Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

361: Please Red, Please People Pillar, Choking Ceremony [Four Changes] (1 / 1)\r

Turning on the old-fashioned camera, Su Chen aimed at the dead tree.

After the snow pattern lasted for a few seconds, the picture gradually became clear.

Many villagers wearing hemp and filial piety surrounded the tree.

The one who held the ceremony was an old man in white mourning clothes, very majestic and strange.

Because half of his face was badly burned.

At first glance, it seems to have two faces.

"Please red." The old man's voice was particularly hoarse.

The cane in his hand was raised high, as if he was worshiping something.

After the word "please" fell, the surrounding villagers~ all knelt down.

Four pairs of boys and girls in red clothes came over quietly.

Their expressions were different, some were numb, some were crying, some were shouting, some were unwilling, but after all they came to the big tree and stood under their respective ropes.

The red clothes and the white funeral clothes were out of place and extremely strange.

"Please people post." The old man shouted again, and raised his hands, kneeling reverently.

The rest of the villagers also raised their hands and knelt down one after another.

Several people in black costumes and masks, in groups of two, carried a man with strange tattoos all over his body on a wooden board.

These people had their eyes gouged out, their ears cut off, their noses buckled, and their tongues pulled out.

Both arms and legs were also severed.

"Is this the Human Pillar?" Su Chen swallowed.

He looked at the horrific human column in the picture, and he really couldn't imagine how much pain they had endured.

What is certain is that they are not dead, they are alive.

The body is still squirming, but there is no way to escape, nor to shout, and can only passively bear it.

These people in black masks tied all four pillars to the trunk.

Blood flowed ticking along their broken limbs and disappearing facial features, and soon the trunk was dyed a lot of red.

"Hold a chokehold ceremony." The old man shouted again.

The four pairs of twins grabbed the rope in front of them and hung it around their necks.

The ropes began to shrink, and they were quickly hoisted up.

After struggling frantically for a moment, they stopped moving and became icy corpses.

When they became icy corpses, the old-fashioned camera's picture became extremely unstable.

The villagers in the picture seem to be blown by an invisible force. They can't even stand firm. They can only lie on the ground and dare not raise their heads or move.

The blood left by the human pillar gathered together at this time, like a blood hole.

The blood hole was quickly corroded, revealing a bottomless pit.

When the deep pit appeared, the monstrous black mist began to surge, as if to drown the entire Jishen Village.

And the eight corpses hanging in the treetops also changed at this time.

One after another, blood-colored butterflies flew wildly out of their open mouths.

These blood butterflies fluttered their wings and poured into the deep pits on the ground.

The deep pit began to shrink with the flying of blood butterflies.

The human column tied to the tree trunk, the body began to rot visibly.

Soon, it turned into a pool of foul-smelling water, and the exposed bones also turned gray and black, as if they were integrated with the old tree.

After all the blood butterflies poured into the deep pit, the deep pit also disappeared.

The black mist that had just overflowed from the deep pit got into the eight bodies hanging from the old tree one after another.

The ceremony is complete.

The old man stood up slowly, ready to put down the eight corpses hanging from the old tree.

They also arranged for people to bury the four pillars.

Accident happened.

The deep pit that had just disappeared reappeared.

A thicker black mist surged out.

Although there are still struggling blood butterflies in the black fog.

But the speed of the black fog surging was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, everything around was shrouded in black fog.

The old-fashioned camera's picture went black.

But Su Chen could hear the cries and screams inside.

And the roar of the old man's anger: "Dark fog, dark fog is coming out."

"It's Xu, Xu wakes up, it wakes up."

"There was a fake twin and you killed us all."

"There is no life, no death, no ascension, no eternity, eternal sinking into darkness."

At the last roar of the old man, the picture became quiet, only darkness remained.

Su Chen turns off the vintage video camera.

"Choke Ceremony."

He didn't actually understand.

But the twins who were hanged, during the ceremony, a large number of blood butterflies flew out of their mouths.

The blood of the human column opened a deep pit.

The blood butterfly re-seals the deep pit.

And the black fog in the deep pit, the old man called it dark fog.

The dark fog entered the twins.

"Could it be that they are collecting dark fog, what is that thing?" Su Chen frowned.

Finally, the old man said, Xu woke up.

What is virtual?

But what is certain is that the ceremony failed.

Because having a pair of twins is fake.


He killed everyone, and the village of God became desolate in this ceremony.

Su Chen could not understand the meaning of the last sentence "no life, no death, no ascending to heaven, no eternity, eternity sinking into darkness".

"It's not quite like the Ghost Rider ceremony, but it does have part of the Ghost Rider ritual."

"What is the purpose of this ceremony?"

Su Chen was scratching his head.

He looked again at the eight corpses hanging from the treetops.

These eight corpses, paired in pairs, all look very similar.

But one of them was a fake twin, and Su Chen couldn't tell which pair it was.

But he believed.

There must be some people who don't want to let their children suffer, so they find a substitute.

This caused the ceremony to fail.

"Who is the red butterfly?"

"After the failure of the ceremony, the village of all gods has completely become a dead village."

"Red Butterfly said that she came from the village of all gods."

"Could she be one of the twins who was replaced, and escaped the village of Jishen before the ceremony."

"In other words, Red Butterfly is not actually a human being."

Su Chen thought of the blood butterflies flying in his mouth after the twins died.

The abilities of these blood butterflies and red butterflies are very similar, and it can even be said that they are exactly the same.


Su Chen looked at the ground of the old tree.

The deep pit disappeared.

The dark fog that poured out also disappeared.

All the villages of God became desolate.

All the villagers also disappeared.

They all went there.

"The Village of All Gods really has a big secret."

"Most of the ghost rider rituals come from here."

"And that red butterfly, where is she now?"

Su Chen looked at the old tree.

The corpses on the old tree, the bones on the trunk, before they could be cleaned up, all encountered unknown things in the village of God.

Su Chen thought of Qi Xiu.

Isn't Qi Xiu also looking for the All God Village?

"I don't know if he has found the village of all gods."

"Tang Yi has met Qi Xiu before, and Qi Xiu thinks that the Fengmen Village tragedy may have something to do with Jishen Village."

"Would it be a lie to destroy the murderer of Fengmen Village?" Su Chen touched his chin.

This is just his inference, there is no evidence.

"Come on, let's go deeper."

"These eight corpses and four human pillars, don't touch them." Su Chen's expression became serious.

Because of the mystery of the village of all gods, it makes his heart extremely unknown. one.

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