Thriller Game: Guest, You Are Really Perverted

Chapter 237 Mad Ghost Real Estate Company Officially Opens!

It made Su Ming's body surface light up with dense blood.

Strengthened by this ability, his speed is as fast as a cannonball out of the chamber.

His strength, under the strengthening of these abilities, surpassed ordinary people and was extremely powerful.

A punch is thrown, and the wind blows.

The burning immortal force formed a fiery spiral air cannon.

Blow one paper man after another into a sieve full of big holes.


A punch pierced a paper man's head.

This paper man, who had been punched several times, finally could not withstand the power of Su Ming's fist immortal grip.

The detonation on the spot turned into a burning torch.

His burning was like a fuse.

Directly ignited another paper man next to him.

The flame expands.

Keep running.

The lit paper man turns into a burning torch, bringing a rare brilliance to this dark village.

But the flames will burn out.

The last paper man convulsed and fell.

All the paper people in the village were reduced to scattered ashes.

[You killed all the paper people used for the festival and returned the Mad Ghost Real Estate Company to its normal appearance. Text: Mad Ghost Real Estate 10 Company, officially opened! 】

The icy voice sounded in his mind, and the invisible Sen Leng ran through his body like electricity.

In He surprised.

All the houses in the village quickly decayed and collapsed.

turned into ruins.

The ruins are dilapidated and stand majestically.

Shadows in the dark.

It looks like a huge... The graves stand one by one.

"Is this what the village looked like?"

Stand in the middle of the "grave bag".

Su Ming frowned.

He could feel that the resentment in the air not only did not weaken because of the disappearance of the paper man, but became stronger.

Like the disappearance of paper people awakens some more terrifying existence.

[The hungry ghost attacks you from behind, and you lose your right hand. 】

The sudden prompt to get up surprised Su Ming.

He quickly jumped away and let go of where he had just been.

[The hungry ghost attacked you from behind, and you lost your left arm. 】

The hint did not disappear because of his dodge, but because of the change in position, the hungry fool who attacked him changed the attack position.

"Invisible enemy? Or is there something wrong with my vision for the future?"

Su Ming once again noticed that the cue of future vision had changed again, this time losing his left foot.

Realizing this, he frowned heavily, summoned a shadow avatar, and stuck it behind him.

[The dead ghost attacks your shadow, and your shadow is angry. The power of your quotes is to temporarily reveal the dead ghost to your form. 】

While attaching a shadow double on his back, Su Ming's vision of the future finally jumped out of a different hint.

Next second.

He felt pain in his arm and had deep tooth marks.

At the same time, the arm of the shadow behind him was directly bitten off a lot-.

The arm that disappeared from this large section did not turn black as usual and returned to the shadows - the body double.

It is like disappearing into the void, disappearing without a trace.

"An attack that can devour the body of a ghost? This hungry ghost is terrible. "

Injury feedback left him with an arm injury.

But he wasn't too alarmed.

Because of the double injury, he directly released the quotation.

Let the hungry ghost show his true form.

The slender body is in the shape of an adult, extremely thin, but the belly is bulging like a ball.

Indigo skin, extremely long limbs, thick hands and feet, sharp nails.

On his face, there are no other facial features, only a large mouth that occupies half of his face.

At this time, this big mouth was chewing non-stop, and the black liquid of the sun was constantly flowing out of the mouth.

He bit the arm of the stand-in.

"Got you!"

When the invisible enemy is formed, the invisible enemy is at least terrifying a little.

The hungry ghosts who are intervened by quotes and appear from the dark world in reality are such examples.


With the encouragement of the heart, red light overflows from the blood vessels, which causes countless complex lines to appear in Su Ming's body.

The power of stirring the blood of the stirring quotes made Su Ming's physical strength soar to the limit of what he could bear.

A small hole exploded in the ground beneath your feet.

Ring-shaped air waves line up around it.

At this time, Su Ming seems to open eight doors to hide his armor.

The whole person is releasing infinite wildness.

"Go and die!"

The right fist was clenched, the power of moving mountains erupted, and the power of immortal grip mixed and exploded.

A golden flame ignites on the skin.

Small energy crystals are constantly scattered in the flames.

Although this punch uses the power of moving mountains, the power of immortality.

But this punch is not a punch of justice.

He converged Sancheng's strength and threw out this punch, although with the help of the power of the ghost, let Rosen stunned.

But this power is not as strong as the whole body.

There is no complete consumption of consumption.


The raging heat wave makes the hungry ghosts feel mortal threatened.

He stopped chewing, opened his large mouth with three layers of fangs, and bit into Su Ming's fist.

The air is twisting.

The space in front of the hungry ghost's mouth has undergone a little indentation.

It felt like the space in front of the hungry ghost's mouth was bitten by his big mouth.

It's snowing!

Before her mouth closed, a tooth mark appeared on the back of Su Ming's hand.

The tingling pain along with dark anger came from his hand at the same time, causing Su Ming's arm to begin to paralyze.

"This guy is more cunning than expected. It seems that he can't keep his hand. ”

So Su Ming feels that let go of the shackles of power.

The immortal grip of the right hand and the power to move mountains fused together and burst out at the same time!


The green wave suddenly solidifies into crystals of the same color.

Directly broke through the twisted space in front of the dead ghost's mouth, and punched him in the mouth.

Broken teeth flew everywhere, black blood splattered.

Su Ming's fist burst his mouth, and he 937 didn't even have time to react.

I was overwhelmed by the surging power of immortality.


The arrogance of the gold burst out from the inside, directly exploding the head of the dead ghost.

The raging golden-green waves broke through the head of the hungry ghost, and a long tunnel of flames broke out behind his head.

The flames spread.

In an instant, the hungry ghost's whole body was ignited into a huge torch.

In the rising flames, the shattering force like crystals keeps rising, killing the existence of dead ghosts.

"Whew! Call! Phew!"

Taking his arm out of the dead ghost's mouth, he gasped.

The power of the Upanishads is very powerful.

It will continue to improve as his strength increases.

At the same time, the consumption of Upanishads is also large.

Even though he had awakened the power of his heart, he still felt a little lost.

He put his hands on his knees and water dripped from his forehead.

Looking at the hungry fool who was burned into fire, a smile appeared on his face.

"Finally dead."


As soon as the words fell, the fire of the dead ghost exploded into a flying spark.

A tooth-like phantom burst out of the air and rushed into Su Ming's body at a speed that even he couldn't react.

Next second.

Endless hunger poured out of Su Ming's body.

Directly overwhelmed his consciousness.

"Hungry... Hungry: ... I'm so hungry..."

Opening his mouth slightly, transparent saliva gushed out, and two green lights lit up from Su Ming's eyes.

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