Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

351: The Origin of the Ghost: Ghost Princess (1/1)\r

On the tenth day, Su Chen had been hiding in the command cabin.

Although the hatch of the command cabin was tightly closed, Su Chen did not dare to relax for a moment.

He didn't know what was going on outside.

But the sound of fingernails scratching the hatch was particularly harsh.

This hatch could not stop the attacks of those monsters.

Su Chen had to stay absolutely awake to survive the last five days.

During this period, he also considered killing all the monsters in the submarine.

Kill the crazy ghost girl too.

But Su Chen held back the idea.

Because, killing all the existence of the submarine, Su Chen doesn't know what big horror will happen.

What is certain is that the S-21 is now being held all over the place - with spooky ceremonies.

Most of this is to summon the door to seal the blood river civilization-.

With his eyes fixed on the hatch, Su Chen gulps the canned food.

Canned food that was once disgusting and unpalatable is now delicious.

When hunger comes, it is good to have something to eat, and it is no longer qualified to pick and choose.

"What happened to the submarine S-21 at that time?"

Su Chen thought while eating the can.

He came to the submarine S-21 before his death, which has changed part of the situation at that time.

I am a butterfly, and the butterfly effect is terrifying.

But at the time, he was not in the S-21 submarine.

What has Guiji experienced since Carl committed suicide.

Has she gone crazy long ago, and even said that she also ate meat.

Not sure, don't know.

It is estimated that only Guiji herself knows.

After all, none of the submarines on the seabed of 10,000 meters have survived.

"Yaki, who ate meat, became a ghost girl."

"It means that she gave up her humanity."

"She would probably think that this is the real person, and that human nature is inherently evil and not good."

"On the submarine S-21, you can only see evil, not good."

"This is purgatory on earth."

Su Chen can only guess, can only infer.

It is very likely that Ya Ji's transformation into Ghost Ji is because she only sees the evil of human nature and is disappointed in human beings.

She pushed open the secret door, Carl pushed open the whole door, and the submarine S-21 was like a prison.

"So, what is the light outside?"

"Is there a lighthouse under the sea?"

Su Chen looked at the light from the small window.

The light has not disappeared, it is frozen in the darkness.

Eternal light emerges from the bottom of the sea.

This supernatural phenomenon, Su Chen is absolutely incomprehensible.

"The world of Proxima Centauri has no ghosts."

"That light has something to do with death, and it has something to do with the blood river civilization."

"Plus the purgatory at the bottom of the ten thousand meters."

"This leads to the fact that Ghost Princess may be the first ghost in history."

Su Chen muttered to himself.

Before Guiji, there was no ghost in the world.

Only the soul of the dead is an obsession that is unwilling to dissipate.

After the obsession is over, the dead soul will dissipate.

Guiji is a ghost in the real sense, exists as an entity, exists in the world, does not disappear, and exists forever.

Su Chen never expected that in addition to the secret of the first mass extinction of mankind, the captain's diary also hides the source of the origin of Specter.

The stinging sound of scratching the door reappeared.

It's like slashing across a blackboard with a sharp knife.

This indescribable voice made even Su Chen extremely uncomfortable.

There may be a lot of monsters gathered outside, trying to enter the command module.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of debris falling to the ground.

This proves that the hatch has been dug through.

Once the hatch is dug through, Su Chen will be in an absolute state of crisis.

the eleventh day.

Su Chen's pupils suddenly stood up, and then his face changed greatly.

A slender black nail pierced through the door and exposed.

"Dug through."

Su Chen stood up, his whole body tense.

The command hatch was dug up earlier than I thought.

The nails were retracted, and a blood-red eye appeared at the door, staring at Su Chen frantically.

Su Chen said nothing and took out his pistol.

Aiming at the hole in the door of the command cabin, he slammed a shot.

Black blood splattered everywhere, a scream, the eyeballs disappeared, and the outside became empty.

Except for a small hole in the door of the command cabin, there was no change.

Su Chen believed that the door had been dug through, and there was only a little skin left at this time, and it could be penetrated with a little force.

However, apart from having an eyeball peeping at him just now, there was no other movement.

It seems that the entire S-21 submarine is left alone.

It was so weird that Su Chen didn't even dare to open the door and go out to see it.

He could only stay in the command cabin, staring at the cabin door and his whole body tightened.

The twelfth day will soon come.

Since the ninth day, Su Chen has not slept.

Nerve tension for at least 72 hours.

Exhaustion invaded Su Chen's mind like a tide.


He really wanted to sleep.

He felt that once he closed his eyes, he could sleep forever.

If you don't sleep for a long time, reality and dreams seem to overlap.

Su Chen didn't know whether what he saw was reality or a dream.

The murderous man who was once in the shrine appeared.

He guarded the only half of the candle left, tired, emaciated, confused and uneasy looking after him.

He looked down at the candlelight.

Candlelight drove out the darkness and brought a dim light to the command cabin.

This light can make the murderous man get a little warmth and a little peace of mind.

Strangely, Su Chen saw the faint candlelight and felt the warmth and peace of mind that he had not seen for a long time.

A murderous man, just as persistent as himself.

It is as if the S-21 submarine once had traces of his existence.


"do you know?"

"Being alive is a very lucky thing in itself."

"But I don't know when, we have this illusion that living is easy to come by."

"It's so ridiculous."

The murderous man laughed a few times, and the candlelight disappeared, and he disappeared with it.

"Alive." Su Chen's pupils were complicated.

Aren't you just trying your best to survive?

Luckily, I am still alive and alive.

He should be grateful and content.

Because he has so many things that people can't even hope for.

The murderous man disappeared.

Jackie appeared.

She held the urn and looked at Su Chen quietly, neither moving nor speaking.

Thirteenth day.

Jackie was still standing aside, holding the urn.

A foul smell poured in through the small hole in the command hatch.

A gloomy, strange, and ominous aura surged out from the crack of the door.

The door of the command cabin, as if it had gone through hundreds of thousands of years, was rapidly rusting and covered with unknown black slime.

"Ghost, appeared." Su Chen swallowed.

This breath, this vision, this feeling, it is certain that a real ghost has appeared in the darkness.

The first ghost ever, a real ghost.

She is probably a ghost girl.

These few days, Su Chen didn't know what happened to Gui Ji.

But he can be sure that the former Yaji has completely transformed into a ghost girl at this moment.

Ghost Princess, the source of ghosts, the first ghost ever. one.

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