Thriller Game: Guest, You Are Really Perverted

Chapter 262 Indescribably Terrifying Energy

Quickly returned to Su Ming's side, activated the power to absorb souls, and absorbed two ghost hands.

With the absorption of the ghost hand, two characters appeared on the thumb of the right hand and the ring finger of the left hand.

"Very good!"

Seeing that there were only six ghost hands left, Su Ming's mentality had completely stabilized.

Now these six ghost hands have no power to fight him at all.

Individually, they are not opponents of the Hand of the Soul.

If you hit, you will only be suppressed by yourself.

What he has to do now is to suppress, absorb, and activate the core ability of the disciple, the hand of the disciple.

"You're still obedient!"

Without losing time, Su Ming took advantage of the hot iron and took the initiative to rush to the ghost hand that had already begun to give way instead of taking the initiative.

The souls also quickly closed towards the hands of these ghosts under his control.

But that's when the accident happens.

Just when Su Ming was about to grab the hand of the soul.

This soul hand suddenly turned into a virtual shadow and threw it into the center of the temple.

The other five ghost hands also completed the same operation at this time.


It's like a perfect fit.

These six ghost hands turned into phantoms, quickly fused together in Su Ming's ghostly eyes, and turned into terrifying 15 ghost hands that were larger than people.

This ghost hand was pitch black, the back of the hand bulged with purple blood tendons, and the nails glowing with black light were not sharper than the sword.

What is even more terrifying is the strange smell emitted from this ghost's hand.

Fierce, cold, desperate.

The fusion of the six ghost hands seemed to have acquired some unimaginable qualitative change, turning into another even more terrifying horror.

Choose to fight with the punishing hand that fell in front of you. You win, and at the same time, you get badly injured. There is an exit behind you. You can choose to leave now, or you can get the core power of the punishment apostle.

Depending on the future, the prompt that jumped out made his face change slightly.

He looked back at the exit that had quietly appeared, took a deep breath, and was.

"Hehe, how can the crippled power be strong?"

Licking his lips, he looked into his eyes with endless fierce hands, and his eyes shone sharply.

There is no doubt that the hand of punishment in front of you is very powerful.

In addition, the vision of the future gives clear warnings of danger.

But he was not ready to retreat.

Because he knows that in this world, if you want to live freely, you must continue to become stronger.

If there is fear, only the power stops.

"Let's go!"

With determination in mind, there is natural action.

Su Ming's body was bloodied and glittering.

A mist of the same color rippled around the corpse.

The hand of punishment in front of you is no small matter.

Ho, let's open our firepower!


With one step, the prisoner shell burst out.

On a rainy night, Su Ming pulled out her butcher knife with a bang.

Around his body, the soul hand that had expanded several times hovered and flew like a moon of a planet.

Meanwhile, at his feet, dark shadows were waiting and towering.


Facing Su Ming, an old and hoarse voice came from this huge palm.

Then the hand of punishment opened sharply in Su Ming's direction.

The fallen hand of punishment loosens the grip of the void, and you do not escape in time and are pinched into meat sauce.

Because the hint of the future startled Su Ming's heart, he activated the flash without thinking.


At the same time that his figure disappeared.

Just now, his combat power status suddenly collapsed.

A one-meter-deep pit appeared on the hard ground.

If you look closely, you will see that the space above the pit also produces twisted folds, as if deformed by some terrible force.


The shadow flickered, and he had already walked above the punishing hand.

He held the butcher knife of the rainy night in both hands, and the immortal grip and the power to move mountains burst out at the same time, pouring into the sword in his hand.


Mori is crushed to pieces!

The golden flame is compressed into crystal energy ripples.

The heat radiation of dawn to the sun and the bloody murderous aura of the rainy night butcher knife merged with each other to form an indescribably terrifying energy.

Attached to the blade of a straight knife.


Like a hot knife for cutting butter, the rainy night butcher knife infused with Rosen's destructive power easily pierced the hand of punishment.


The dull cry came from the hand of punishment.

A violent earthquake erupted, and Su Mingzhen flew straight out and fell headlong on the wall.


The immense force allowed him to knock a humanoid depression into the wall.

Dense cracks spread from humanoid depressions.


Pulling his body out of the pit with difficulty, he looked at the torture that opened his palm again towards his false grip, and quickly launched a flash again.


There is a large hole in the wall.

Su Ming appears behind the hand of punishment.


He opened his hands, and the hands of the two souls broke through a circle of air churning and approached the hand of punishment.

"Break your finger first!"

Crossing his hands up and down, he clenched his fists with both hands and pulled hard.

The soul hand close to the punishment hand also made the same action in synchronization.


The sound of dislocation of joints sounded, and the little finger of the punishment hand was directly twisted into a shocking reverse fold.

Last night, he stepped on the foot of all this, and once appeared in the hand of punishment.

He fishes with his hands.

Pulling out the rainy night butcher knife inserted in the punishment's hand, and then stretching out his arm, a scarlet light streaked through the base of the little finger cut off by the punishment hand.


Black liquid gushed from the severed finger of the trainer's hand.

The 690 broken finger that rolled in mid-air gradually twisted into a ghost hand that had been in a state of death.

Su Ming saw this ghost hand and his eyes popped out.

Under his control, the right soul hand is like a predatory falcon, devouring the ghost hand.

The dark font appears on the ring finger of this soul hand.


Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Su Ming looked at the tortured hand and bared his teeth.

The moment he was just thrown away, he broke several ribs and some internal organs were bleeding.

However, with the fountain of blood and the surging power of his heart, he did not lose his fluidity.

"Victory is at hand!"

After a few breaths, he took the butcher knife on a rainy night and charged again.

Now, the number of ghosts with punishment hands is the same as the number of ghost hands he swallowed.

However, the Hand of Punishment has the ability to aggregate the power of the Ghost Hand into another force.

The soul is not its opponent.

So, I want to solve this weird big hand.

Su Ming has to be on the field in person.

However, the power of the hand of punishment that lost a finger has faded a lot.

The empty grip that can grasp the space cannot be used.

So, it doesn't hurt Su Ming, who flashes with quotes.

In addition, there is a soul hand that absorbs the power of five ghost hands to assist.

The hand of punishment was quickly cut off one finger after another.

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