Thriller Game: Guest, You Are Really Perverted

Chapter 256: Shackles Of The Soul Hand

"You enter the House of the Dead, and you start fighting the ghosts hiding inside. You win, you get some resources.

"You enter the trading house, you choose to trade, you win the ghost puzzle, you lose 50 pieces of grudge."

The eyes swept from room to room, and the prompts kept popping up.

Su Ming kept walking, constantly examining these buildings of different shapes.

He discovered that each building in this desperate town had its own special function.

There are those who take office, there are hidden traps, there are monsters, and there are mall-like ones.

Of these buildings, only two things are most useful.

It is the crystallization of resentment.

The houses that can be used for trading are basically traded with resentment crystals as currency.

The second is strength.

Whether it is a trap house or a job house, strength is a universal pass. "Eight Six Zero" took more than an hour.

Su Ming changed the whole town.

He basically knows all the buildings.

Of these buildings, three met his inaugural requirements.

There are also two buildings to trade.

The last seven buildings contain ghosts that he can fight, and resources can be obtained after raids.

Now he needs to make a choice.

Do you go to the trap house first to find resources, or do you go to the job house first?

"The mission time is seven days, but I don't know how many more days it will take to take office. To be cautious, let's take office first. ”

Because the depth of the future vision is only 20 minutes, even after increasing the overload linkage, his future vision can only see 200 minutes, that is, the future in more than three hours

However, no matter what profession he was in, he could not complete the task in these few hours.

So in his vision of the future.

What he saw were only some hints of the task in progress.

"Then the next step is to make a career choice."

A trained apostle in the House of Punishment.

The nameless hunter in the hunter's house.

Duel Asura of the House of Battle.

Here are three highly adaptable career options he found in his house in this town.

All he needs to do is choose one of these three careers as a template for his future career.

"It's so hard."

Looking at these three highly adaptable professions, Su Ming felt that his choice phobia had been committed again.

All three professions feel strong from the name.

But because there is no detailed information, he does not know what the characteristics of this profession are.

"I hate blind elections."

He clasped his hands to his chest and fell into a tangle.

"Madeleine! Resign yourself to fate!"

Su Ming took out the butcher knife on a rainy night, leaned it against the ground, and then circled the knife.

"Choose the Punishing Apostle on the left, the Nameless Hunter in the middle, and the Duel Asura on the right. That's it!"

Let go, the butcher knife extinguished on a rainy night and fell to the right.

"Alright! Just you!"

Su Ming picks up a butcher knife on a rainy night and comes to the fighting arena.

The Battle House is a very ordinary house, with brick walls, black tiles, wooden windows, and a circle of neon lights hanging from the doorway.

Looks normal. It doesn't fight at all.

However, when Su Ming grabbed the handle of this door, a strong, unparalleled desire to fight ran down his palm and poured into his heart.

This is the moment.

It was as if he stood in the arena of ancient Rome and became a gladiator.

His brilliant and tragic life is about to begin.

"Whew! Interesting!"

The strong fighting spirit gradually faded, and a smile appeared on Su Ming's face.

Now he is interested in this professional task.

"So, let me see how this inaugural mission goes!"


Open the door of the fighting compartment.

Su Ming stepped in.


When he entered, the door slammed shut.

The shape of the combat house gradually changed.

The hut is like an awakened beast, expanding and beginning to devour the houses next to it.

Although some huts seemed reluctant to be devoured just like that, they trembled and resisted.

But these houses seemed to be missing some key components, could not do this at all, and were all swallowed.

The ever-expanding battle houses, because of the presence of these houses as feedstock, are expanding faster.

Maybe I feel something is wrong.

Some of the town's inaugural huts gradually turned into phantoms and disappeared.

However, two cottages don't seem to feel the aggressiveness of a martial artist. They honestly stayed where they were, devoured by this swollen hut.

If Su Ming were outside at this time, he would definitely find that these two devoured huts were hunters' houses and houses of punishment that he had no choice for: ..........

Unfortunately, he did not know this when he entered the fighting room.

It took about ten minutes.

The House of War eventually devoured all the houses in Despair Town.

By this time, the town of Despair had been transformed into a huge amphitheater.

The entire arena is a mixed structure of stone and iron, and various neon signs hang from the outer edge, forming a vivid and brutal picture of the battle.

Passionate music was released from the sound around the arena and resounded in the sky.

On the gate of the arena, a huge plaque hangs.

The plaque is surrounded by a shiny light bulb with a punch, in which several large characters reside.

Arena of Death

The inaugural mission has officially begun!

Hold on to the end!

Mission description: In the Arena of Death, only the strongest can stand last. The next day, every four hours, you will have a death duel in which the winner lives

Death to the loser!

Mission reward: For each duel completed, you will receive 1 year of life, and you will have little grudges. Each time you complete a gladiatorial fight, your career amplitude increases once.

Mission Failure: A never-ending duel.

He was a bit of a trance and found himself in a stone room.

His clothes were not changed, but his cursed props were removed and hung on the walls of the stone chamber.

On the wall, there are several lines of writing written in blood.

Gladiator Guide:

1: Gladiators can choose a weapon, an armor and an ornament.

2: Gladiators have an hour of free time after the 3.6 battle.

3: The more battles the gladiator wins, the closer he is to death, because the gladiator's opponent will become stronger and stronger.

4: Gladiators cannot attack spectators.

5: The gladiators' wonderful performances can get more praise.

"Does this represent the rules of this scene?"

Su Ming looked at the stone room and found that the decoration of this stone room was very original and simple.

In the corner there was a wooden bed with pieces of cloth, pillows and blankets.

There are hooks on the wall to hang weapons and equipment.

There is a large light on the roof of the shed, which emits a bright light.

There is a metal door on one wall, which is very thick.

There is a number plate next to the door, the number on the top is 14, and there is a speaker under the number plate.

That's what this room is all about.

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