Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

381: Tomorrow or accident, which comes first? 【Four more】(1 / 1)\r

Late at night, Su Chen was sitting in the small square of Mulin College.

Next to the small square is the girls' dormitory, where Hong Ling and Jiang Lu live.

"Have you left yet?"

It was certain that Jiang Lu was in the girls' dormitory.

She didn't leave Duskwood.

The day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony, will Jiang Lu attend?

If he participated, how did Jiang Lu escape from the pursuit of strange and mysterious people.

Su Chen is very patient.

While staring at the girls' dormitory~, he was playing with his mobile phone.

I checked Huaiyin County on my mobile phone.

At this time, the Huaiyin County Women's and Children's Hospital was still there, and the director was a middle-aged woman named Yu Yuanhua.

She should be Jiang Lu's mother.

The Maternity and Children's Hospital in Huaiyin County is extremely normal, with the exception of very few troubled patients, there is no negative information.

"Then what's my situation now?" Su Chen put down his phone and thought.

You can guess what happened after that.

The strange and mysterious man disappeared after killing all the teachers and students of the Twilight Academy.

Before the strange and mysterious man went to the rest of the place, it was dark, and all the living people disappeared overnight.

During this period, Jiang Lu took Hong Ling to Xin'an Community, and then pushed Hong Ling into the elevator.

After pushing the red bell, Jiang Lu probably won't go back to Mulin Academy again.

She will most likely go back to Huaiyin County to go to the Women's and Children's Hospital.

"Could this be the way to enter the real women's and children's hospital?" Su Chen touched his chin.

I can't figure it out, but since I've come here, I'll figure it out sooner or later.

time flies.

Preparations for the opening ceremony have already begun, and when the sun rises tomorrow, Muglin College will hold the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony is a big event in Mulin College. All the teachers and students are present, and no one asks for leave.

"Jiang Lu!" Suddenly, Su Chen found Jiang Lu going downstairs.

When Jiang Lu came down at this time, Su Chen had to wonder if Jiang Lu knew about the existence of strange and mysterious people.

Su Chen quietly followed Jiang Lu.

Jiang Lu went to the store to buy some things, many of which were privately used by girls.

Su Chen touched the tip of his nose, feeling a little suspicious.

But there is definitely something wrong with this Jiang Lu.

After shopping, Jiang Lu was about to return to the girls' dormitory.

However, on the way back, an accident happened.

Jiang Lu met Wang Jin and was blocked by Wang Jin.

This guy, Wang Jin, Su Chen met at Muglin College before.

His family was rich, and he had been pursuing Hong Ling before his death.

But Hong Ling didn't have any sympathy for him, even disgust.

Jiang Lu is also Hong Ling's good best friend, and Wang Jin has more reasons to stop Jiang Lu.

Su Chen listened quietly.

Wang Jin wants to buy Jiang Lu with money and ask Jiang Lu to help him deceive Hong Ling.

Jiang Lu did not agree.

The embarrassed Wang Jin looked around, and the night was dark. Coupled with Hong Ling's attitude towards herself during the day, as well as Jiang Lu's attitude, evil started from the heart, and a terrible color appeared in his eyes.

In the dark night, no one can tell whether it is a person or a ghost.

Jiang Lu herself is also very beautiful, even as beautiful as Hong Ling, but they are two types.

With malicious intentions, Jiang Lu couldn't react, Wang Jin covered Jiang Lu's mouth and dragged her violently towards the grove.

Jiang Lu, who was already weak, could be Wang Jin's opponent.

Under the frantic struggle, Wang Jin was dragged into the woods after all.

Su Chen endured not to do anything, and he also got into the woods.

Jiang Lu looks soft, but her personality is extremely strong.

She bit Wang Jin's palm in one bite, and the pained Wang Jin's face twisted, but he didn't dare to scream, so he could only throw Jiang Lu out.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lu's head, which was thrown out, hit the edge of the stone chair and died on the spot.

Wang Jin saw that he was disgusted for a while, and actually caused a fatal accident.

Frightened, he hurriedly pushed Jiang Lu into the pond, and ran away in a panic without even wiping off the blood.

Su Chen's face became strange.

The night before the strange and mysterious man slaughtered Mulin Academy, Jiang Lu was already killed.

Although it was an accident, Su Chen really did not expect this accident.

He looked at Jiang Lu who had emerged from the lake, and at the large swathes of blood left on the ground.

Obviously, Wang Jin was a novice. He suddenly lost his life, panicked in his heart, and ran away without even cleaning up the scene.

"It's dead."

"The lives of ordinary people are too fragile."

Su Chen did not expect such a thing to happen.

If it were him, if his head hit the stone chair, it would definitely be the stone chair that shattered.

About an hour later, Wang Jin hurriedly returned with several good buddies.

His face was very bad, pale and weak, and he was obviously greatly frightened.

"Help me, help me deal with this."

"When this turmoil is over, I will give you one million each, I promise." Wang Jin said in a panic.


The few buddies he brought didn't look very good either.

But under the lure of money, they still acted.

Pulled Jiang Lu, who was floating on the lake, back.

Clean up the blood on the ground without leaving a trace.

Blood-stained water, they added some strange white powder to make it disappear.

Watching them clean up the crime scene, Su Chen shook his head.

One word: full of loopholes.

After all, it is a student, and it is very simple to deal with such a thing for the first time.

If Su Chen handled it, it would definitely be professional level.

Even if Conan came, it is estimated that it would be difficult to find clues.

Then a thin-eyed man holding a knife and axe in fear.

........................ 0

He was going to dismember the body.

Wang Jin said next to him, "Don't worry, if someone finds out, after you go in instead of me, I will help you through the relationship of my parents."

"And, I'll give you an extra million in private."

This man with eyes should have a very poor family.

Two million may be just living expenses for Wang Jin, but for him it can change his life and his family.

He gritted his teeth, raised his axe and began to decompose Jiang Lu's body.

Wang Jin and the rest of the buddies were already lying on the ground vomiting.

The eyes of the man with eyes are also full of madness.

When he raised his axe and planned to dismember the body, he was no longer a human being, but an evil spirit in human skin.

People who are squinted by money can do anything crazy.

Soon, Jiang Lu's body was broken down into pieces by him, and then put into a black plastic bag.

Throwing it in the trash overnight.

They put this trash can in a very secret place.

Because tomorrow is the opening ceremony, and all the teachers and students are there at this time, it is not so easy to transport the body out without knowing it.

So, they discussed that after the opening ceremony was over, they would find a way to transport the trash cans out, and then find a place where no one was there to cremate the body.

The busy night was over, and Wang Jin and others dragged their tired, frightened, and restless bodies away.

Su Chen looked at the trash can hidden in the secret place.

He also did not expect that Jiang Lu went out to buy something at night, and as a result, her body was dismembered and thrown into the trash can.

Life is full of surprises.

Tomorrow or accident, no one knows which will come first. one.

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