Then he spoke to the many working ghosts in front of him.

"The matter has also been resolved, these cunning and despicable ghosts have been driven away by me.

"You can continue to live here well."

"Remember, these urban areas also belong to my jurisdiction, if you have any complaints, you can completely tell me.

In this way, many ghosts also expressed their gratitude to Su Ming for his help.

And will swear to serve Su Ming.

Just like that, Su Ming nodded in relief.

Then it soared into the sky and returned to Dongcheng District.

It is worth mentioning that when so many ghosts began to praise Su Ming~.

A ghost also rolled its eyes, and quietly exited the place where these ghosts gather.

Then quietly followed Su Ming,- to Dongcheng District.

When Su Ming returned to Dongcheng District, he also went straight to the place where the meeting hall was.

At this time, the ghost of Xi Shi was also among them.

Then Su Ming also sat on the chair and rested.

The ghost Xi Shi was also puzzled, and asked Su Ming.

"Lord Su Ming, why did Tao come back so soon?"

"Is the matter so easy to solve?"

Su Ming also nodded after hearing Xi Shi Ghost's inquiry.

Then he spoke to Xi Shi ghost.

"Of course, since you have investigated the news clearly, I will definitely be able to solve it easily."

"It's ridiculous to say that when I went to question those boss ghosts, they didn't even admit it.

"It wasn't until I finally broke the matter that they started asking for it."

"But how can I forgive him again, so I drove them out of Xicheng District."

"Then he returned the goods he had robbed to those working ghosts."

After saying this, Su Ming also let out a long sigh.

Then, after deliberating his words, he spoke again to Xi Shi ghost.

"After this incident, I can also conclude that many places in our jurisdiction are still full of filth."

"That's why, next time, Xi Shi ghost, you must conduct a strict investigation."

"If there are ghosts with bad conduct, you will drive them all out of the area under our jurisdiction."

0 for flowers...

"Then if there is such a vile ghost who refuses to die, he will be killed quickly."

"You don't need to ask me any more."

After hearing Su Ming's words, Shih Tzu made a serious point.

Then he left the meeting hall, because of this matter.

At this time, Su Ming also nodded in relief after watching the Xi Shi ghost leave.

Then at this time, a ghost also found Su Ming.

Su Ming also asked in doubt.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you, please tell me in detail."

After hearing Su Ming's inquiry, the ghost hurriedly reported to Su Ming forcefully,

"Master Su Ming, there is also a ghost outside our Dongcheng District, who wants to see you.

"He said he is called Xiaoyaogui, and he wants to be your subordinate, do you want to meet him?"

"If you want to see him, I will take you there now.

"If you don't want to see him, I will drive him away now."

After Su Ming heard the words of this subordinate ghost, he also considered it for a moment. .

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