Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

389: The Great Flood, The Bronze Stone Gate [four shifts] (1 / 1)\r

Qiao Siyang didn't know much about the secrets of Bronze Stone Gate.

He told Su Chen everything he knew.

Su Chen had to digest this information for a while.

The Flood was a dividing line.

The Great Flood was preceded by the first mass extinction of mankind.

The Great Flood was followed by the second mass extinction of mankind.

The bronze stone gate is also a dividing line.

When the Bronze Stone Gate closed, it was the second mass extinction of mankind.

The third mass extinction occurred when the bronze stone gate was pushed open.

The bronze stone gate Su Chen knew what it was.

That is the door that seals the higher civilization.

Humans, known as Homo sapiens, can also be called sophons.

That was when the first ineffable left, the one who stayed behind was also the creator of mankind.

The first ineffable does not want higher civilizations to come to the world.

However, Su Chen didn't quite know what the Great Flood was.

This is a way of saying that it is a symbol of disaster, but it still lives up to its name.

"Is there anything you want to bring to the future, I can help you spread the word." Su Chen asked Qiao Siyang.

I can't find Qiao Siyang myself in the thriller world, but it's still okay to spread the word.

"A message?" Qiao Siyang touched his chin.

He can understand his future self.

Eternal life is eternal life, and immortality is immortality. These are of two natures.

In order to live forever, he must sever all relations with the outside world.

Immortality in the sense can only be achieved without external influence.

"Do you really want to find me after death?" Qiao Siyang guessed Su Chen's thoughts.

The horror world of Qiao Siyang is extremely terrifying, and its horror is by no means weaker than Wei Jiuling.

But Su Chen couldn't find him.

Perhaps the only one who can find him is himself.


"Because, in the future, the horror world is destined to be terrifying and become part of the forbidden area of ​​life."

"The hidden Qiao Siyang is in the restricted area of ​​life. It may survive or die."

"Because, no one knows what exactly exists in the restricted area of ​​life."

"Although it is said that if you cut off any contact with the outside world, you can live better."

"But once an accident occurs, there will be no escape, no hiding."

In terms of secrets, Su Chen knows more than Qiao Siyang.

What he knows belongs to the most secret secrets.

"Maybe" .." Qiao Siyang nodded, and he wrote a note to Su Chen.

Qiao Siyang didn't tell Su Chen what the content was, and Su Chen didn't read it either.

Qiao Siyang said, put it in Chaoyang Private Hospital.

If the future self is willing to see Su Chen, he will come out.

If he doesn't want to, he can't do it.

People always change.

Not to mention Qiao Siyang who has become a ghost.

What will happen to the thoughts of Qiao Siyang after his death, the Qiao Siyang before his death does not know and cannot make inferences.

"Well, got it." Su Chen nodded, put the note into the box, and kept it safe.

After resolving the matter in Huaiyin County, he will go to Chaoyang Private Hospital again and leave the note to Qiao Siyang, who has become a ghost.

Now that Qiao Siyang in front of him already knew that he was a trace of the past, there was no need to find a way to treat his fetus.

Hong Ling released the ghost, and a bowl of forgetting water made Qiao Siyang forget what happened during this time.

Su Chen must ensure that Jiang Lu's life is a normal one, and there will be no deviation.

Back to the carriage again, less than an hour away from Huaiyin County.

Qiao Siyang forgot his memory of seeing Su Chen, he sat quietly on the chair, frowned, and seemed to be very worried.

Perhaps he was worried whether Wang Yanyan would help him.

Jiang Lu looked out the window and maintained this posture for four or five hours.

Su Chen's strength has also recovered a lot.

His ghost body is ready to use.

The backpack in the game system is also felt.

"Sure enough, the closer I am to Huaiyin County, the faster my strength will recover."

"The farther I am from Huaiyin County, the more my strength disappears."

The strangeness of the top-level fierce, it really can't be explained in a few words.

Looking out the window, the sky outside the window is even darker, and it is raining, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, blurring everything.

Su Chen stared out the window blankly.

He thought about the reincarnation in Qiao Siyang's mouth.

Qiao Siyang and Kong Sen believe that the only evidence of reincarnation is the first emperor.

The first emperor appeared ten thousand years ago, and the first emperor appeared ten thousand years later.

There is only one first emperor, it can be determined.

Therefore, they speculate that human civilization has developed to a certain point, or that it will reincarnate every time during the mass extinction of human beings.

Most of this kind of reincarnation is man-made, and it is only aimed at the earth.

Some exist and do not want human civilization to disappear.

"The memory of my existence is inadvertently connected to the Akashic records, and I see a development trend in the future."

"It's still a reincarnation with human civilization." Su Chen frowned.

As he grew, the secrets in him became more and more terrifying.

The higher you stand, the farther you can see.

The more you know, the more you know what terror is.

Hong Ling also looked out the window.

To be precise, what I saw was the reflection of Su Chen in the window.

It was Su Chen's appearance, but Hong Ling felt extremely unfamiliar, as if he had never seen this reflection.

The reflection gradually turned into another person.

A face so ferocious that Hong Ling only glanced at it, and then his breathing froze.

Just when Hong Ling wanted to speak, the high-speed train entered the tunnel, and it was pitch black outside the window, and the murderous face disappeared.

Was it a hallucination or something just now, Hong Ling looked at Su Chen and hesitated.

Because, at her level, the possibility of hallucinations is very small.

"What's wrong? "Su Chen looked at Hong Ling.

Hong Ling said weakly, "Brother Chen, the reflection in your window just now is not your face."

"It's a stranger's face that looks extremely murderous."

With a word from Hong Ling, Su Chen's pupils shrank.

The high-speed rail also exited the tunnel at this time, and Su Chen looked at the reflection in the window.

That was his own face, not the murderous stranger's face in Hong Ling's mouth.

"Is it him?" Su Chen touched his cheek.

His appearance is still handsome, but the evil spirit in his eyes is getting heavier and heavier, like the source of all darkness and terror.

Even if he showed a smile, he couldn't suppress the evil spirit and cruelty in his eyes.

To Hong Ling, it was a ferocious and terrifying stranger's face.

But to Su Chen, the murderous face was very familiar.

Su Chen has seen him many times.

He even knew his divine name: Six Paths Yangshen.

He has a great relationship with the Six Paths Yang God, and it can even be said that one of his lifetimes is the Six Path Yang God.

"Does people have past lives?"

(Nuo's) "Reincarnation."

Regarding the word reincarnation, Su Chen frowned even more seriously.

He is thinking, when he is complete, is he still himself?

"Su Chen, what do you want to be?"

Thinking of Zhong Jialing and her childhood self, the problem of undead insects became clear.

Su Chen touched his cheek and muttered to himself, "What do I want to be? That's my own decision, not to mention that the complete me is who I am, so there is nothing to worry about."

After thinking about this, Su Chen was relieved at once.

The back was itchy and scratched, Su Chen found that the tattoo had spread to the back.

And formed a very strange pattern on his back.

Su Chen doesn't know exactly what kind of pattern this is, but he always feels that the tattoos that appear on the blood refining ghost hand are weird.

"Think too much."

"Blood refining ghost hand is part of me."

"What kind of bad thoughts can it have." Su Chen shook his head and looked at the notice on the high-speed rail.

Huaiyin County is about to arrive at the station, and it will take up to three minutes for the high-speed rail to enter the high-speed rail station in Huaiyin County. .

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