Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

356: Visible outside, infinite inside (1/1)\r

Put the captain's diary away and check your physical condition.

Su Chen looked up at Kong Tong and Duck Egg.

"Hong Ling, Sun Shanshan and the others haven't come back yet?" Kong Tong and Duck Dan nodded.

They went to look for Sun Shanshan's fortune during her lifetime, but they haven't come back yet.

However, when Su Chen came back, Kong Tong and Duck-Dan contacted Hong Ling.

Come to think of it, Hong Ling should be on the way back.

Su Chen nodded and took out the walkie-talkie to contact Hongling: "You guys go to the mental rehabilitation center and wait for me."

"I'm going to a mental rehabilitation center in a moment."

Tang Yi and Keiko Tajima also came at this time.

Su Chen discussed with them the situation in the ghost town on Earth.

In the past month, the second wave of population migration on Earth has ended.

At this time, the ghost town on Earth contained more than one million living people.

Although it is a town level, it is much larger than a town on Earth.

Shi Jianlin also came to Su Chen.

He brought two bad news.

"Tell me, what happened." Su Chen rubbed his temples and looked at Shi Jianlin.

Shi Jianlin told Su Chen that the research on blood refining ghost hands all ended in failure.

Those volunteers who tried to have blood refining ghost hands, none of them survived, and became ghosts.

Become an evil spirit without any consciousness and unable to communicate at all.

Su Chen nodded.

He had already had such a guess.

Owning the blood-refined ghost hand is a near-death experience, let alone the rest of the people.

It seems that if you want to completely open the door of the bloody hand era, you have to continue to work hard.

The second bad news is.

During this period of time on Earth, the number of missing buildings has exceeded one hundred.

Su Chen's face changed slightly.

I stayed in the captain's diary for a month, and the horror came faster and faster.

The coming of terror has completely entered the mid-term.

"Have any large-scale buildings such as villages and towns disappeared?" Su Chen hurriedly asked Shi Jianlin.

Shi Jianlin shook his head, not yet.

The most missing building is a community. Thousands of residents and more than a dozen buildings in the community have all disappeared, as if they were erased by something.

"Well, I see."

"Old Shi, I will quickly upgrade the ghost town on earth to the county level."

"With regard to the migration of the earth's population, you can be a little bit more vocal and prepare for the first large-scale population migration."

"Ling Feifei, how about the abyss?" Su Chen asked Ling Feifei.

Before he finished the captain's diary, he asked Ling Feifei to find a way to restore some sanity to the Specter in the abyss of the underworld.

Ling Feifei shook her head and said, "I have tried my best, but the effect is not great."

"A living person can't live in the abyss of the underworld, but the ghosts on the first three floors can live there."

Su Chen nodded: "Yes, some of the ghosts in the ghost town in the underworld can live in the abyss of the underworld to make room for the living."

"After Yangjian Ghost City reaches the county level, the population should be able to accommodate hundreds of millions of people."

"Duck eggs, Kongtong, you continue to stay in the ghost town of the sun, and find a way to completely control the gap world."

Su Chen touched his chin.

Red Bell, Duck Egg, Kongtong, Ling Feifei are the big murderers.

You can use ghosts to change the space structure.

A building looks like only a few hundred people can live.

But after the ghost creature changed its structure, it is no exaggeration to live in more than 100,000 people.

For example, Kong Tong's forbidden devil mythical creature.

The outside of the forbidden devil's mythical creature looks like an ordinary building.

But the area inside is actually comparable to a football field, and the height can be continuously increased.

Thousands of people can live on one floor, and tens of thousands of people can live on one building.

Now that the great evil of the ghost town in the world can use the ghosts to change the interior space of each building.

As long as there are a lot of big and fierce, ghosts and ghosts can be stacked continuously, just like nesting dolls.

This made Su Chen think of a sentence: it is tangible on the outside, but infinite on the inside.

The future development of the ghost town on earth is this model.

"By the way, Kong Tong, can you still contact Ye Min now?"

Kong Tong nodded, she was able to contact Ye Min.

Ye Min used to be called Tun, occupying Kong Tong's body, and at this time returned to the mirror world.

Like the gap world, the mirror world is a small world with a large scope.

Build a bridge to project a mirror image of the ghost town on Earth.

It is also habitable.

"Kongtong, don't go to the gap world during this time."

"The strength of duck eggs is enough."

"You contact Ye Min and find a way to project a mirror image of the ghost town on Earth."

"Tell Ye Min, if it can be done, I will help her find her former body."

Solitary nodded.

"Are you planning to make the ghost town on Earth the center of the world?" Sheila also came at this time.

Su Chen didn't even know how she appeared.

He just appeared behind him unknowingly.

"world Center."


Su Chen suddenly looked at Xila: "Your broken ghost can build a bridge between two worlds, right?"

Sheila nodded.

"Crack world, mirror world, abyss world."

"Building bridges to these small worlds is the real development route of ghost towns on Earth."

"If the ghost town in the future will become a city-level city."

"It can be divided into: the gap area, the mirror area, the abyss area, and the main area of ​​the sun."

"In this way, it is tangible on the outside and infinite on the inside."

"Wait until the age of true gods enters the age of disorder."

"The ghost town on earth is destined to become the scariest city in the horror world." Su Chen muttered to himself.

Xila was also shocked by Su Chen's idea.

If the ghost town on earth develops according to Su Chen's ideas and develops to its zenith, its horror will definitely not be lower than that of the civilization of the kingdom of heaven.


Because of the existence of Su Chen, the ghost town on Earth has begun to develop into a higher civilization.

"Xila, are you willing to become a human civilization... No, should it be the third true god of the ghost town on earth?"

"This does not affect your identity as a civilization of the kingdom of heaven."

"If there is a chance in the future, the civilization of the kingdom of heaven can become an alliance with the ghost town on earth."

"I know that the ghost town in the world cannot be compared with the civilization of the kingdom of heaven, but I believe that there will be one day."

"In the future, no matter what civilization it is, it is destined to enter the forbidden zone of life."

Su Chen said to Xila seriously.

He can't completely conquer the entire horror world.

Because the horror world is too big, it was the earth that used to be.

But the gap world and mirror world, they are small worlds, Su Chen is still confident that the strategy will be successful and make them part of the ghost town on earth.

Sheila was silent.

She looked at Su Chen.

In Su Chen, she sees infinite possibilities.

Not to mention, the secret on Su Chen's body is even more astonishing.

So, Xila nodded: "Yes, I promise you."

Xila agreed, Su Chen looked at Shi Jianlin.

Shi Jianlin knew what Su Chen meant.

After Su Chen and Tang Yi, Xila is the third candidate for the God Creation Project and the third true god in the age of true gods.

"I will arrange it." Shi Jianlin nodded solemnly.

He understood why Sheila agreed.

Not because of humans, not because of ghost towns on Earth, but because of Su Chen.

Without Su Chen, Xila would never have agreed. one.

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