Thriller Game: Guest, You Are Really Perverted

Chapter 253 Darkness And Desolation, Senluo's Hell


The pig's head and the pig's eye become two streams of air that merge into his muscles and eyes.

The air flow of the pig's head makes Su Ming's muscles stronger and more powerful.

The air flow in the pig's eyes made his eyes clearer and his insight more detailed.

The negative information contained in these two cursed props becomes a dark energy that is absorbed by the mind.

Your heart absorbs delicious negative power, feels good, bitter melon, and your heart harvests another puzzle of strength. Your heart indicates that you want to absorb more of this flavorful thing.

Looking at his cold hint, he was speechless.

He felt that he, the most important organ awakened at the moment, was more evil and arrogant than the others.

"Maybe the next time you upgrade, your heart will be able to awaken some incredible attributes."

Shaking his head, Su Ming exhaled a turbid breath with gray mist, and while eating, he walked towards the Cold Winter Statue.

Now he's all set.

He must complete his advanced trials before the overload connection state ends.


The door hidden under the statue of Poseidon was opened.

He went to the basement again.

Although it is a safe time during the day, the air in the basement is cold.

The law of feeling safe time cannot be propagated here.

For this kind of heart-wrenching Han Sen, Su Ming directly ignored it.

In the state of overload, his whole body exudes surging heat radiation, like a protective shield, isolating all bad auras that are not favorable to him.


The player is detected near a key hidden element: the door, fully compliant with advanced requirements. Do you want to perform advanced tasks?

This time Su Ming did not choose to refuse, but chose to accept.

Open the door with the key.

The phone vibrates and a new prompt pops up.

Looking at this tip, Su Ming took out the blood-stained key from her backpack,


Inserting the key into the keyhole of the door, he twisted it gently.

Do not twist.

Speechlessly looking at the keyhole covered in blood-colored rust, he directly twisted it hard.


The bloody key was directly broken by his extraordinary power.

The broken key turned into bloody ashes and flowed into the keyhole.

The completely rusty lock, as if twisted by an invisible key, slowly opens.

The closed door cracked slightly.

The sound that is made when it attracts attention

A faint mist of blood overflowed through the crack in the door as the gap opened.

Every desperate whisper echoed through the room.

Cursing, insulting, crying, screaming.

At this moment, the room seemed to become a hell of Senro.

Just the effect of a little breath in the doorway.

"Then let's get started'.

Su Ming turned a blind eye to the profound possibilities coming through the doorway.

It should be said that he is fearless.

On the other side of the door was where he was going sooner or later.

Whether it's pushing boundaries, exploring the truth, or finding enemies.

He had to go to the other side of the door.

The dark world.

Only by going there can he know where the ghost came.

Why is the world the way it is.

And...... How to break through the White Grudge to enter the bloodline level and complete?


With a shrill rubbing sound, the door was opened.

A black-red mist appeared at the door.

Compared to the fog in the fairy prince, the fog at the other end of the door is darker, larger, and deeper.



Taking a deep breath and pausing, Su Ming stepped into the black mist.

Thick, wet and cold.

It's different from any previous scene.

I don't even feel this way when I walk in the hospital.

This moment.

Su Ming felt like he had gone to hell.

Heavy malice formed invisible shackles on his neck and limbs.

A special burden weighed on Su Ming.

This burden does not work physically, nor does it produce repression mentally.

Su Ming's only feeling is that his humanity is repressed.

The beauty in the heart is blocked, and only filth and filth, anger and cruelty remain.

"This is... A ghost!"

Su Ming's expression was hideous, and there was a cold light in her eyes.

He knew that no organ could help him now.

The only thing that can stand by is his own will, the last line of defense as a person.

The mist rolls and a hideous or smirking face hovers around Su Ming.

Constantly whispering of depravity.

These voices do not come through the ears, but rise from the bottom of the heart.

It seems that everyone has some negative emotions in their hearts to a greater or lesser extent.

And these sounds are the bad feelings that people don't like to be exposed to. Let them encourage, let them swell, let them burn!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Whoever gets in the way will kill whoever gets in the way!"

"Grab! Catch! Catch! Grab all the good stuff!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Catch all the beauties and open a harem!"

He held his head in his hands and kept muttering to himself. At this time, his eyes were confused, and his voice became louder and louder when he spit it out.

Unconsciously, he has used the power of absolute communication to release his strong negative emotions.

Invisible sound waves, mixed with emotional fluctuations, vibrate and keep moving.

Under the shock of this sound wave, the blood mist that was still circling seemed to be bewitched by some kind of chaos, endlessly hovering around He.

The sound continues.

Constantly vibrating in the blood mist.

The hesitant blood mist seemed to have made some kind of decision at this time, and it suddenly condensed into a long stream.

Enter his body.


A heavy heartbeat sounded.

Su Ming's body was illuminated by blood lines.

Ghosts act on themselves like whales sucking water.

Directly absorbs all blood mist containing negative energy fluctuations.

"." I think... Huh?"

Still muttering, he suddenly felt that his mind was clear, because his brain directly returned to normal.

He looked around, and the blood mist was rapidly pouring into his body.

My face is full of stupidity.

"What's the situation?"

The influx of blood makes Su Ming feel that the shackles on his body are gradually loosening, and the repression of human nature (Li's) is nothing.

At the same time, he felt that some kind of "impurity" was mixed in his blood.

And this "impurity" not only did not weaken his blood, but strengthened it to some extent.

Your voice seduces the fog of whispers, and they treat you as your own kind.

Your blood absorbs the bloody power of the Mist of Whisper, and your Quote Blood gains a special effect: the Blood Mist.

Your heart absorbs the demagogic power of the murmur, and your heart is stronger.

"Uh... Who the hell is the bad guy?"

Looking at this string of prompts, he was speechless.

He felt that his painting style was getting more and more out of line.

Even this kind of blood mist, which you know at a glance is not a good thing, can absorb it all.

The last trace of blood mist is inhaled into the body.

Su Ming's vision has finally recovered. He found himself in the basement at this time, coming to a hillside.

The mountain is a hill.

Dark and desolate, only a few twisted jungles stand.

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