Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

359: Relationship lines strung together (1/1)\r

Su Chen had just left the mental rehabilitation center when he saw Hong Ling, Sun Shanshan, and Mundo.

"Brother Chen."

"Big brother."

Hong Ling, Sun Shanshan, and Mundo haven't seen Su Chen for more than a month.

I am very excited to see Su Chen now.

"Go, advanced black coffin."

"Let's go to the first wholesale market to see if the black wishing building is still there?"

Su Chen said nothing and entered the black coffin directly.

He estimated that the Black Wishing Building was no longer in the first wholesale market, but just to take a look, Su Chen didn't give up.

After entering the black coffin, Su Chen first tried to locate the MWS research center and the Garden of Eden.

Sure enough, the black coffin showed that the positioning failed.

The black coffin can rely on the name of the place to find the destination, as long as it is in one world, it can be found.

But there are some special buildings or places that are too terrifying, beyond the ability of the black coffin, it cannot navigate automatically.

"Sure enough."

"Go to the first wholesale market."

Su Chen didn't have much hope.

Two coffin ghosts were previously arranged to find the MWS research center and the Garden of Eden.

One died in a silent ghost town.

A dead in a deep horror world.

These two ranges are very large, and it is not so easy to find them.

"Brother Chen." Sun Shanshan blinked.

She has become a half-murder, with an incomplete mythical creature.

Her mythical creature is called the Black Ice Ghost Mythical Creature. It has a very strong freezing ability, and can even freeze ethereal things like space.

With a wave of Sun Shanshan's small hand, a huge piece of black ice rose from the ground.

This is black ice, this is Jinshan.

All of them are shiny ghost coins.

"Brother Chen, we have collected more than 1.4 million ghost coins in total."

This huge amount is the result of Sun Shanshan, Hong Ling, and Mundo this month.

The black money left by Sun Shanshan's parents before her death was turned over by Sun Shanshan.

More than one million ghost coins were worth at least one billion in his lifetime.

Su Chen believes that Sun Shanshan's parents must still have a lot of hidden money before their death.

These huge amounts of black money, it is estimated that before the emergency laundering comes, the world of horror will be dark.

Now it's completely cheap Su Chen.

This is simply faster than robbing Yin Xing.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law are really powerful."

Su Chen was quite excited, and collected all the ghost coins without saying a word.

It was a stroke of luck to meet a rich woman ghost like Sun Shanshan.

Su Chen's waist changed and he became a millionaire again, feeling quite comfortable.

"Hong Ling, hasn't Feng Ji merged with her body yet' .?" Su Chen turned her head and asked Hong Ling.

Red Bell shook her head.

Feng Ji's head is top red, and her body is half fierce.

Even with her own help, it is not so easy for Feng Ji to get her body back.

"Wait a minute, I believe she should be able to."

No wonder Su Chen didn't hear about Feng Ji's challenge mission during this time.

When Feng Ji is complete, the task about her will be displayed as completed, and Su Chen will receive it as soon as possible.

"Brother Chen, a week ago, my mythical creature in the blood river almost dried up."

"The blood river ghost has brewed a baby girl."

"She is a Rakshasa, very terrifying. At this time, the mythical creature in the blood river has disappeared from me."

"And before she left, she said that my blood river ghost is incomplete, so let me go to the Fengdu Underworld." Hong Ling said to Su Chen with a heavy heart.

She also thought it was incredible.

The life brewed by his own blood river ghost actually suppressed himself, and then left the blood river ghost.

"Baby girl?"

"What's the situation?" Su Chen asked hastily.

Hong Ling explained the situation at that time in detail.

Mundo and Sun Shanshan are also among the witnesses.

They all said that the baby girl was terrifying.

Just born, you can easily suppress the red bell.

Even the world of horror has changed.

"Blood River Ghost Creature, Blood River Civilization, Proxima Centauri, Ghost Princess, Fengdu Underworld."

Su Chen strung these strings together to form a relationship line.

He learned about the world of Proxima in the Captain's Diary.

The deepest advanced civilization in the Proxima World is the Blood River civilization.

This door was pushed open by Gui Ji, and the Blood River Civilization came into the world.

After that, I don't know what happened, the blood river civilization was destroyed.

Gui Ji spent thousands of years building the Fengdu Underworld.

Fengdu Underworld should be in Proxima Centauri.

Sheila said before that Red Bell's blood river ghost may have something to do with the real blood river.

In other words, Hong Ling's Blood River Ghost Creature may be related to Blood River Civilization, Proxima Centauri, and Gui Ji.

"That baby girl will not be the surviving life of the Blood River Civilization."

"The blood river ghost that relies on Hong Ling has been reborn."

Su Chen muttered to himself.

Stringing so much information together, Su Chen made an inference.

"If that baby girl is really a survivor of the Blood River Civilization."

"That is definitely an extremely ancient existence."

Su Chen frowned, but still scratched Hong Ling's nose and said, "Don't worry, she shouldn't have any malice towards you."

"¨" will even help you in some cases. "

Although she didn't see the baby girl, Su Chen felt that she was very likely to know Zhong Jialing and Gui Ji.

A big net is getting more and more complete at this time.

As long as Su Chen is given enough time, he will definitely be able to figure out the structure of this big net.

"Rakshasa didn't tell you where the Fengdu Underworld is?" Su Chen asked again.

Hong Ling shook his head, Rakshasa did not say the exact location.

"Well, I see, let me think about it by myself." Su Chen sat on the sofa and rubbed his brows.

So far, Su Chen has not dared to enter the unknown world in the ghost gate, whether it is the underworld of Fengdu or not.

But the sixth sense told Su Chen that the world in Guimenguan is mostly the underworld of Fengdu.

"The ghost pen and Sansheng Stone may be in Fengdu Underworld."

"Hong Ling's Blood River Ghost Creature needs to be perfected in the Fengdu Underworld."

"Will Fengdu Underworld also have a puzzle about me?"

Su Chen rubbed his temples.

All eight pieces of your own puzzle are connected.

What I have experienced is also somewhat related to (Qian Zhao Zhao)'s own puzzle.

It was like an invisible big hand pushing him forward.

If you can study what the eight puzzle pieces of your own represent, it is estimated that everything will be clear.

As for the ninth puzzle, after studying the eight puzzles by yourself, you will naturally understand.

The first wholesale market has arrived.

Su Chen entered and turned around, and the black wishing building had indeed disappeared.

He arranged for the coffin ghost to find the Black Wishing Building.

"Let's go to Jishen Village." After returning to the black coffin, Su Chen decided to go to Jishen Village first, and then to Huaiyin County.

Jishen Village is the hometown of Red Butterfly, and it is very likely that there is the whereabouts of the ghost rider.

Moreover, there is a quest for a unique and exclusive item in that place.

After that, go to Huaiyin County, and find a way to directly attack Huaiyin County, so that the ghost town in the world can directly reach the county level.

After the target was determined, Su Chen directly arranged for the black coffin to drive to Jishen Village.

All God Village, I have longed for it for a long time. .

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