Thriller Game: Guest, You Are Really Perverted

Chapter 244 Negative Emotions, Substantial Fluctuations!

The rest of the big men listened to him and showed a smile that all men understood.

"Then, smear corpse oil on the knife and get ready to go!"

A man named Brother Long took out a small bottle from his pocket, pulled out the cork, carefully poured a few drops of a strong foul-smelling liquid on the machete, and carefully applied it evenly.

Several other big men followed suit, pulling the same vial out of their pockets and enchanting their weapons with resin oil.


Look, the big guys had already coated their weapons with resin oil, and Dragon Brother waved his hand.

"Then let's go!"

Several big men carrying various murder weapons, cheerfully, fearlessly entered the gate of the Moon Bay community.

At this moment, the picture of them picking up a sword with both hands and killing a ghost had already appeared in their minds.

They have begun to fantasize about how to enjoy a refreshed life after getting the ghost puzzle.

These fantasies make their mood more pleasant.

The pace is brisker.

Until I entered the gate of the Moon Bay community.

They suddenly noticed that something seemed to be wrong.

"What about the moon?"

Step through the gates of Moon Bay.

As if the world 440 became something else.

A giant blood-colored full moon hangs in the sky, releasing lotus flowers full of malice.

Bathing in a pool of blood.

The men who walked into the Moon Bay community were all languishing.

"It's so beautiful................"

Several strong men looked at the blood moon in unison.

Their eyes gradually overflowed with strange colors.

Special emotions breed deep under the eyes.

Greed, violence, Zhou Ying.

Negative emotions seem to add fuel to the fire, but on the contrary, human nature continues to drain with the surge of negative emotions.

At this moment, they are already inhuman.

Guerra. Guerra.

The sound of misaligned joints sounded, and the bodies of several people began to change with the loss of humanity.

Bones are lengthening, skin is tearing, hair is growing wildly, organs are growing.

In the disgusting sound, several people gradually lost their bodies.

"Ahhhh I'm going to eat people!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Tear it! Chop! Cut!"

"Woman! Hee-hee! I want a woman! A woman's body! It's so pretty!"

"I am the strongest! Why didn't I become the leader of the shelter! Why do those garbage people enjoy special treatment! I'm not convinced! I'm not convinced!"

Sou! Roar!

Several "people" who have lost their human form twist and grow in shape.

Blood-colored moonlight has the effect of depriving humanity and amplifying negative emotions.

With the loss of humanity, man becomes a ghost.

Another kind of ghost.


Originally intended for combat, resin oil-coated weapons burn the palms of the hand like a soldering iron.

The intense pain made them scream and throw away their weapons.

As the weapons were sold, several "people" made the final changes.

"I smell human.

The leading Dragon Brother was the first to regain consciousness. He looked at the photo of the burn healing quickly on his palm, and an excited smile appeared on his hideous face.

It incarnates a ghost, bigger than its younger brother.

He is more than 2.5 meters tall, and his arms are leaning on the ground like stone pillars. On its black-haired body, blade-like bone spurs multiplied one by one. Its large distorted face had three more eyes, growing irregularly on his cheeks, forehead, and chin, spinning around.

"Follow me to hunt this human."

With a large mouth full of sharp teeth, Brother Long stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips.

Ghost's special sense of smell allowed him to smell the sweetness of human flesh hidden in this community.

The surging power in his body made him intoxicated.

At this moment, he realized that human beings are so weak.

"Just kidding! Why should I listen to you? I'm going to the shelter to catch the woman. The women there must be delicious!!

As soon as its voice fell, another ghost with a long "tail" and a wild boar-like ghost raised a back.

This guy is the embodiment of desire.

For it, women are the best prey.

It's snowing!

The huge palm covered with black hair burst out of the air, grabbed the pig's head and ghost's head, and cut off its head abruptly.

Brother Long smoothly stuffed the pig's head with a backbone into his mouth and chewed it.

Black blood and brain pulp flowed from the corners of his mouth, and Dragon Brother turned his fierce gaze to the few remaining ghosts.

"Who else has an opinion?"

...................Listen to Brother Long. ”

Although they have turned into ghosts, they were once human too, and their brains are more awake than normal ghosts.

When they saw the end of the pig's head and the ghost, their faces turned crazy and they nodded one after another.

Only Brother Dinosaur was not happy, so he lowered his head and chewed it as a snack.

"So, let's go."

Seeing his younger brother so sensible, Brother Long smiled gratifyingly.

Showing fangs full of black blood and flesh.

A blood-colored glow shrouded Moon Bay.

Unknown ripples rippled in the air.

Stand in front of the door.

Su Ming's expression was tangled.

The reason is simple.

Because he found that every door in Moon Bay was very wrong.

These doors ripple with strange fluctuations.

The back doors are all connected to hell.

Various... To hell with it.

Anger, greed, lust, despair.

Negative emotions form substantial fluctuations that flow down the skin into the contact person as soon as they touch the door.

"Can every door lead to that world, or are all these doors traps?"

His hand was pressed against the door, feeling the desperation coming from the other side of the door, and Su Ming's eyes flashed.

You enter the door, the bloody smoke hangs over you, and you are lost.

The hint of the future, without beginning or end, clearly expresses a meaning.

Entering this door, he will not end well.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this prompt, Su Ming's brow furrowed into a pimple.

This is the last door found in Moon Bay.

But this door gives a hint that is no different from other doors.

As long as you enter, you will get lost.

"So what should I do?"

Touching his chin, he looked sad.

He has to go through the door so he can complete the task, otherwise he thinks he can't carry it right now when the system prompts for real terror.

Thinking about it, he did not notice that behind him, several twisted huge figures were emerging.

They looked greedily at Su Ming, who was standing in front of the door, with drooling expressions.

"It's this... Mankind. "

Licking his lips, Dragon Palace's eyes all lit up with greed.

"This vibrant taste is really intoxicating."

Swallowed the pig's head and made it feel the deliciousness of flesh and blood.

At this time, he was addicted to the taste of flesh and blood.


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