Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

354: Leaving the Captain's Diary (1/1)\r

It lasted for fifteen days, exactly twenty-seven days.

Su Chen went back to the original Captain Diary.

Various negative emotions such as exhaustion, sleepiness, hunger, and collapse completely shrouded Su Chen.

His strength is recovering, his body is collapsing.

The speed of this collapse is rapid.

Perhaps when Su Chen has not returned to the peak state, his body completely collapsed

The last six days, without sleep, without sleep.

For the last 44 hours, perform ritual dances in mortal form.

All the burdens exploded at this moment.

"The state of suspended animation."

Su Chen had to turn on suspended animation.

As a cold corpse, this negative emotion began to subside, and Su Chen could feel more comfortable.

But suspended animation could not restore Su Chen's strength, and he still had to return to his normal state.

Jackie reappears in the corner of the submarine.

Her appearance became clear.

At this time, holding the urn, he looked at Su Chen quietly.

He hesitated, as if he was going to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

Su Chen didn't have time to pay attention to Yaji.

He quickly left the captain's diary.

I didn't even have time to check the quest rewards in the captain's diary.

He needs food, he needs sleep, he needs rest, he needs relaxation.

"Brother Chen has been gone for 27 days."

Kong Tong sat on the top of the building and watched the more and more perfect ghost town on earth.

After Tang Yi became the Moon God, her strength was indeed terrifying.

She couldn't conquer large dungeons, but many small dungeons were conquered.

There are more and more players in the ghost town on earth.

Because Su Chen is here, so is Tang Yi.

They are a bridge to the player and a bridge to the world.

As a result, these scattered players began to communicate with each other and trust each other.

They no longer enter the dungeon alone, but will choose to join forces to advance and retreat together.

There have also been some very bad incidents.

But Keiko Tajima suppressed it with bloody hands, and the rest of the players who killed didn't dare to say a word.

This is what Su Chen defaults to, and what Keiko Tajima needs to do.

Keiko Tajima is the third top player in the player rankings.

She is unattainable and terrifying in the eyes of players.

But there are Tang Yi and Su Chen behind Keiko Tajima. Those two are the most terrifying beings, especially Su Chen.

In the past 27 days, the ghost town on Earth has developed rapidly.

The second migration of the earth has reached a million people.

The millions of people who entered the ghost town on Earth did not seem crowded in the ghost town on Earth.

When the ghost town on Earth reaches the county level, the entire population of the earth can be migrated.

Just when Kong Tong muttered to himself.

Su Chen suddenly appeared.

Su Chen disappeared for 27 days.

Now that he appeared, he was skinny, with sunken pupils, cracked lips, messy hair, and the exhaustion and madness that could not be hidden in his eyes.

No one knows what Su Chen has experienced in the past 27 days.

What kind of horror was it that actually made this man with his head and feet on the ground come back with this embarrassed appearance.

"Eat, I need to eat' . . ."

"A lot of food is needed."

As soon as Su Chen came back, he looked for food.

He was like a reincarnation of a starving ghost, hungry for food.

The eyes glow when they see the food.

It's crazy to eat.

It's not like he's eating, it's more like stuffing his stomach.

Kong Tong, Duck Dan, Zhao Di, Gan Jiang, Wang Pangpang and other ghosts all looked at Su Chen worriedly.

Shi Jianlin and Zhang Hanlin also came, and they didn't dare to disturb Su Chen.

Su Chen just kept eating, and kept eating.

Eating and eating, Su Chen fell asleep.

The food in his mouth has not been chewed, and the food is still in his hand.

Just fell asleep.

He was so tired.

The monstrous exhaustion almost drowned Su Chen.

"What's wrong with Brother Chen?" Kong Tong, Duck Dan and other ghosts dared not approach Su Chen.

Su Chen slept soundly.

Even when he fell asleep, his brows were tightly locked.

"I have no idea."

"Brother Chen, it seems very tired." There was distress in the eyes of Kong Tong, Duck Dan, Zhao Di and other ghosts.

The rest of the living were also silent, and even had the urge to choke.

Shi Jianlin hesitated, but didn't know how to speak.

What this man is carrying is the future.

The word future is big and heavy.

Some people choose to move forward alone, that is their duty.

Some people choose to carry forward, that is a choice.

This road is not so easy to walk. I have tried my best to live, not to mention the load.

When Su Chen woke up, it was already three days later.

When I wake up, I feel refreshed and refreshed, and all the negative emotions I once had are gone.

"I slept for three days." Su Chen looked at Kongtong and Duck Egg in surprise.

I spent 27 days in the captain's diary, and slept for another 3 days.

The first task of the captain's diary actually took me a full month.

It's too long.

Open the captain's diary to see, sure enough, new content appeared in the captain's diary.

These contents should have been recorded by Yaji during her lifetime.

Before, Su Chen only read part of it, but now she can read it all.

Last time, Su Chen saw the contents of the first twelve days of the submarine S-21.

Now comes the latter content.

[This is the twelfth day of the sinking. Many soldiers have clashed. They are very hungry. They need to eat, but the food is not enough. What should I do? Maybe killing some soldiers will reduce the consumption of food, right? , why do I have such terrible thoughts, they are all comrades in arms who died with me. 】

[This is the thirteenth day of the sinking. The turmoil that I least want to see broke out after all. They are all starving, and some people are already dying. They just want food, right, just food, food? Isn't it all food? You look around you, there is food, living food, why has no one found it. Strange, what the hell am I saying. 】

[This is the fourteenth day of the sinking. The submarine S-21 has sunk below 10,000 meters, and everyone seems to have changed. Strange, I can always hear beautiful melody lately, but where did the melody come from, maybe it was played by the soldiers for decompression, it's really nice]

[This is the fifteenth day of the sinking, everyone is crazy, everyone is crazy, the food, the submarine is all living food, Carl committed suicide, he said that he is sorry for being a human being, the melody is getting clearer and clearer Now, I really want to dance with it, it's really nice. 】

[This is the seventeenth day of the sinking. I hid in the storage compartment with the remaining food. I can still persist. When the sun shines in, everyone will become human again. 】

[This is the eighteenth day of the sinking. The melody is getting clearer and clearer. It seems to be right next to me. I dance with it. This is the happiest day for me in a long time. 】

[This is the twenty-first day of the sinking, I met new friends, they told me a lot of interesting stories, they said that the S-21 submarine has become a bloated corpse, and we are all in the stomach of the corpse inside】

[This is the 22nd day of the sinking, they chose me, they said that every world is a forest, every civilization is a hunter, every darkness is a trap, let me be careful, strange, in the end they let me Watch out for what, dark? 】

[This is the twenty-fourth day of the sinking, I seem to see death, it is a beacon that is always on, no matter where you sail, you must eventually turn in the direction it points, they are guiding us, we are walk towards death. 】

[This is the twenty-fifth day of the sinking. I am really tired. In fact, I know that all persistence is lingering, and we will all die in the end. What am I still holding on, is it a miracle? Maybe death is a relief for me. 】

[This is the twenty-sixth day of the sinking. I really can’t hold it anymore, I’m really tired. They say that when a person dies, they will become a firefly, which can illuminate the darkness and fly freely. is this real? 】

[This is the twenty-seventh day of the sinking. Before I die, I plan to dance the last dance as my last farewell to this world. 】

"¨" Twenty-seven days. "Su Chen read all the content of these twenty-seven days.

There is a lot of thought-provoking content in it.

Jackie could hear the melody a long time ago, where did the melody come from?

She made new friends, how can there be new friends in submarines.

"Twenty-seven days."

"It is indeed twenty-seven days. I did not participate in the first twelve days, and I participated in the last fifteen days."

The despair of these twenty-seven days is getting crazier and depressing day by day, which Su Chen has personally experienced.

Even though there is no time limit for this mission, Su Chen was in the submarine from the beginning.

He knows everything, but how long can he hold on.

Thirty days, forty days, sixty days, seventy days.

No matter how many days, it will eventually become a dead ship and fall into complete despair.

The submarine S-21 was originally a submarine carrying Xi (Qian Zhaohao) hope, but due to an accident, it became a dead ship carrying despair.

It disappeared to the bottom of the sea, and I don't know where it sank.

But what is certain is that the world will never find the trace of the S-21 submarine again.

It was as if the world had forgotten, erased, not even a trace of it.

The second mission of Captain's Diary was triggered, just as Su Chen had guessed.

[The dead ship that sank to the bottom of the sea finally landed somewhere, and the hatch was pushed open. What is there outside? 】

[Push open the cabin door and go out and have a look, maybe you can get a lot of money]

This task has no time limit.

But as Su Chen guessed, get yourself out of the submarine and go out and have a look.

That's the direction Guiji left.

"I can't touch the captain's diary for the time being." Su Chen shook his head, he didn't continue this task.

The first task alone took me a month.

If the correct route was not discovered in advance, it is estimated that Su Chen would have spent 1080 days.

If it takes 1080 days, and when Su Chen returns, terror has already come, and the earth has already become a forbidden area for living people.

Then the second task, there is no time limit, who knows how much time it will consume.

Su Chen doesn't have that much time, he has more important things.

But I have to say that the secrets in the captain's diary are amazing. .

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