felt like an ordinary person.

Being in a submarine may be all connected to the perceptions of everyone who used to be a submarine.

I can accept 100% of their 0.1 feelings.

The screen flashed again, and many soldiers appeared in the main cabin.

They are repairing the radio.

The joy in the eyes of these soldiers has dissipated, and instead there is unease and confusion.

Although they still don't know the truth about the S-21 submarine, they have sensed that something is wrong.

The red blood in the eyes of some soldiers has already appeared.

"I want to see who is writing the essay."

"She must be caught."

Su Chen left the main cabin, and he stayed in the command cabin, ready to wait and see.

"Time flies too slowly."

Su Chen felt like he had been waiting for hours.

Can rely on insight, but found that the clock in the main cabin, only one minute has passed.

This feeling of living like a year has not been felt in a long time.

The last time I felt like a year was when I was at work. .

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