Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

374: Loyalty of the Undead Worm (1/1)\r

[A-level mission: Find the virtual] [Complete]

[Reward: 30,000 experience points]

[Trigger Glory Badge: An additional 6,000 experience points will be rewarded]

[Reward: Seeker Title]

[Reward: Strength +20, Agility +20, Constitution +20]

[Reward: Potential Stone]

[Trigger S-level mission: Seal the void, that is not a monster that should exist in the world, do you accept it? 】

The sound of the game sounded, and Su Chen could be sure that the undead worm in front of him was the phantom in the mouth of Jishen Village.

The final mission is also triggered.

Reached the S rank.

Once the ordinary mission breaks through to the S level, it will undergo a huge qualitative change.

Su Chen has only completed an S-rank mission once, so she was lucky.

The great terror at the source of Shuiquan Village was S-level difficult to deal with.

It is not difficult to deal with that big terror, but it is difficult to actually trigger the nightmare door before the death of that big terror.

If the great terror in Nightmare Gate wasn't Zhong Jialing, Su Chen would have been cold.

In front of this undead worm, Su Chen could not hurt it with all his strength.

How can it be sealed, this is simply difficult for the strong.

Fortunately, it doesn't have much malice at the moment, but wants to talk to Su Chen.

Don't know why, but it's not all bad news.

"My name is Su Chen." Su Chen introduced himself, he was still very afraid and vigilant of undead bugs.

Even quietly took out the walkie-talkie.

In the event of an accident, the only person Su Chen could call for help was Wei Jiuling.

Wei Jiuling promised Su Chen that he could shoot once.

"Su Chen, what do you want to be?"

The problem of undead bugs made Su Chen's pupils shrink, and goose bumps spread all over his body.

Why, every very ancient existence asks itself this question.

Su Chen, what do you want to be.

Zhong Jialing once asked this question.

I asked myself when I was young.

Now, the undead worm in front of him also asked.

"Do you know Zhong Jialing?" Su Chen asked.

The Undead Worm shook his head.

It does not know Zhong Jialing.

"Where's Jackie?"

"Where's the ghost girl?"


"Wei Jiuling?"

"Qiao Siyang?"

"Faceless God?"

"Yang Jian, Chang'e, Nezha, Hades, Yaochi?"

"Shira, Yahwe?"


All the names Su Chen mentioned were very well-known names, and they were all extremely ancient existences.

Some Su Chen have seen, but most of them are legends, only heard of their names, not seen.

But these existences, the undead insects all do not know.

It told Su Chen: "I only know one person, and he is my master' . . ."

"One person." Su Chen looked shocked.

He looked at the appearance of the undead worm.

Could it be that this man transformed by the undead worm is the only one it knows and is also its owner.

How faithful this is.

The undead worm should have lived for a long, long time, but it only recognizes one person.

A person is his life.

A person is everything.

A person is his whole world.

"What's his name?" Su Chen didn't know the name of the murderous man until now.

"Master's real name, I can't say it bluntly."

"But I can tell you that people in the world once called my master the Sun God of Six Paths."

"Six Paths of the Sun God!" Su Chen sucked in a breath of cold air.

I know the name myself.

Among the myths and stories collected by Shi Jianlin, there are records of the six sun gods.

According to mythology, he built the Fengdu Underworld.

"Could it be that the Fengdu Underworld was established by the Six Paths of the Sun God."

"So what did Guiji build?"

"Or, the Fengdu Underworld was established by the Yangshen of the Six Paths and the Ghost Princess together?"

The undead don't care what Su Chen is thinking.

It's also the first question: "Su Chen, what do you want to be, tell me."

"A lot of people have asked me this question."

"But I haven't thought about it yet. When I think about it, I'll tell you." Su Chen thought for a while and said.

The undead worm is still expressionless, and can't see any thoughts from it.

But when Su Chen still wanted to ask, the undead insect turned around and prepared to leave.

Su Chen hurriedly followed the undead bug.

Soon, he saw the black lake.

The resentment emanating from this lake is shocking.

Up close, the water looks like oil and is extremely dense.

The fish moving inside is even more shocking, satisfying any imagination.

"What lake is this?" Su Chen looked at the undead bug.

Because the undead are ready to return to the lake.

"It's the river of corpses."

"I was born from a river of corpses, and the undead worm was the name given to me by my former master."

"The master once told me that the upper part of the river of corpses is composed of resentment and hatred."

"The second half is made up of blessings and hopes."

"A long, long time ago, someone sent the corpse into the river of corpses, trying to revive the dead and fulfill the unfulfilled last wish."

"They sent the body into the river of corpses with blessing and hope."

"But because of a cataclysm, blessing and hope turned into despair and resentment."

"Hope and blessing sank and made the lower half of the river of corpses."

"Despair and resentment rose, forming the top half."

"I was brewed by this river of corpses. The master once said that I am a unique existence."

The undead worm is proud of its own name and the praise it once gave to its master, and that is its belief.

"Great Cataclysm~" Su Chen frowned.

He doesn't know this.

"Is the deepest part leading to the Fengdu Underworld?" Su Chen asked quickly.

The undead worm looked back at Su Chen, then nodded: "That is, the corpse of the master."

"I must protect my master's body."

"Come back to me when you think about what you want to be."

Seeing that the undead worm was about to melt into the river of corpses, Su Chen hurriedly shouted, "The reason why you told me so much is because I might have something to do with your master, right?"

"It can even be said that I may have been your master a long, long time ago."

"My secrets are alluding to everywhere that I am incomplete now."

"I want to be who I am."

"The missing piece of the puzzle, I'll look for it bit by bit."

"The secret behind it, I will discover it bit by bit."

"But I have an unkind request."

"I hope that before I think about what I want to become, you will stay in the depths of the corpse river forever, guard the entrance to the Fengdu Underworld, and never appear in the world again."

Since he couldn't seal the virtual with his strength, Su Chen tried to let the virtual seal by himself.

This is just an attempt, because Su Chen is also not sure.

"it is good. "The undead worm nodded and disappeared into the river of corpses.

The corpse river began to collapse, and the dark fog gushing out began to shrink.

Soon, there was a bottomless giant pit in front of Su Chen.

The giant crater also began to heal after a few minutes, until it disappeared completely.

[S-level mission: Seal the Void] [Complete]

[Reward: 100,000 experience points]

[Trigger Glory Badge: Reward 20,000 Experience Points]

[Reward: Luck Point +1, Charm Point +1, Divinity Point +1]

【Reward Unique Special Item: Wormhole】

This S-level mission was completed just by relying on Su Chen's mouth.

This is simply incredible.

Su Chen was even more shocked.

The secret in him is bigger than he imagined, and it is amazing.

It is very likely that he is the former owner of the undead insect, the so-called Yang Shen of the Six Paths.

If he collects all the puzzle pieces, he may become that cruel man.

The information provided by the undead insects is not enough.

Its most astonishing information is that the entire Fengdu Underworld is a corpse, the corpse of the Six Paths Sun God.

After the death of such a terrifying existence, the corpse turned into the Fengdu Underworld, and the power became nine puzzle pieces.

"Su Chen?"

"Where's Xu?" At this time, Qi Xiu also came (Qian Qian Hao) to beside Su Chen.

His eyes were red and full of hatred.

He, who was just shrouded in the dark fog, only saw the afterimage of the virtual, but he did not see the real appearance of the virtual.

I don't even know what Xu and Su Chen talked about.

When the dark fog disappeared, he hurried over.

Su Chen patted Qi Xiu on the shoulder: "Xu is called the undead bug."

"I can be sure that it is by no means the murderer who slaughtered Fengmen Village."

"Because, its horror is beyond your imagination."

"If it wants to, let alone one Fengmen Village, even 110,000 Fengmen Villages can't stop it."

"There is another murderer who slaughtered Fengmen Village."

Su Chen's tone was certain.

The power of the undead worm, I didn't see it in the end.

He even suspected that the undead worm had become a third-stage life form.

It will never go to slaughter Fengmen Village in a boring way.

Because there is only one person in the whole world, there is no reason to attack Fengmen Village.

"But the dark fog is indeed emanating from the void." Qi Xiu was a little reluctant.

Su Chen touched the tip of his nose: "I don't know."

"But the dark fog is likely to be the product of the cataclysm."

But what the cataclysm is, Su Chen has no idea at all. .

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