The ground of Xin'an Community shook violently.

With Building 1 as the core, cracks spread rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the strongest vibration appeared.

A large amount of land collapsed directly, swallowing many ghosts.

At this moment, the two most terrifying places in Xin'an Community collided.

The dark ghouls on the first floor and the broken ghosts in the basement of Building 1.

When the two fight, there is bound to be death.

Su Chen got off Mundo, and his mind was dizzy.

Delusional destruction consumes mental power, and mental power is extremely difficult to restore.

If he was not a reborn person, he would have spent the price of delusional destruction four times in a row in two days, either brain death or coma.

I can still hold on now, thanks to my powerful thoughts.

The first thing Su Chen did when he got off Mundo was to take out the ghost painting of the backpack.

The ghost painting contains a female ghost in white.

The ghost in white's teleportation ability saved Su Chen several times.

Now, Su Chen released the ghost in white.

Because at this moment, a terrifying idea came to him.

That is to use ghost paintings to imprison the most terrifying ghost in Building 1.

This ghost most likely came out of the twisted world. Even Yang Jian was able to fight before his death, which is terrifying.

If it can be successfully detained, the benefits will be endless.

I have to say, this is an extremely crazy idea.

But when the idea came up, it took root, blossomed, and maddened.

"Although the risk is great, it is not entirely impossible."

Su Chen looked at the ghost painting in his hand.

Ghost paintings are Grade A props, and if they are strong enough, they can even imprison real murderers.

I am not strong enough, but I have several red clothes around me, and the support of the entire Xin'an community.

And the most terrifying ghost in Building 1, in the face of this situation, will definitely get hurt.

This is the perfect time, and it may never happen again in the future.

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, Su Chen's eyes became fierce.

"Seeking wealth in danger and fighting for it."

As soon as he grabbed the three-pointed two-edged gun, he rushed towards Building 1.

Hong Ling, Yin Zi, and Mundo followed Su Chen closely.

He stomped his feet vigorously.

"Brother, you are my father, you are my uncle."

"Can you please stop playing."

The go-getter is really about to crack.

Su Chen is really running away from danger.

I've seen a lifeless one, and I've never seen such a lifeless one.

They all know that life is precious, so why don't people understand it?

But adhering to the principle that the uncle is the one who owes money, the go-getter also rushed to Building 1.

The closer you get to Building 1, the more resentment and weirdness emanating from the cracks.

The black mist is mixed with white mist and ashes, surging from the cracks like a fountain.

There were a lot of cracks in Building 1, which was shrouded in darkness.

Like a chick about to break out of its shell.

The abandoned buildings on Earth were surrounded by the army at this time, and all of them were blocked for several kilometers.

What Su Chen said in the live broadcast room was suppressed by the state as soon as it spread on the Internet.

On Earth, there are indeed some very strange things that cannot be understood by science.

But most of these things have been concealed by the state and have not been leaked out.

The fear is to cause great panic.

Su Chen's remarks in the live broadcast room attracted the attention of the country.

"Sir, the whereabouts of anchor Zhou Qingyang were not found on the first floor."

"Sir, the whereabouts of anchor Zhou Qingyang were not found on the second floor."


After investigation, Zhou Qingyang did disappear into the abandoned building.

The location of the mobile phone has always been here, but the person of Zhou Qingyang can't be found.

This is very weird.

"Smash the building."

"Approved from above, they will do anything to find the man in Zhou Qingyang's live broadcast room."

This is already a red-headed document, and the state attaches great importance to it.

Obviously, they also have some certified supernatural events in their hands.

In these paranormal events, some people are not missing.

Rather, he died for some reason that cannot be understood scientifically.

For example, it is integrated with the mixed cement in the wall.

But before they could demolish the building, the abandoned building shook violently.

The building began to shatter, and a large amount of gravel began to fall.

Intensive cracks appeared on the ground, and then began to spread.

Some people even saw some unusual things from certain angles.

It was a terrifying and eerie corpse.

These corpses appeared in various corners of the building, and the monstrous black hair ravaged everything.

Strange eyeballs appear on the wall out of thin air, making the scalp tingle.

"Eyeball? Is it the base of the reincarnation cult?"

There is a direct connection between the cult of reincarnation and supernatural events.

They would draw spooky patterns in certain places, and then perform some kind of ritual to summon unknown horrors.

The purpose is unknown, but every time it will cause great casualties.

"Get out, get out."

The army has suffered casualties now.

The state of death is very strange.

They can only retreat temporarily.

If it is really something called by the reincarnation cult.

That terrifying thing will disappear only if it causes enough casualties.

All means of attack are ineffective.

According to the words of special experts, this kind of existence that should not exist is completely unstoppable by the current technology of mankind.

Su Chen still didn't know that the fight that broke out in the reincarnation building had already affected the earth.

He was very close to Building 1 at this time.

Building 1 began to tilt and was about to collapse.

Figures in the building flickered, black hair surging in the cracks, and terrifying eyeballs appeared on the walls.

The monstrous resentment and anger reached their peak the moment Su Chen approached Building 1.

The most terrifying ghost in the Reincarnation Building, the most hated is Su Chen.

The situation at this time was caused by Su Chen.

His surprise was too big, big and thrilling.

His accident was too strong, and he was caught off guard.

"Damn human, I'm going to kill you."

"Kill you."

A hysterical roar broke out in Building 1, and a large area of ​​the wall began to fall off.

A lot of eyeballs drilled out.

In addition to the eyeballs, there is a lot of black hair.

Ninety-nine percent of the eyeballs were rolled up by these black hairs and pulled back into the wall.

But there are also a very small part of the eyeballs that escaped the black hair and completely appeared in the Xin'an community.

These eyeballs fell on the ground, burst open one after another, and turned into blood flowers.

Blood-red terrifying tentacles gushed out of the blood flower.

"Red bell stay to protect me."

"Mundo, silver, go-getters, everything that was squeezed out of it, kill them all."

Su Chen's eyes radiated a strange red light.

In the red light there is astonishing madness.

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