Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

098: Twisted Duskwood Academy (11)

This time the horror, even the duck eggs have suffered.

They also began to twist.

"It's a good deal."

Under the twist, the body ~ is stretched infinitely.

If you want to rely on the blood therapy to restore yourself, it is not so easy.

Most importantly, Su Chen is - a living person.

This kind of distortion, let alone a living person, even a ghost can't bear it.

Looking sideways, Su Chen found that his right arm was intact.

"Is it because of the three-pointed, two-edged spear in the right hand?"

Su Chen thinks so.

No matter how weird the weird and mysterious person is, it is impossible for the three-pointed two-edged gun to be twisted.

If it dared, Su Chen could rely on the twisted three-pointed two-edged spear to directly cut off the entire Mulin Academy.

"Duck eggs, you stand in front of me."

"Hong Ling, you stand behind me with your back to me."

Since the three-pointed two-edged gun is not twisted, Su Chen has a way to crack it.

Duck Egg and Red Bell sandwiched themselves.

He held a three-pointed, two-edged spear aloft and stabbed it fiercely.

The tip of the gun penetrated Duck Egg's chest, penetrated his own chest, and penetrated Hong Ling's chest.

A gun, connecting one person and two ghosts together.

It's like people and ghosts are stringing incense.

After the three-pointed, two-edged spear penetrated their bodies, their bodies recovered, preventing the twisted situation.

Now there is no need for duck eggs to lead the way, because duck eggs have also become the target of strange and mysterious people.

Su Chen is nearly 1.9 meters tall, while Duck Egg and Hong Ling are only about 1.6 meters tall.

When Su Chen stood up, they were like pendants, their feet were off the ground, and they were directly lifted by Su Chen.

"Duck eggs, pay attention to the front."

"Hong Ling, pay attention to the rear."

That's why Su Chen made Hong Ling stand behind with her back to herself.

In this way, he is equivalent to having six pairs of eyes, and his line of sight is definitely not as simple as 360 degrees.

The ghost who twisted the world can still see Su Chen.

It should be said that no matter where they are, they can see Su Chen.

The extremely twisted body is like a line, hovering in every corner of the twisted space.

While they were fighting, they also attacked Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't care about their attacks, everything was resisted by the red bells and duck eggs.

"Big brother?"

Mundo looked at Su Chen in front of him.

To be precise, it was Su Chen, Hong Ling, Duck Dan and the others, all of whom Mundo could see.

It can also be clearly seen that they were pierced by the three-pointed two-edged gun.

Mundo can see from any direction.

It's a bit confusing, I really can't figure out why.

Su Chen clearly left, why did he appear suddenly, and in such a strange way.

Su Chen also saw Mundo.

Mundo is also twisted beyond description.

"It seems that all the ghosts in Mulin Academy can see me at this moment."

"This space is distorted, presenting me in front of all the ghosts."

This is not good news.

So Su Chen gave Mundo a wink.

Mundo, who has been with Su Chen for so long, can't understand all of Su Chen's meaning, but he can guess five or six points.

It did not recognize Su Chen, but fought in a more frantic state.

This state is more like a ghost than a ghost.

In the fight, Mundo has been infinitely close to the top red shirt, and he may advance at any time.

Now it, even if it encounters a real top red clothes, it can fight for a while.

Mundo is Su Chen's dark chess.

The weird and mysterious person was sleeping before, and it should not be clear about the relationship between Mundo and Su Chen.

In the frantic fight of Mundo, the pressure on Hong Bell and Duck Egg can also be much less.

You know, they are fighting with the ghosts of the whole school at this time.

The ghosts still alive at this time have already appeared in several top red clothes.

The pressure is not too big.

Not to mention that there are weird and mysterious people in the dark who are staring at them.

"Feng Ji, open your eyes."

Su Chen held Feng Ji's head, and once the twisted Specter broke through the defense line of Hong Ling and Duck Egg.

He would immediately pat Feng Ji on the head.

Feng Ji opened her eyes, and the black light activated, repelling or petrifying the Specter in front of her.

"Su Chen, you passed."

"Don't pat me on the head."

Feng Ji was a little unhappy, I should say very unhappy.

Since the fierce confrontation with the No. 21 bus, the body drawn by his makeup box has been abolished.


After that, it became a ghost prop in the hands of Su Chen.

She is a ghost, but ghosts also want face.

It was really unpleasant to be used by Su Chen like this.

"Be patient, I'll help you find your real body when you look back." Su Chen hurriedly reassured Feng Ji.

I have to say that Feng Ji's head is really useful.

So he thought of Medusa.

No wonder everyone wanted to kill Medusa and get Medusa's head.

It turns out that the correct way to use Medusa's head is like this.

"Could Feng Ji and Medusa be relatives?"

In addition to Nuwa, who has a human head and a snake body, there is also Medusa.

But Feng Ji's hair is not a snake, and Su Chen doesn't know what species Feng Ji was in her lifetime.


Not to mention Feng Ji, the strange and mysterious person has not yet appeared.

It's still waiting.

The third attack should be more terrifying.

"The twisted Mulin Academy reminds me of Guanjiangkou in twisted space."

To say the difference.

Guanjiangkou is like a broken mirror.

Su Chen believes that there should have been a terrifying battle that shattered the world.

And the current Mulin Academy is completely the ghost ability of strange and mysterious people.

"It's probably also a ghost that ran out of the bronze stone gate."

The fight is still going on, Duck Egg and Hong Ling are already a little bit powerless.

Now the ghosts who survived in Mulin Academy, the weakest are ordinary red clothes.

If you kill like this, the Gu King will appear sooner or later.

That is definitely beyond the existence of the top red clothes, at least half fierce.

But the strange and mysterious man has not yet appeared, and there is no trace of it in every corner.

The more this happened, the more uneasy Su Chen felt in his heart.

The fear of the unknown is often more frightening than the fear of the visible.

"It doesn't want to rely on the ghost king who survived at the end of the Twilight Academy, kill me."

"This is too untechnical."

In such a desperate situation, Su Chen also complained about weird and mysterious people.

This caused the eyes of Hong Ling and Duck Egg to be slightly strange.

But I have to say, a fluttering rant made Hong Ling and Duck Dan much less stressed. one.

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